47 Topics

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Member Avatar for Yacine Si Tayeb

# Introduction # As we move into 2022, businesses will continue to look for ways to become more data-driven. This means that knowing how to use Structured Query Language, commonly called SQL or 'Sequel', will remain an essential skill for data scientists, analysts, and developers. In this post, we'll provide …

Member Avatar for jessica_10

Hello Everyone! I'm curious on how much should I charge my client to maintain his website? updates, few changes. I am new to this job, so I am not sure how it works, i'm a freelancer. Website Information : 1. Wordpress 2. They have template already, and information on their …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Moniza_1

Ahun ni mi Eni ba temi je I need a script that constantly scans a token on etherscan and notifies me when a large order goes through. I should be able to set the following parameters 1. the token eg Celsius, DAI 2. large order size eg 50,000 I can …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for nissy

From were we can generate backlinks? how its possible to generate a backlink for a day? Many are saying that it is through off page submissions?.. But do anyone know that how much submission should be done for a keyword?.. Please help me out

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I want to build a mysql query to search comma-separate string with in another comma-separate string. For example : search string '1,3,5' from '1,2,3,4,5,6' What will be the mysql query?

Member Avatar for abhi10kumar
Member Avatar for Lloyd_4

Hi Everton one, I have the following search statement that works great, But what I would like to do is expand this to include multiple LIKE '%$search%' $STM = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM tblname WHERE col=:lsecure'); $STM->bindParam(':lsecure', $search); $STM->execute(); $count = $STM->rowCount(); $results = $STM->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); What I would like to do …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Mike_25

Hi there, I have have a challenge with my application. I am developing it using VB.Net and SQL server 2014. My database contains 2k plus records. I used to search and return the results very fast when the database was still small. The problem now is that whenever i try …

Member Avatar for Mike_25
Member Avatar for altjen

Hello... Im having a problem with "like operator" on SQL database Im using this code to search on database Dim DV As New DataView(dbDataSet) DV.RowFilter = String.Format("ID Like '%{0}%'", TextBox1.Text) DataGridView1.DataSource = DV and at textbox1 I type 2 in data grid view show all people who have number 2 …

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for sirushti

I am developing a social networking website using a**sp.net mvc** and sql server 2008. I need reference links, sites or reference books which help on knowing what are the best practices, code patterns and best third party tools to integrate and work on. Any suggestions from you people will help …

Member Avatar for tlcd_vip
Member Avatar for NuGG

I want to disallow certain query strings with robots.txt and I want to check I am doing this correctly... I am using: Disallow: /browse.asp?cat=*-* I want to check that this rule will allow these urls to be indexed: *browse.asp?cat=123/1234/1234-1 browse.asp?cat=123/1234-1* While disallowing these urls: *browse.asp?cat=1234-1 browse.asp?cat=1234-2* Will this rule work? …

Member Avatar for Ali_42
Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

Alright, so the following has stumpted me and a few others in the office, and we just can't figure it out. I have develope a program that allows us to go out to a specific database and search one of the fields based on specified values. Now that seems all …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for toxicandy

I am currently working on an online website which houses a database inside that has 50-75 fields. I have what I believe may be a somewhat rudimentary question. Assuming we want to query the Database how would one go about making it so it builds a query statement using the …

Member Avatar for DJBirdi
Member Avatar for berserk

I need help trying to get my mysqli_query() function to work right. I have this so far: $raw_results = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM numdata WHERE numb='%".$k."%' UNION SELECT * FROM numdata2 WHERE numb='%".$k."%' UNION SELECT * FROM numdata3 WHERE numb='%".$k."%' UNION SELECT * FROM numdata4 WHERE numb='%".$k."%' UNION SELECT * …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for joachimanderson

Hi there, I just can't figure this out and I hope someone may be kind enough to help me. I am trying to paginate search results from a simple form. The script I am using works fine for the first page of results but resorts to displaying all the rows …

Member Avatar for mark.giles.14
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi, I have a data, employee attendance record with following format > 01-0002,I,4/21/2014,07:34:00 01-0002,O,4/21/2014,18:09:00 01-0002,I,4/22/2014,07:47:00 01-0002,O,4/22/2014,18:09:00 01-0002,I,4/23/2014,07:54:00 01-0002,O,4/23/2014,18:07:00 where I is in and O is out The table contains lots of records for this saves records from the start how can i search a record with no In or no …

Member Avatar for Lethugs
Member Avatar for jKidz

Hi All, These days I am implimenting a Hotel Room Reservation system. I have a small problem in Check Availability' page. below I listed my database structure. *rooms* rid int(11) <--- AI name varchar(255) ppn varchar(50) facilities mediumtext *reservations* resid int(11) <--- AI rid int(10) arrival date departure date System …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for smutolo

I found a php class that seems to help me achieve my objective of doing an advanced search of my database <?php class search { var $table; var $field1; var $field2; function queryRow($query){ //define database settings define("host", "xxxxxxxx"); define("login", "xxxxxx"); define("senha", "xxxxxxx"); //define database name define("data", "xxxxx"); //conection routine try{ …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mohd.nasrul.iwan.fajaruddin

I have 3 comboBox.. and i wanted a code for the thirdcombobox , something like "SELECT companyName FROM table where mainCategory = firstcombobox and subcategory = secondcombobox" , how do i do the sql query? my maincategory combobox is called mainCatU , and the subcategory is subCatU I managed to …

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for mohd.nasrul.iwan.fajaruddin

*new to C#* I have created a form , with a working coding , but i need an extra assistance. Somewhat , i am stuck on trying to figure out how to let the 3rd combobox value , determined by the first and second. Like this : [Main Form](http://i.imgur.com/1rePOge.png) For …

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for mohd.nasrul.iwan.fajaruddin

I have created a form , with a working coding , but i need an extra assistance. Somewhat , i am stuck on trying to figure out how to let the 3rd combobox value , determined by the first and second. and what i wanted is , something like , …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for searchacar

Hello, I am doing some search in which my requirment is to search between specific dates. Like user can put start date and then end date. Once submit then it should find result between these two dates. [QUOTE]Select from table where date1>2001-01-05 And date2< 2001-02-05.[/QUOTE] Will this above statement will …

Member Avatar for angiesavio
Member Avatar for Moderns

Hello, I need to know what's the best way to search tables with million records. I have a table called <people> and this table has the column: <status> Status might be more than one word like: "I am happy today and the weather is nice". Also, it might be in …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for de Source

hi, I am working on an asp application using c# and i can import excel file to sql table i have two columns in excel and as well as in sql of same name "id" and "status" when i import data both columns are imported to sql table in the …

Member Avatar for arun1123
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi, i am trying to implement a federated search. I have no idea how to start implementing it? i have several questions relating to this. 1. has the application needs to be web based or desktop based? 2. do i have to have a database in the application side? i …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for r0cks

Basically I want to develop a Address lookup(part of my project) using C# (and I can use SQL if necessary). I have a very large text file which have all the UK address and postcodes. Addresses needs to be looked up from this text file. For example, as soon as …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for Sabyre

OMG Optimization.... One of those things that is widely discussed but with no real specifics because everyones setup and situation is different. So I spent all day trying to find ways to accomplish this as our SQL server was maxed out. Let me do a bit of setup explination.... We …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for webenveloper

Hello all, How many ways are there to put variables into a query? The reason I ask is that I cannot get "SELECT * FROM locations WHERE title LIKE '%".$input."%'"; The "SELECT * FROM locations" query only does give me the full table but using that input variable substitution (from …

Member Avatar for webenveloper
Member Avatar for 47pirates

I'm trying to make a search by different option say A, B . what i need is if user provide value of A only then it does the searching using parameter A only , if user provide A and B then it needs to do searching using condition A=value1 AND …

Member Avatar for 47pirates
Member Avatar for Farhan_B

Currently i am working and using a filter function for my search however i not sure how to do it using a query the sql statement is [CODE]cmd.CommandText = select * from tblcustomer where customerName like "'& textbox1.text &'"[/CODE] I no there is some bits missing but i am not …

Member Avatar for Farhan_B
Member Avatar for abathurst

I have a form where a user can search for properties from a database. Everything is working except for the suburb search. I would like the user to be able to search for more then one suburb. At the moment I have the information from the textbox being separated into …

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The End.