Hi there......

I have received a domain from a customer which is showing me very strange things..... When I tried to login via FTP it showed me empty directory.... The server is apache and when I try to login via cpanel it gives me this error

"Not Found
The requested URL /cpanel was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. "

Can u plz suggest whats the matter here???


As I'm sure you know, 404 means the page doesn't exist, as the error message said. Is it definitely the correct URL? Have you tried it with both HTTP and HTTPS? There might not be an automatic redirect if one or the other is required.

With my site FTP, the directory it takes me to when I log in is empty too. Have you tried to browse to a different directory? E.g. /var/www?


Have tried everything but its like that it is showing image of the other site on hosting.... :p..... Well so much confuse.... Can any one help plz???

Well obviously your client has given you the wrong details somehow.
It can not be your problem, that your clients webhost is unreliable.
You could tell him to get it fixed with his hosting provider, or ask him to look for a new webhost like www.webhosting.blanye.pro

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