322 Topics

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Member Avatar for amithasija

i have been using instant rails to run my application with apache server ,now i want to install plugins but i m not getting the right way to do it ; i gave install plugin from console but every time error comes.so can any body tell me how to install …

Member Avatar for amithasija
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

My teacher suggested that I shouold learn ruby. I downloaded the software(but not the latest version). I dont know how to get it to work on my computer. I am running windows xp. If anyone can help me do this it would be great. I would also like to know …

Member Avatar for jeanlazarou
Member Avatar for amithasija

can anybody tell me how to get the values from querystring. thanx in advance to all..

Member Avatar for aoooddy
Member Avatar for VINEET KUMAR
Member Avatar for Gary King
Member Avatar for mattyd

Two good sources to learn from: [URL="http://www.rubycentral.com/"][B]Ruby Central[/B][/URL] [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_on_Rails"][B]ROR on Wikipedia[/B][/URL]

Member Avatar for Gary King
Member Avatar for tins

I am looking for a good tutorial oriented towards someone who knows how to program, but is new to ruby. I'd like ruby on rails to be covered. Please let me know if you have any recommendations. Thanks!

Member Avatar for Gary King
Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for Gazco
Member Avatar for Gazco

Hey, I'm learning Ruby and I've just about got it sorted. I have just one (or maybe more) question(s): What is marshal.dump and does it allow you to save data to a file outside of the Ruby program? If not, how do I create saved data (ie. character attributes inside …

Member Avatar for Gazco
Member Avatar for IndianGuru

Here are some Ruby, Rails Job sites that I have come across.[LIST=1] [*][URL="http://rubylearning.com/jobs/ruby_jobs.html"][B]Learning Ruby Job Board[/B][/URL] [*][B][URL="http://rubyrockstars.com/"]Ruby Rockstars[/URL][/B] [*][B][URL="http://jobs.rubynow.com/"]RubyNow[/URL][/B] [*][B][URL="http://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=ruby"]Indeed.com[/URL][/B] [*][B][URL="http://www.pragmaticstudio.com/jobs/"]Pragmatic Studio Job Network[/URL][/B] [*][B][URL="http://www.railsjob.com/"]Rails Job[/URL][/B] [*][B][URL="http://jobs.37signals.com/jobs;search?term=ruby"]37signals Job Board[/URL][/B] [*][B][URL="http://www.railspays.com/"]RailsPays[/URL] [/B][/LIST]If there are others, please post them here.

Member Avatar for cute_soha

Hello frens This is Soha. Recently i heard about a language named Ruby. Now u ppl might be quite familiar with it. But i am a newbie.... So can i get some information about Ruby and/or Rails. bu-byee

Member Avatar for IndianGuru
Member Avatar for amithasija

can we use collection_select with :selected option if yes ,plz let me know.if not than plz tell me how to use select instead of collection_select and where to write query in select if i dont want to find all records. thnx in advance.

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for RwCC

Hey all, I spotted Rugby mainly by looking at the "hello world" thread in Legacy. So I was wondering if it is actually worth learning? I am always looking for more ways to update my CV, but is Rugby wide-spread enough to warrent learning for any other reason than fun? …

Member Avatar for iam
Member Avatar for atulsweet82

hi how can count a text , image , button etc on a paticular page with watir. plzzz help me thanks & regards atul

Member Avatar for amithasija
Member Avatar for amithasija
Member Avatar for amithasija

can any body help me out in my situation ,i want to retrieve some results from database , when i choose a value from the selection box. thanx in advnce tc

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for amithasija

require 'action_mailer' ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => "address", :port => 25, :domain => "domain.com", :user_name => "myid@domain.com", :password => "password", :authentication => :login } ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true ActionMailer::Base.default_charset = "utf-8" i have used the above code to send a mail in /config/enviourment.rb and its …

Member Avatar for amithasija

can anybody tell me how to define multi demensional array in ruby on rails. thanx buddies for previous replies and for this in advance.

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for amithasija

hhey any body knows how to upload a file or image in database and retrieve it,i know i have to use file column and rmagcik but dont know how to apply them,can anybody tell me step by step implementation. thanx in advance,

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for TFrank2

Hey Everybody, I'm thinking about starting to learn Ruby and then RoR. Could anyone recommend me with any good books, sites, tutorials, etc. I'm pretty new with programming and coding, and I don't really know any other languages except a little HTML here and there. Thanks, Tom

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for pty

Just wondering if any rails experts could give me a hand with this problem. I have rails/fcgi/lighttpd set up, when I use script/server it loads up fine. However if I try to run lighttpd as a service /etc/init.d/lighttpd start using the config file in /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf it doesn't quite work. It …

Member Avatar for jnorris
Member Avatar for jlimty

Hi, I was wondering if there are any Ruby experts out there who can help me. I am currently writing a program and I wish to use multithreading. How do I go about doing this? I have 2 seperate threads (which do different things) created but how do I run …

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The End.