322 Topics

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Member Avatar for jember

What is the best IDE that I should use to make a program using Ruby Language? And where can I download it for free? I'm self studying. :)

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for benjaminFowl87

Hi I have my initialise constructor, why won't my function to_hash work ? [CODE]def initialize(msg) @original_msg = msg.strip.delete(' ') s = ["|","^"] @chunked_msg = @original_msg.split(s[0]) @msg_hash.self.to_hash end def to_hash @chunked_msg.each do |x| s = x.split("=") @msg_hash[s[0]] = s[1] end return @msg_hash end[/CODE]

Member Avatar for benjaminFowl87
Member Avatar for kishang09
Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for jhonnatas

hi guys i need some help,i have installed ruby 1.91+rails 3.0+radrails 0.7.2 bu twhen im using the radrails it cant start the server it keeps like: "starting the server" and it never works! rails path: C:\Ruby192\bin\rails rake path: C:\Ruby192\bin\rake it says it cant load script/server thanks

Member Avatar for 3magic
Member Avatar for gisek

Hi, I encountered a problem with threads in ruby. I created such a script: [CODE] require 'thread' def func $i = 0 while true $i += 1 $file.write("bbbb\n") Thread.pass end end def func2 $j = 0 while true $j += 3 $file.write("aaaa\n") Thread.pass end end def funcTerm while true a …

Member Avatar for nullSpace

Im trying to add new records to my joins table. but when ever i click my link to do so i get this error [QUOTE]uninitialized constant Channel::UsersChannel[/QUOTE] here is the code [CODE] <%= link_to "Subscribe to Channel", subscribe_path(channel, current_user) %>[/CODE] [CODE] def subscribe @channel = Channel.find(params[:channel_id]) @user = current_user @channel.users …

Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hello, I use Ruby with Sinatra in my application and I need to store a big data (exceeding 4K) in my session or somewhere secude on the server because I do some API calls and I refer to that data very often and that's why I need it stored. The …

Member Avatar for Clawsy
Member Avatar for dammmm

Hello, I am looking for some fullscript/CMS ready-made which would help me to see how to articulate and merge ruby/html/MySql. I allready worked on these different languages but have difficulties into merging all of them togheter to create a website. I thank you in advance, Damiano from Nicaragua! :)

Member Avatar for overlook

Greetings, I am trying to allign horizontal between this two submit button, but I do not understand how to do it, this codes below will show two button (submit1) and (submit2), but located vertically. I need to allign it as horizontal so submit2 button is located horizontally next to submit1 …

Member Avatar for asimzeeshan

I am running CPanel and recently discovered that I can install RubyonRails there too ([url]http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/AllDocumentation/RubyonRails/WebHome[/url]) I have the new icon RUBY ON RAILS in my CPanel (after installation following the instruction from the link above). Now when I create a test application, it runs OK but when I click on …

Member Avatar for gacela
Member Avatar for laddu2098

[COLOR="Green"]hello every one hi i am new to daniweb i think i will find a solution in daniweb. hi i wanted to change my php melody1.6.4 url structure my url structure is like this [url]http://example.com/frozen/frozen-2010-movie-video_1c4063b5a.html[/url] i wanted to change it to like this [url]http://example.com/frozen/frozen2010movie/1c4063b5a[/url] i have spent my valuable time …

Member Avatar for laddu2098
Member Avatar for Mysteri

Hi, I'm a web developer and wanted to try ruby. I installed ruby 1.8 on my debian server with eruby and mod_ruby for apache2. Apache config files are configured correctly to accept .rhtml files and parse them. If I type sth like <% print "Test" %> then there's no problem, …

Member Avatar for SWEngineer

I have a view file, "show.html.erb", and a Javascript file, "coordinate.js". In coordinate.js" I have methods to calculate the width and height of an image. How can I call those methods on the "Canvas" in my view. And, below you can find the scripts of the two files: [B]* show.html.erb[/B] …

Member Avatar for SWEngineer
Member Avatar for thiliniss

I like to learn Ruby.but I didnt use it.I have already used as J2EE.I dont know about Ruby?What is this Ruby??????

Member Avatar for zark_yoc
Member Avatar for hassancool

Hi there...... I have received a domain from a customer which is showing me very strange things..... When I tried to login via FTP it showed me empty directory.... The server is apache and when I try to login via cpanel it gives me this error "Not Found The requested …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for alexgv14

[url]http://keyonary.com[/url] When you search for something like paste all of the keyboard shortcuts slide up on your browser. I know its making a ajax requested and then using jquery for the effect. BUt how is it done. Is there a plug-in or anything in ruby that is similar.

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for tiger86

This is not an advertisement, this is purely a thread telling people about resources that I've found, well resourceful. For those who are stuck with Ruby on Rails or need to learn the basics you should check out the free videos by Ryan Bates at [url]www.railscasts.com[/url], they've helped me a …

Member Avatar for tallship
Member Avatar for Jothe

Hi people, am trying to start a ruby on rails project, however i only know a bit of ruby but nothing on rails.So does anyone who can point me to the right locations for Good resource material either site or books would be highly appreciated..

Member Avatar for stilllearning

I am really new to this, so please excuse me if this is a dumb question. I am saving some data using ruby on rails and one of those fields is a background for the divs I am rendering back on load. I created the partial layouts successfully but I …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for alexgv14

My observe field doesn't do anything any idea why. [CODE]<%= observe_field 'keyword', :frequency => 0.5, :update => 'results', :loading => "Element.show('.spinner')", :complete => "Element.hide('.spinner')", :url => { :action=> 'search_results' }, :with => 'keyword' %> <%= form_remote_tag :url =>{ :action => :search_results }, :update => "results", :loading => "$('.spinner').show()", :complete => …

Member Avatar for alexgv14

I am working on a search function on RoR that basically just has a cool visual effect when a user clicks the search button. Here is the code in my view for search.rhtml [CODE]<html> <head> <title>Tutor</title> <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> </head> <body> <h1></h1> <%= form_remote_tag :url =>{ :action => :search_results …

Member Avatar for Member 785602

I've just upgraded an existing app from Rails 1.2.5 (Ruby 1.8.5) to Rails 2.3.8. There were several issues to the upgrade including finding and installing a good MySQL gem (dll in my case). This app worked fine on Rails 1.2.5 but I needed to upgrade for security concerns. There are …

Member Avatar for johndoe444

problem with this code: [CODE]parseIcmPage url, '<ul id="topListFilter"', '<div id="footer">' def parseIcmPage(url, start_point, end_point) data = getHtmlPage url s = data.index(start_point) e = data.index(end_point, s) len = e-s list_str = data.index[s, len] puts list_str, '\n' end[/CODE] [CODE]icm.rb:42: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses ./util.rb:121:in `index': wrong number of arguments …

Member Avatar for craiggles
Member Avatar for mattitude

So far today has been one of those days where I can't get anything to work. For the past three hours, I have been trying to require tmail library, and trying to connect to my mail server with imap. Here is a brief session illustrating my frustration. [CODE]irb(main):001:0> require 'net/smtp' …

Member Avatar for tiger86
Member Avatar for mattitude

I have a ruby program that is supposed to send e-mails, and the exact code worked before, but won't work now. Can anyone help me understand why? Here's the code: [CODE] STDOUT.sync = true require 'net/smtp' require 'rubygems' require 'hpricot' require 'open-uri' Net::SMTP.start('smtp-server.cfl.rr.com', 25) do |smtp| smtp.open_message_stream('MBECK88@cfl.rr.com', ['mbeck@knights.ucf.edu']) do |f| …

Member Avatar for tiger86
Member Avatar for bitsynthesis

Upflickr is a ruby gem that makes it easy to add basic image uploading and organizing functionality to ruby scripts or apps. For installation and usage documentation, please visit the project homepage: [url]http://bitsynthesis.com/upflickr[/url]

Member Avatar for hawksury

Hi, I am having a problem when trying to restrict the size of the file to a certain size. My aim is to create [U]new files [/U]and [U]each file [/U]of a specific size. I am creating these new files by copying the contents over to these new files from a …

Member Avatar for Zoon
Member Avatar for johndoe444

I have some web page which contains accented words (in french/italian etc) which I need to parse/extract and display. But the internationalization is not being taken into consideration so crazy characters are being shown. I searched in google for ruby internationalization but came up with rails internationalization. As you know …

Member Avatar for kallin
Member Avatar for jakx12

Hey ok so im getting this error. no idea why, could you guys help? Controller action - [CODE]def confirm @title = "Confirm" if request.post? confirmation = params[:confirmation] account = Account.find_by_username_and_confirmation_code(params[:confirmation].username, params[:confirmation].code) if !account.nil? account = Account.update_attribute("confirmation_code", "") if account.save flash[:success] = "Congratulations you have now confirmed your email!" redirect_to :action …

Member Avatar for yumarksman

The End.