322 Topics

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Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I'm trying to write a search enigne. Nothing fancy like google or so, just a simple one for educational purposes. I have done a little research and I know that Google uses Python, Java and C++. I on the other hand know C++, PHP, some Java and C# and even …

Member Avatar for kindo
Member Avatar for goodtaste

Hi! I'm not a web developer, but I'm a blogger and I would like some tips on how to create a 404 error message or to do something about this message feom Blogger: "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist." I would like to …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Garidius

Hello to all, I have a ruby script with a very long hash with more than 300 associations. The script looks like below: #!/usr/bin/env ruby Array_A = [] myHash = { "x1" => "2", "x2" => "0", "x3" => "1", . . . "X350" => "1" } myHash.keys.each do |z| …

Member Avatar for Garidius
Member Avatar for kyleo92

I'm attemping to clone and install a Ruby application from github. I have it cloned, and am trying to run the "bundle install" command, but it failed the first time because of an issue with Rake. I installed it manually using "gem install rake -v '10.1.1'". That command was sucessful, …

Member Avatar for BrentK
Member Avatar for !@#$

def y we need this in ruby i am beginner of ruby i donot understand what is use of def with out this we make code also i think according to my knowledge it is reserve word

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for eric_arambula

I am a newbie programming Ruby. I have the below code. Method sum_to_n? which takes an array of integers and an additional integer, n, as arguments and returns true if any two elements in the array of integers sum to n. It should return true for the empty array with …

Member Avatar for eric_arambula
Member Avatar for gon1387

Hi! I would like to know if anyone here have attempted installing Redmine V2.3.\* on IIS? If you did, can you please direct me to the right direction. What are the things should be done? I had tried it on my own, but I kept on having errors like "Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Bhavya scripted

Hello all I have decided that I will participate in an online coding contest.i just want to ask which programming language is appropriate or powerful for a programming contest?ruby or python?i want to participate with python or ruby as my primary language.i have a little exp. with python but don't …

Member Avatar for Bhavya scripted
Member Avatar for Nautical.RB

Hello daniweb community i'm new here and glad to join this amazing website. Well want I need to understand is how I learn to become a competent computer science major and learn to write code very well. I have always had a knack for this and I love it alot …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for zack000smith

I need to add the following features to my existing code (posted below) in Rails using Jquery, JSON, Ruby and HTML. I have a lot of ideas and researched a bit but Itd be great if someone can help me with integrating them: I need to add a feature to …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for asaidi

Hi i m just learning rails and i want to import my sql data to rails .. i have created database and i had run rake to create shema etc... i m using windows 7 thx

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for Herve_1

Please answer these questions for me: Q1: Write a method, pow, that takes two (non-negative, integer) numbers, base and exponent and returns base raised to the exponent power. (No fair using Ruby's base ** exponent notation!). Q2: Write a method, sum which takes an array of numbers and returns the …

Member Avatar for Herve_1
Member Avatar for Eggborne
Member Avatar for Kert

Hey! Here is my update action in users_controller.rb and I want to test it with RSpec but it doesnt seem to work for me. Can somebody notice a mistake? def update @user = User.find(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| if @user.update_attributes(params[:user]) format.html { redirect_to edit_user_path(@user), :notice => "Your settings were successfully updated."} …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Devan_1

Somewhat new to rails and trying to build something to learn, but having an issue. I have successfully created one form field that reads from a collection of categories. I generated scaffolding for the categories and two fields catId and name. After plugging in the field everything worked perfectly. I …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Kert

I need to sort tables with dynamical content with rails. I could use the RailsCast tutorial ([http://railscasts.com/episodes/228-sortable-table-columns](http://railscasts.com/episodes/228-sortable-table-columns)) but as I'm not using any specific method in a controller, it doesn't seem appropriate solution. I found out about the jquery tablesorter, but it doesn't seem to work. Where the solution might …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for chrispitt
Member Avatar for Azmah

I hear that RUby can be used for desktop development, yet I haven't seen any showcases. I am currently learning C++ but have always had my eyes on Ruby. Is it true? I know Ruby On Rails is for web development. What are the capabilities of ROR? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for expensetracker
Member Avatar for azareth

hello it's been awhile .. it's my first time using ruby(on Rails), and i've downloaded what is needed(i think, based on my searches), Ruby, Rails and gem, but i'm not sure if they are properly installed because they don't seem to appear (?) Also it's my first time using Aptana, …

Member Avatar for azareth
Member Avatar for BUGSIE91

HI guys... i have installed solr 4.2 in my system.. i wanted to integrate it with rails and thus, included the 2 sunspot gems.. gem 'sunspot_rails', '~>2.0.0' gem 'sunspot_solr', '~>2.0.0' now, the local instance of solr present in sunspot_solr gem can be found at "http://localhost:8982/solr" .. when checking the information, …

Member Avatar for BUGSIE91
Member Avatar for asaidi

Hi just start learning rails i found some difficulties to start the server under linux mint please find the errors i get /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/railties-3.2.13/lib/rails/script_rails_loader.rb:11: warning: Insecure world writable dir /sbin in PATH, mode 040777 /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.3.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:216: warning: Insecure world writable dir /sbin in PATH, mode 040777 /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/execjs-1.4.0/lib/execjs/runtimes.rb:51:in `autodetect': Could not find a …

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for BrackishWater

My team has been doing Java for a long time. We are switching to Ruby. We are finding that Ruby has limitations and that we have to do certain things in Java. I'm trying to find a way to call Java code from Ruby. I'm searching Google and such, and …

Member Avatar for marcnaweb
Member Avatar for prem2

Hi guys, I am new to ruby i already have an experience in the core php and zend framework.I need to clarify the below doubts, Is oops in ruby is completely different from other oops concept languages like java,c#. Can you pls help me out. Thank you, Regards, Premnath

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for ebc3142

Hi, I'm developing an application which needs to check user-inputted credentials against a Mysql database running on a web server. Does anybody know how I could communicate between c++ and a PHP or Ruby on Rails page and then parse the results back to the client? Many Thanks

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for aldm

Hi, I have module that imports data from json file to hash. Json file is pretty big so I don't want loading to take place on every request because it takes some time. It would be best to do this just on server start. I have a class variable in …

Member Avatar for lambing
Member Avatar for Bhavya scripted

perl vs ruby. what is the difference in speed/popularity and performance? thanks

Member Avatar for Neuronimbus1
Member Avatar for arupface

class variables have a niche to fill: ***visibility to a class and its instances, and to no one else. Typically, this means being visible in class-method definitions and instancemethod definitions, and sometimes at the top level of the class definition.*** I understood that. But didn't find any example of the …

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for arupface

This is below is an example of superclass/subclass construct : C:\>irb --simple-prompt >> class Parent >> @@x = 10 >> end => 10 >> class Child < Parent >> @@x = 12 >> end => 12 >> class Parent >> puts "@@X = #{@@x}" >> end @@X = 12 => …

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for BrackishWater

I'm converting a Java/J2EE app over to Ruby/Rails. I need a solution for the CORBA calls. I see that Ruby has its own distributed API (DRb) and there are a few 3rd party CORBA tools, but nothing seems viable for actually doing CORBA in Ruby. What are you guys using …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for akvarel1

I am using this [application example][1] and try to model it to fit my needs. I am modelling your index.html.erb to fit my needs. I want to get rid of "start" button in order to prevent single-file upload (I dont want it), but it seems that "start upload"(multiple upload)-button is …

Member Avatar for LastMitch

The End.