322 Topics

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Member Avatar for Azmah

I'm looking at learning Ruby (including Ruby On Rails) or Python (Including any of its frameworks - though which is better?). What are the pros/cons of each? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Azmah
Member Avatar for Amr87

Hello Everyone, I`m a PHP developer, These days I`m thinking seriously about learning ruby , but I`m not sure if it gonna add to my knowledge , so i have few questions about it and hope that a ruby specialist will answer me 1- Do I need to learn ruby …

Member Avatar for Amr87
Member Avatar for tape enterprise

I have tried everything I could see on google about this problem: " You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing your Gemfile. Run `bundle install` elsewhere and add the updated Gemfile.lock to version control. If this is a development machine, remove the Gemfile freeze by running `bundle …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Arcrammer

Someone please explain Ruby to me. I've already used tryruby.org and I really like it. I'm fifteen years old and I am going to be a Web Designer and Developer. I can code HTML and CSS almost professional and I can code PHP fairly well. I want to learn Ruby …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for amiref

I am beginner in ruby and I use ruby 1.9.2 in windows 7. I have a problem with installing gems.for example : 1 - when I typed gem install RedCloth , command prompt give this error: " ERROR: Error Installing RedCloth: invalid gem format for C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/cache/RedCloth-4.2.7-x86-mingw32.gem " 2 - and …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for braj1999

I am working on RHEL 5. I have to build a web automation framwork using Ruby. when I am trying to read a XML file using Chilkat ruby I am getting following error. Ruby code where I am getting the error. require 'rubygems' require 'Chilkat' ... ... xml = Chilkat::CkXml.new() …

Member Avatar for braj1999
Member Avatar for Tupinambiss

I'm getting a mismatch error and I've looked up why it would appear and I'm confused because what I'm doing doesn't match the error cause. Plus I've followed the instructions from a guide that I'm using. The code on irb... >> class Cat >> attr_accessor :name, :age, :gender >> end …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for jenna123

[CODE] class Generic @@router='' @@digit='' @@data='' def initialize(str) @str=str end #def seperate # @str="434 <user;password>##ROUTER=BROKER_NAME##" #puts @str.split() def digit @digit=@str[0,3] puts "Digit Part: " +@digit end def data @data=@str[/<[a-z]*;[a-z]*>/] puts "Data Part: " +@data end def router @router=@str[/##[A-Z]*=[A-Z]*_[A-Z]*##/] puts "Router part: " +@router end end class Sub < Generic end …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for Manak

Hello all, I wanted that a particular user can login only 1 time in a day and his details are updated in the table.Can anyone help me with it. my login method is [CODE]args = params[:user] @user = User.find_by_username(args[:username]) if @user && @user.password == args[:password] session[:login] = @user.username redirect_to( :controller …

Member Avatar for kvass

Hey everyone! I was recently introduced to Ruby and am trying to learn it by working my way through the Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial, but I got a little stuck on autotesting. The guide says that for Windows I should install "Growl for Windows," which I did, and then …

Member Avatar for baby_c

Hey friends ..I need a help.. I want to know that to learn oop concept is RUBY language good...? we have to choose between RUBY and OCAML. Please can anyone explain a bit..Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Trilby1992

Hi I'm trying to make a friend request feature like in a social networking site and I've been getting this Unknown Attribute error whenever I try to request a friendship with an another user. [url]http://s1042.photobucket.com/albums/b429/Kevin_Tang/?action=view&current=unknown_atrribute.png[/url] And this is the code of the friendship controller. [CODE]class FriendshipController < ApplicationController def req …

Member Avatar for Trilby1992
Member Avatar for michelle1

Hello, 2 hours later and Good Monday is loosing it's "good'ness"!! :) I need to make the first string below into the second string, that is only single white spaces are permitted so multiple white spaces (shown as "____" in the text below) must be replaced. "1/4 WELDING______LEVER____FRONT DRW_____14844-C__MAT____WMA1CM-WLFRONT" [B]into:[/B] …

Member Avatar for michelle1
Member Avatar for lolmaus

Windows console works with the CP866 encoding. So input and output should be redefined to CP866. This thread [url]http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/184730[/url] suggests a nice solution: [CODE]Encoding.default_external = Encoding.find(Encoding.locale_charmap) Encoding.default_internal = __ENCODING__ [STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR].each do |io| io.set_encoding(Encoding.default_external, Encoding.default_internal) end[/CODE] And it works. The text is now correctly displayed in Windows console. But …

Member Avatar for G_S

Hello everybody I have a question: is it possible to compile ruby files into bytecode. Does ruby have something like .pyc files? I found some discussions online about generating .exe's from ruby files, but what I want to know if it is possible to compile .rb files just like you …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for amirsanaii

Hi every one How are you my friends? I need your help I began to programming ruby for 2 weeks and now i want to work on ruby on rails and of course i need a good DBMS, so i decided to use a SQLServer for my work but with …

Member Avatar for waysys
Member Avatar for wilch

Hi All I am looking for a new language to learn and add to my language set that already contains PHP & C# in much depth. Ruby is one language i was thinking of learning. Can you guys please give me practical uses and/or applications that use/may use Ruby. I …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for jack jastin

Hello Everybody Can anyone tell me, What is Ruby basically? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for jack jastin
Member Avatar for borg.stef

So I want to import a model and then take it to particular x and y coordinates in sketchup. I had to do this in 2 different programs since the model had to be selected before taken to the coordinates. The programs are shown below: machine = "trial.3ds" model = …

Member Avatar for rohitrmehta

Hello, I have a project on hand. I have to build a portal. I am basically a UI person which development skills. Which technology is better for portal development? PHP vs java vs .net vs Ruby? Also if there are any developers with experience in portal development, Give me a …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for Wolfemann

Greetings all, I've just started learning Ruby (and Geo Ruby), and am trying to create overlays for Google Maps. I found a [seemingly] great tutorial for doing this [B][URL="http://blog.newsplore.com/2009/02/22/spincloud-lab"]HERE[/URL][/B] ...and it uses Ruby to generate the final javascript - cool, eh? Have everything installed properly (as far as I can …

Member Avatar for SundayForever
Member Avatar for imon214

how to populate select box depending upon the selection of the radio button on rails anyone knows what will be the possible ajax and rails script for populating dropdown list values based on selected radio button on rails 3 example there are two type of platform choices(windows, unix) of radio …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Xemintirre

Hello - I'm fairly new to RoR, and after installing version 2.3.9 and trying to run a sample app, I get the errors below. I've been trying to find solutions for the past two days, but no luck. Has anyone run across this error before and/or know how to resolve …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for rtk1865

Below is the ERB for a new 'To-do' view. Duedate is another table that holds date objects, and there is an association between duedates and todos with a 'duedate_id' in the todo table. Right now there is just a dropdown for any externally created duedates. While creating a new todo, …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for bvrclvr1

I am writing a cgi script to pull the contents of a .txt file in the cgi-bin directory into the body of an html file and can't seem to figure it out. eruby seems to be a solution, but I can't tell if it's to be used with Rails or …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

Hi, I am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, and wanted to install RVM today, I used: bash < <( curl [url]http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/releases/rvm-install-head[/url] ) (NOTE: I already have git-core and curl, etc.) After running that command I get the output in terminal from Wayne, and I added: if [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] ; …

Member Avatar for braj1999

I am facing a similar problem where we have to compare two strings. I applied the regex to match it and it works fine for the string which dont have space between. However in case the matching string containg space, then its failing. Please let me know how to tackle …

Member Avatar for b1izzard
Member Avatar for jordan0420

i am able to get the metasploit console started however when i try to open armitage for a gui as i am currently learning the process of penetration testing to secure my home network, i get the message[CODE=Bash] ./armitage:18:in 'exec' : No such file or directory - java (errno:: ENOENT) …

Member Avatar for gioe

Hello everyone, I am a newbie (started learning ruby 3 weeks ago) :icon_redface: and I can not get out from this comiling error. when I try to run this sample program: [code] #!/usr/bin/ruby # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial # # This program centers a window on # the screen # …

Member Avatar for gioe
Member Avatar for chris.gogreen

Hello Everyone, I just started to learn Ruby last Friday! Awesome right? I want to learn to build web application and heard Ruby was a good language to learn with, so that's what I started with. Are there any Ruby web application developers with advice for a noob on a …

Member Avatar for pablouin

The End.