7,154 Topics

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I have a site where I am trying to use a question answer format as my sales pitch. The beginning 2 paragraphs ask the viewer questions answer them to lure them into my product. I know that you should place your keywords at the top of your website for SEO. …

Member Avatar for seo_expert
Member Avatar for Shih-Lian Huang

In SEO, we have to know two things are very important. The first one is open directories project (ODP), which is dmoz.com. The idea of open directories is to submit your site to other big web hosts' directories in order to increase the listed frequency from the searching results by …

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Member Avatar for Mr.'BackUp'

Hi guys, Can anyone recommend free Web analytics software or site? I am currently using awstats but need something more detailed Ideas? Thanks

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Member Avatar for Dani

If you go to [url="http://www.google.com/analytics/conversionuniversity_dt.html"]http://www.google.com/analytics/conversionuniversity_dt.html[/url] you will notice a welcome message by Google that states [quote=Google] Regardless of how you drive traffic to your site - paid search, search engine optimization (SEO), print, or any other medium - your challenge is to get more of the visitors you really want …

Member Avatar for KeysToFlorida
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[color=navy]Google Webaccelerator is being used to crawl and spider URLs[/color] [color=darkslateblue]Interestingly enough, several brand new never before owned URLs have just been added to Google SERPs[/color] [color=navy]What is so interesting is that they were purchased about a week ago - the hand coding of the site and the FTP-ing were …

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[url="http://www.google.com/transit/help/faq_transit.html#about"][color=navy][b][url="http://www.google.com/transit/help/faq_transit.html#about"]http://www.google.com/transit/help/faq_transit.html#about[/url][/b][/color][/url] [url="http://answers.yahoo.com/"][color=navy][b]http://answers.yahoo.com[/b][/color][/url] [list] [list] [*][color=navy]Google release Public Trans Trip Planner[/color] [*][color=navy]Yahoo releases Answers[/color] [/list] [/list][color=dimgray][i]if these links are inappropriate - no problem to remove or delete[/i][/color] [list] [/list]

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for sarika_mosaic

If one creates mutiple sites for same services, will this effect on the rankings in Search Engine. Like I have designed 3 sites with different content, but of same meaning for my services. Will this create any problem for my sites to rank top in Google?

Member Avatar for techniner
Member Avatar for hockmasm

let's say the keywords that i am seo my webpages for are "dodge neon" and "neon parts." lets also say my url is [url]www.dodgeneon.com[/url] lets also say that i have a keyword density on my pages of "dodge neon" and "neon parts" at the normal percentage, 2-5%. now, my question …

Member Avatar for SEO Cat
Member Avatar for vangraan

I have read somewhere that you should also try to optimize for common spelling mistakes people can make with your keywords. If the theme/category my website is about is very popular, would it be advisable to optimize for misspelled search terms, or would this affect the credibility of my site …

Member Avatar for SEO Cat
Member Avatar for etechsupport

Do different search engines treat keyword densities differently ? What is keyword density tolerance of those search engine?

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Member Avatar for g0rb4ch3v

Will spiders allow this and actually index it if I edit the .htaccess to goto cmps_index.php instead of index.php?

Member Avatar for techniner
Member Avatar for egoleo

I am a webmaster for a site. I have been trying to get my site's search to be able to search through my own site and also on google by using radio button to make the choice. Is there a way to do that? can someone help me with a …

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Member Avatar for Dani

I just did a Google search before and noticed something I have never seen before. To the right of the familiar Cached and Similar pages links is one saying Remove result. Does anyone know what this does ... just remove the link from this particular search? Filter it out of …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for vangraan

Does google tell the public when they do updates or do you just have to wait and hope your PR goes up? And if they do where can I find these dates?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for obiztek

Hi, I am looking for a Bulleting Board / Forums which is :- 1) SEO Friendly . 2) Make the threads in html extension as is done in this forum .No php / aps / aspx extension are preferred 3) Either free or availble at a nominal fees 4) Should …

Member Avatar for iwonder
Member Avatar for Dani

So does anyone know what Gogle Carabou (spelling?) is, or has heard of it? I was at Ad:Tech NYC this week, and went with a friend to one of those private AdWords optimization sessions. As we walked over to the AdWords rep's laptop, we caught a glimpse of something that …

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[url="https://www.google.com/analytics/"]https://www.google.com/analytics/[/url] [url="http://www.google.com/analytics/feature_benefits.html"]http://www.google.com/analytics/feature_benefits.html[/url] [CODE] <script src="[url="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js"]http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js[/url]" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "....."; urchinTracker(); </script> [/CODE]

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[color=navy]An anti-spyware initiative backed by Internet portals Yahoo and AOL would certify downloadable software as consumer-friendly and non-invasive. [/color] [color=navy]Under the program, which was to be formally announced Wednesday, developers that want to obtain certification for their downloads would also have to prove their products can be easily removed from …

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Member Avatar for trafficman

Since yesterday ev. Yahoo has operated a n update called the 5th weather report. Did you notice any changes?

Member Avatar for Avalon

I have two web sites. I have tried to optimize them the best I can considering my little experience. This one has been around for months [url="http://www.site.com"]www.site.com[/url] and I just created this one [url="http://www.site.com"]www.site.com[/url] The problem is I don't get any clicks except the ones I pay for. I know …

Member Avatar for fromthe5
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[url="http://www.google.com/press/pressrel/vintcerf.html"][font=Book Antiqua]http://www.google.com/press/pressrel/vintcerf.html[/font][/url] [font=Book Antiqua][QUOTE]...announced that it hired Vinton (Vint) Cerf, the longtime technologist who is widely known as a "founding father" of the Internet, as Chief Internet Evangelist. [/font] [font=Book Antiqua]"Vint Cerf is clearly one of the great technology leaders of our time," said Google CEO Eric Schmidt of Cerf, …

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Member Avatar for ayk-retail

Wasn't that dumb of Google to go ahead and start copying copyrighted material. You would expect them to think first, wouldn't you.

Member Avatar for iwonder
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[center][url="http://www.inquisitorx.com/beta/"][color=darkorange][b]http://www.inquisitorx.com/beta/[/b][/color][/url] [/center]

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Personalization of placed content ordering in search results [b]Abstract[/b]A system and method for using a user profile to order placed content in search results returned by a search engine. The user profile is based on search queries submitted by a user, the user's specific interaction with the documents identified by …

Member Avatar for Mr.'BackUp'

Hi guys, Can anyone in laymans terms advise on how I can enable my blog for RSS so that other sites can link to it and be updated when my blog is updated? Many thanks

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

Is there any proof that graphical links don't weigh as much as text link ads do?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for staminet

Hi All I'm a little confused with how to optimize my website for Google etc. If i was to advertise on a website via a text link, if my keywords where say 'hosting' would i need the word 'hosting' in the link that points to my website. If yes, is …

Member Avatar for fromthe5
Member Avatar for hockmasm

We all talk about search engine optimization and often times repeat the same things. Make your keywords a certain density, etc. What about methods to optimize your index page to lure visitors to explore it and stay, instead of just walking away after 30 seconds of reviewing it? You can …

Member Avatar for sarika_mosaic
Member Avatar for Mr.'BackUp'

Has anyone used [url="http://www.textlinksrus.com"]http://www.textlinksrus.com[/url] ? The charge $49 for 50 one way text links. Advice please? Thanks

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The End.