322 Topics
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Hello again I am trying to show the errors that can occur by uploading a file (file name, size). I tried to modify this code cut-off but I could not. else format.html { render action: "new" } format.json { render json: @upload.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end I have following validations … ![]() | |
Hello! I try to catch a validation message with a `$.parseJSON(xhr.responseText).errors` but an allert message hows me "undefined" and I dont understand why. hier are my validations: validates :upload_file_name, :presence => true, :format =>{:with => %r{\.(pdf)$}i,:message =>"It should be a pdf File"} validates_uniqueness_of :upload_file_name, :message => "blabla" validates :upload_file_size, :inclusion … ![]() | |
I need to write a module for WXF (Web Exploitation Framework) which will brute force (enumerate) the login system of DVWA. The module has to be written in Ruby and it should abide by the framework's structure and regulations. The final result should produce a list of brute force parameters … ![]() | |
I am using the ruby Instagram gem. Now, I am wondering how to access to a user's images by tags. Only that specific user's photo. This is what I use to get the photos @pics = Instagram.user_recent_media(xxxxxxx) @pics.map do |p| puts p.images.standard_resolution.url.to_s end And this gives me the tags @pics … ![]() | |
Hello everyone. Im COMPLETELY new to programming and Ruby and i would like to know how i can make this happen: What I want from my program is to understand letters as numbers then add up names into numbers and then retreive previously written names when number x is given. … | |
I am wondering if anyone could recommend the best CMS for an Airbnb-style marketplace that allows people to sublet their apartments, and other people to search, filter, and pay for the apartments listed. These are the main requirements: - Ability to sign up both buyers and sellers. - Accounts for … ![]() | |
am very new in programming and by now have started learning ruby and what i want to know is if ruby can be used to make nokia phones apps. If yes what are the requirements pliz | |
I am currently in the middle of redesigning an iRC game bot into ruby. I am experiencing problems be to me not knowing any kind of ruby language, (new to the coding world) i was curious if someone could point me to a path I could change an irc coding … | |
Is anyone running Ruby on Rails on an Imac G4 or G5? Im on a tight budget right now and dont wanna spend more than I have to. Are either of these models working for anyone? If youre not using them, could I still use either one of these models? | |
How the below mentioned `quantifiers` differ - with respect of scenarios,speed,etc. - `? v/s ?? v/s ?+` (**_1 or 0 times_**) - `* v/s *? v/s *+` (**_0 or more times_**) - `+ v/s +? v/s ++` (**_1 or more times_**) `?,*,+` belongs to `greedy` `??,*?,+?` belongs to `reluctant` `++,*+,,?+` … | |
The comparison operators: * === * <=> * eql? * equal? * == Both are performing equality check I know. Some of them overrides `==` also. But now my query is how to think,what to use in what situations? Explanation with a code would be better idea to understand. Thanks … | |
Hi, Is there any difference between `inject(:+) and inject(&:+)` ? If `NO` hen how these two kind of syntax with same method? And if `Yes` then why the output are same for both? irb(main):005:0> [1, 2, 3].inject(&:+) => 6 irb(main):006:0> [1, 2, 3].inject(:+) => 6 irb(main):007:0> Thanks, | |
irb(main):001:0> time=Time.new => 2013-01-12 11:22:54 +0530 irb(main):002:0> puts time.to_s 2013-01-12 11:22:54 +0530 => nil irb(main):003:0> puts time.ctime Sat Jan 12 11:22:54 2013 => nil irb(main):004:0> puts time.local_time NoMethodError: undefined method `local_time' for 2013-01-12 11:22:54 +0530:Time from (irb):4 from C:/Ruby193/bin/irb:12:in `<main>' irb(main):005:0> puts time.localtime 2013-01-12 11:22:54 +0530 => nil irb(main):006:0> puts … | |
Could you please tell me how the below directives works with Ruby array `pack()` method. As the document not gives piece of code to describe what to use , when? `n,v,U,w,L!<,S!< I!< ` thanks | |
There is `text label` on a webpage, and I am trying to click on that to open a pop-up window,but not getting opened. here is the `HTML` code: <td width="40%"> <div id="EmpId.outline"> <input type="hidden" name="EmpId" value="" id="popupEmpId"> <input type="text" name="EmpCode" value="" readonly="readonly" class="textMedium250" id="popupEmpCode" autocomplete="off"> <a href="#f2"><label onclick="checkForPopup('EmpPopupDiv','Select a Emp',640,true,refreshConditionOptions);"> + Search for a Emp</label> </a> … | |
Hi there, I'm using Spree in a Rails 3.2 app of mine and I want to extend Spree's Product class to better suit my needs as for example to establish a relationship with another model in my app. What's the best way to do this? I could not find anything … | |
Ok, so I'm working from a book called Agile Web Developement with Rails 4th Edition. I got up to page 83 where they have us running tests to ensure proper validation of our code up to this point. So I have checked and rechecked to make sure my code is … | |
I am trying to use custom tags in ruby..i am a newbie to ruby.I hav developed in java before and i am myself a web developer.I have made custom tags for JSP pages but i m not sure wether we can form custom tags in .erb files also..??? | |
Alright. I am a beginner and I am unable to find a solution to this problem. I am developing this quizzing application. I have built the part that allows you to create and manage questions classified by difficulty and tags. But Im not able to think of a proper quiz … | |
Don't understand how to do t he follwing subcommands. init: do an initial scan. For example synch init ~/work report: compare current state with the saved state and report on differences. For example: synch report ~/work update: create a report but also update the file to reflect the current state. … | |
Hi, I am a very beginner on Ruby and related stuff, Could you please tell me what a tag like this "<%!" means in the following code. Also, I would really appreciate if you can give me some ref to erb templates. <%! if filmstrip_image_path.blank? %> Also what does this … | |
I was following RailsCasts tutorial JQuery Uploading and I ran into difficulties. I would like to be able to select several files, preview only the name of the files on the website, remove those, which where selected by mistake and only then upload the neccessary ones in Ruby on Rails. … | |
I've been using Ruby and Rails and other ancillary technologies for a few weeks now. I've gone through many articles, blogs, tutorials, et al. However, I've rarely found any downloadable "working examples" or "real-world applications". Everything is very basic and it's proven difficult to learn beyond the basics. It could … | |
Write a program that will print a two-column ASCII table for both lowercase and uppercase letters and the digits 0-9. | |
Because of [the course](https://www.edx.org/courses/BerkeleyX/CS169.1x/2012_Fall/about) I think to take to improve employment changes by SaaS, Ruby and Rails and basic agile techniques, I looked little the Ruby forum. Unfortunately it seemed in quite a sorry state some months old questions unanswered. Even there was a related article from one of them … | |
Hi i m trying to find which framework is robuste and fast to learn is it cakephp or ruby... | |
Hi friends, I m a PHP programmer and I likes to learn Ruby . But I had stucked ( Really Became Mad ) with installing ruby on Rails in my System .. Googled a lot ... but it is installing Ruby 1.8 & Rails 2.3 ... Please Help me .... … | |
Hello, I am having trouble finding a good tutorial on how to install eclipse with aptana radrails on centos, when i try to install radrails in eclipse using the instructions givin here ([aptana](http://www.aptana.com/downloads/start)), i get these errors. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks :) An error occurred … | |
Hello, I'm struggling to make a join between tables work on a non-standard schema. I know the proper way of doing it would be migrating the schema and using the ActiveRecord convention but as long as I'm using this to consume data for testing purposes, that's not an option. The … | |
Hello, anyone can help me with parsing an html table data to be saved directly in an excel file from the same parsing app? |
The End.