71 Unanswered Topics
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Hi everyone, I have to integrate SOAP api using SAVON gem When I am calling url it gives reponse and operations too But When I call methods and posting data it gives me error client = Savon.client(wsdl:"http://netconnect.bluedart.com/Demo/ShippingAPI/WayBill/WayBillGeneration.svc?wsdl") client.operations => [:generate_way_bill, :import_data, :cancel_waybill] client.call(:generate_way_bill, message: data) => The server was unable … | |
I am new to Ruby On Rails. I am facing truble on creating a long running background job. my target is to send notification to all the active users between two given dates on specific given hour interval. Example: **send notification message after every 8 hours to all active users … | |
Dear all, So I am trying to run a watir test application. Everything seems to be going well except I need to log each step that happens. I am able to log using the php script, but have not yet figured out how to write to a log file using … | |
Hello everyone! I am rubydoggy a wannabe remote rails engineer and i challenged myself to create 10 projects (5 of them open source) to fill my portfolio and my github account. I have already launch a minimal Blog and i am planning the first project. I need a lot of … | |
I have a MySQL table with a string-based primary key. I created it with an ActiveRecord::Migration as follows: create_table( "icd9s", id: false) do |t| t.string "ICD9Code", limit: 7, null: false t.string "ShortDescription", limit: 128, null: false t.string "LongDescription", limit: 255, null: false end add_index(:icd9s, :ICD9Code, unique: true) Then I went … | |
Hi all, My project is on ruby on rails. I have one of ruby api returns json.jbuilder But I want that my api should not return json , it will display html.erb file Is anybody can help me??? | |
I'm trying to implement upload on [my application](http://github.com/bl4ckdu5t/vitabiotics). I'm hosting the application on Heroku, and I'm using S3. I've created a bucket and I've followed [this guide](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/paperclip-s3) trying to make it all work. But it still fails and I get no errors. The uploaded images never get to the bucket. | |
Hi Guys, I'm a newbie to rails. I'm bit confused about the following. What is the difference between RSpec and Minitest? Which will be easy and effective to use? Thanks in advance... | |
Hi Guys, I'm a newbie to ROR.and I'm developing a sample app for practising. My app is for Quiz game qith time constrains. But, I don't know how to set a timer control for questions. I'm seeking for a solution for that to add timer control. I hope you will … | |
I want to make a game somwhat akin in size and complexity to SNES Zelda. | |
Because of [the course](https://www.edx.org/courses/BerkeleyX/CS169.1x/2012_Fall/about) I think to take to improve employment changes by SaaS, Ruby and Rails and basic agile techniques, I looked little the Ruby forum. Unfortunately it seemed in quite a sorry state some months old questions unanswered. Even there was a related article from one of them … | |
Hi, I'm working on rails project where I use json file for storing some data. Basically data are stored and get using ajax calls from jquery. But there are some strange issues. For example, when I add data in json file using AJAX and then open file in Chrome: localhost:3000/example.json … | |
Hi, I've been working with Ruby on Rails to make a web application, but I've found something that I really cannot work out how to do with it, so it may be best if I do it manually. Basically, I've got a dropdown menu, that is populated with a list … | |
Hi all the Ruby Folks! Use your skills for the sake of the OpenSource community, and try out the Ruby OpenSource Challenge. Fix a bug, write a new needed feature or just update the lagging documentation of a pointed Ruby Open Source project, and have a chance of winning some … | |
I am having a hard time connecting to active admin I get stuck @ localhost:3000/admin of the this tut http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/ruby/create-beautiful-administration-interfaces-with-active-admin/ I can connect to localhost:3000/ but when I connect to localhost:3000/admin I get page errors where there is supposed to be a user login... Started GET "/admin" for at … | |
Hi everyone, I'm a bit new to Ruby *and* Rails, and I'm struggling with a task I'm trying to accomplish. I'm attempting to build a simple Rock-Paper-Scissors game in Ruby on Rails, and I'm a little lost as to where to begin. It seems to me that the app will … | |
Hi I've been playing for a while with WxRuby and I just acn make the TreeCtrl event evt_tree_expanded or evt_tree_expanding please help me here is the code mi problem its at line 46: [CODE]require 'wx' include Wx class MyFrame < Frame def initialize super(nil, :title => "prueba" ) @my_panel = … | |
I try to develop a rails web search engine that aims to use carrot 2 clustering rest service that is also work on my computer. However to use these two I need to deploy both of them to same server. Do you know any hosting that makes available to run … | |
(Note: This was previously posted at [url]http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/3426459#new[/url] , but received no responses after four days.) When attempting to install ruby-debug19 on a Windows 7 partition, I have gotten the following error sequence: [code] ERROR: Error installing ruby-debug19: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. C:/Ruby193/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb checking for rb_method_entry_t.called_id in … | |
Ok, I'm using the Head First Rails book, which sadly, was written in 2009. So, the API has changed drastically. I am trying to manually configure a route to make the controller find my show page. The route the book tells me to type [ICODE] map.connect '/ads/:id', :controller=>'ads', :action=>'show' [/ICODE] … | |
Hi, Can anyone please tell me how to consume a web service running on a jasper server?.I need the ruby code for the same.Please help. Regards, Arun | |
Good day everyone, i need to print error message if id or row[0] is greater than 1 and a welcome message if name is correct and error message if the name is not correct. what my code does is that it prints out error message if id or row[0] is … | |
this is the following error : C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead. C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rails-2.2.2/lib/rails_generator/generators/a pplications/app/app_generator.rb:6: Use RbConfig instead of obsolete and depreca ted Config. | |
Hello all, I wanted that a particular user can login only 1 time in a day and his details are updated in the table.Can anyone help me with it. my login method is [CODE]args = params[:user] @user = User.find_by_username(args[:username]) if @user && @user.password == args[:password] session[:login] = @user.username redirect_to( :controller … | |
Hey everyone! I was recently introduced to Ruby and am trying to learn it by working my way through the Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial, but I got a little stuck on autotesting. The guide says that for Windows I should install "Growl for Windows," which I did, and then … | |
Windows console works with the CP866 encoding. So input and output should be redefined to CP866. This thread [url]http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/184730[/url] suggests a nice solution: [CODE]Encoding.default_external = Encoding.find(Encoding.locale_charmap) Encoding.default_internal = __ENCODING__ [STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR].each do |io| io.set_encoding(Encoding.default_external, Encoding.default_internal) end[/CODE] And it works. The text is now correctly displayed in Windows console. But … | |
So I want to import a model and then take it to particular x and y coordinates in sketchup. I had to do this in 2 different programs since the model had to be selected before taken to the coordinates. The programs are shown below: machine = "trial.3ds" model = … | |
Hi, I am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, and wanted to install RVM today, I used: bash < <( curl [url]http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/releases/rvm-install-head[/url] ) (NOTE: I already have git-core and curl, etc.) After running that command I get the output in terminal from Wayne, and I added: if [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] ; … | |
i am able to get the metasploit console started however when i try to open armitage for a gui as i am currently learning the process of penetration testing to secure my home network, i get the message[CODE=Bash] ./armitage:18:in 'exec' : No such file or directory - java (errno:: ENOENT) … | |
Hi, I encountered a problem with threads in ruby. I created such a script: [CODE] require 'thread' def func $i = 0 while true $i += 1 $file.write("bbbb\n") Thread.pass end end def func2 $j = 0 while true $j += 3 $file.write("aaaa\n") Thread.pass end end def funcTerm while true a … |
The End.