322 Topics

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Member Avatar for aldm

Hi, I'm working on rails project where I use json file for storing some data. Basically data are stored and get using ajax calls from jquery. But there are some strange issues. For example, when I add data in json file using AJAX and then open file in Chrome: localhost:3000/example.json …

Member Avatar for stevanity

Hey guys. Im designing a web app with rails for storing and analysing college students' marks. Ive come up with a database design like this: ![First](/attachments/large/3/First.png "First") Now IM not sure how to set the associations. Can you please help me? And is the design ok?

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello, anyone can help me with how to build a simple user registration form using Rails from scratch, with the fields Login Name, Name, Address and Password (encrypted)? I will be using MySQL to host the database. I've already created the new project using: rails new reg_form, now what next??

Member Avatar for lambing
Member Avatar for PrometheanSin

after pulling my hair out with this one, I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn the knowledge of those much wiser.....again! ok so here's the problem, I am following the following two railscasts: [deploying to a vps](http://railscasts.com/episodes/335-deploying-to-a-vps?autoplay=true) [asset pipeline in production](http://railscasts.com/episodes/341-asset-pipeline-in-production?autoplay=true) My setup: Ubuntu Server 12.04 nginx unicorn ruby …

Member Avatar for PrometheanSin
Member Avatar for emtw

Hi, I've been working with Ruby on Rails to make a web application, but I've found something that I really cannot work out how to do with it, so it may be best if I do it manually. Basically, I've got a dropdown menu, that is populated with a list …

Member Avatar for filolozka

Hi all the Ruby Folks! Use your skills for the sake of the OpenSource community, and try out the Ruby OpenSource Challenge. Fix a bug, write a new needed feature or just update the lagging documentation of a pointed Ruby Open Source project, and have a chance of winning some …

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello, anyone can help me with the conversion of single quotes in a string to double quotes? Am new to Ruby programming and still learning around on how to use it properly. I have an example in Delphi, which I want to make compatible with Ruby: function ReplaceSingleQuote(AText: String): String; …

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for JohnBoy2

Hi - I'm very new here (1st post). I read the introductory docs, and looked at the categories, but I didn't see a specific place for posting code for review/critique. My apologies if this is not the appropriate place to do that... Here is some code I am hoping to …

Member Avatar for kb9agt
Member Avatar for visumdesignz

I am having a hard time connecting to active admin I get stuck @ localhost:3000/admin of the this tut http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/ruby/create-beautiful-administration-interfaces-with-active-admin/ I can connect to localhost:3000/ but when I connect to localhost:3000/admin I get page errors where there is supposed to be a user login... Started GET "/admin" for at …

Member Avatar for opsryushi

Hi everyone, I'm a bit new to Ruby *and* Rails, and I'm struggling with a task I'm trying to accomplish. I'm attempting to build a simple Rock-Paper-Scissors game in Ruby on Rails, and I'm a little lost as to where to begin. It seems to me that the app will …

Member Avatar for curlissue657

Hello everyone, i tried to make a program with Ruby but i came up with results who doesn't help me. somehow the result doesn't show up as i requested. letters = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o', 'p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'] name = "bbb" i=0 j=0 k=0 for i in 0..25 do for j in 0..25 do for …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

Hi I am interseted in designing web sites but i dont want to learn 5 different scripting languages. Is it possiable to create a good working web site just by ruby and sql?

Member Avatar for DavidAntaramian
Member Avatar for Mestika

Hi everyone, I’m currently working on my Master Thesis which in few words concentrates about NoSQL databases and performance and tuning tests of particular MongoDB. I’m trying to create some test dummy data to put in so I can run some initially tests to create a baseline for comparison. I’ve …

Member Avatar for curlissue657
Member Avatar for a-lago

Hi I've been playing for a while with WxRuby and I just acn make the TreeCtrl event evt_tree_expanded or evt_tree_expanding please help me here is the code mi problem its at line 46: [CODE]require 'wx' include Wx class MyFrame < Frame def initialize super(nil, :title => "prueba" ) @my_panel = …

Member Avatar for a-lago
Member Avatar for a-lago

Hi I've been playing for a while with WxRuby and I just acn make the TreeCtrl event evt_tree_expanded or evt_tree_expanding please help me here is the code mi problem its at line 46: [CODE]require 'wx' include Wx class MyFrame < Frame def initialize super(nil, :title => "prueba" ) @my_panel = …

Member Avatar for erogol

I try to develop a rails web search engine that aims to use carrot 2 clustering rest service that is also work on my computer. However to use these two I need to deploy both of them to same server. Do you know any hosting that makes available to run …

Member Avatar for Dante2

ok, so here's the deal. Going over the Rails tutorial. We're running a testing environment to make sure that the things we want showing up on our pages are making it. Doing this using pages_controller_spec.rb file. And this is one of three arguments that we passed: [ICODE]describe "GET 'home'" do …

Member Avatar for Dante2
Member Avatar for a-lago

Hi im starting to learn programming and I'm stuck in this [CODE] puts "enter as much words as you like and i will sort them" words = [] while true words.push gets.chomp if words.last == "" words.delete(words.last) break end end sorted = [] def sort unsorted, sorted, num, var while …

Member Avatar for a-lago
Member Avatar for fk123

[CODE] a=gets.to_i b=gets.to_i [/CODE] this code gets input like this 2 2 but in c++ std::cin will get input after space or \n So how do I make ruby get input like std::cin I am new to ruby and can not find the answer on google so help would be …

Member Avatar for fk123
Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA

(Note: This was previously posted at [url]http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/3426459#new[/url] , but received no responses after four days.) When attempting to install ruby-debug19 on a Windows 7 partition, I have gotten the following error sequence: [code] ERROR: Error installing ruby-debug19: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. C:/Ruby193/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb checking for rb_method_entry_t.called_id in …

Member Avatar for Dante2

Ok, I'm using the Head First Rails book, which sadly, was written in 2009. So, the API has changed drastically. I am trying to manually configure a route to make the controller find my show page. The route the book tells me to type [ICODE] map.connect '/ads/:id', :controller=>'ads', :action=>'show' [/ICODE] …

Member Avatar for websoftcreation

Hi , Anybody can help me to learn ruby .Please guide me any book,tutorials,websites asap.Is it fully support windows7 Regards Websoftcreation

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for arunmv

Hi, Can anyone please tell me how to consume a web service running on a jasper server?.I need the ruby code for the same.Please help. Regards, Arun

Member Avatar for stevanity

IM new to Ruby and RoR. I have very less prior experience with web techs. I know how web works and worked with pre coded php code (edited em)... and ran websites with template scripts and wordpress cms. But never built em on my own. Now I wanna learn a …

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for monica23

hi everyone, i need to print error message if ID is greater than 1 and log user in if username is correct and display error message if the username is wrong. the code print error message if id is greater than 1 and it authenticates user if correct username is …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for monica23

Good day everyone, i need to print error message if id or row[0] is greater than 1 and a welcome message if name is correct and error message if the name is not correct. what my code does is that it prints out error message if id or row[0] is …

Member Avatar for monica23

Hi everybody, in my database, am trying to print the value of total and then add it to the price, i was able to fetch the value of total but when i tried to add it to to price so as to get value of sum in this line of …

Member Avatar for monica23
Member Avatar for erogol

I am currently developing a search engine and I have some implemented algorithms that are written in Java but also I need to get some Database communication which is easy thing in Ruby an Rails. Thus, Is there any way to use both language in the web application development Regards …

Member Avatar for SoldierCoder
Member Avatar for ai70

I´m at the very beginning with Ruby and give again and again this error program.rb:6:in `gsub': broken utf-8 string (argumenterror) when I'm trying this short code: [CODE]#coding:utf-8 temp="" txtfile=File.open("8-3_tiedosto.txt","r");txtfile.each{|row|temp=temp+row};txtfile.close temp = temp.gsub("Å", '') puts temp [/CODE] How to fix the code, as my environment does not allow to change the …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for pradnya_pawar

this is the following error : C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead. C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rails-2.2.2/lib/rails_generator/generators/a pplications/app/app_generator.rb:6: Use RbConfig instead of obsolete and depreca ted Config.


The End.