7,154 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dani

Does anyone know of any websites that would let me check my link popularity / the number of backlinks that I have? The more details and specifics, the better?

Member Avatar for fromthe5
Member Avatar for Mr.'BackUp'

Is the Google update finished now? Are we out of the woods? My SERPS is going up and down every few days, stressful stuff! Any ideas?

Member Avatar for fromthe5
Member Avatar for Elite Matt

Submit your website to 12 different search engines free! [QUOTE][url]http://www.elitematt.com/searchenginesubmission/[/url][/QUOTE]

Member Avatar for Arabule
Member Avatar for trafficman

Hi, What do you think about those keywords density online tools ? At first view that would lead the webmasters to use keywords stuffing into their website :( BTW do you know a good tool to report the most relevant websites according to given keywords ?

Member Avatar for extofer
Member Avatar for rflournoy@golfh

Hope the the current jagger update is treating everyone well. Check out [URL=http://www.mcdar.net]http://www.mcdar.net[/URL] to see where you stand.

Member Avatar for Mr.'BackUp'

[url="http://www.seoelite.com/chat/posting.php?mode=quote&p=8449"][/url] [url="http://www.seoelite.com/chat/posting.php?mode=editpost&p=8449"][/url] [url="http://www.seoelite.com/chat/posting.php?mode=delete&p=8449&sid=e795505934e0f4fe5441742790bfcc4f"][/url] On my quest to get into DMOZ, I decided to go and post on the DMOZ forum. I get there only to see this announcement: [url="http://resource-zone.com/forum/announcement.php?f=42"][color=#606420]http://resource-zone.com/forum/announcement.php?f=42[/color][/url] Ah well....all good things come to an end

Member Avatar for rflournoy@golfh
Member Avatar for nolnet

I came across a new script that supposedly works magic on your page ranking within search engines. The script description is below. Has anybody here tried such a script? DESCRIPTION This script is intended for automated grab and placement of the most recently popular keywords into metadata of your site. …

Member Avatar for rflournoy@golfh
Member Avatar for alloutservice

Hey, all. Whatsup. Has anyone here used that SEO ELITE software. If so what did you think of? Did it work? Well, anyone has anything to say, please reply. Thanks. :D :D

Member Avatar for rflournoy@golfh
Member Avatar for Mr.'BackUp'

Why is it that if I do a search in google for my keyword in speech marks I find myself on the first page - BUT without the speech marks I cannot be found?

Member Avatar for rflournoy@golfh
Member Avatar for hexstar

Hi, I'm trying to get an account with LinkExperts.com for my topsites [url]http://usa.ultimatetopsites.com/general/hexstar/[/url] ...their company is unique because instead of relying on clicks they rely on search engines indexing the direct links provided by the ads to raise their clients search engine rankings...however they rejected my site because according to …

Member Avatar for hexstar
Member Avatar for timhysniu

Finally, I am ranking highest for (bctutor dot com) on yahoo. No response from google though. It seems very strange that I don't even have 1 pagerank on google. I can't find my site at all on google. Can anyone give any suggestions? It seems like my site got banned …

Member Avatar for Ammon
Member Avatar for ! !

[indent]$11.7 billion would be lost to fraud among online adults in the year ending April 2004 (according to Gartner Group) or that 60% of the sites claiming to offer help to Katrina victims were likely bogus (according to the FBI). Powered by Ask Jeeves algorithmic search technology, the new service …

Member Avatar for xbsjason

Hi, I was just wondering what your thoughts are on this strategy for vbulletin forums. There is currently a Plugin available for vbulletin that directs search engines to the archives exclusively via a 301 redirect, and when a user clicks a search result they are redirected to the original post, …

Member Avatar for ! !

[url="http://www.google.com/help/about_blogsearch.html"]http://www.google.com/help/about_blogsearch.html[/url] [url="http://blogsearch.google.com/"]http://blogsearch.google.com/[/url] [b]What is Blog Search?[/b] Blog Search is Google search technology focused on blogs. Google is a strong believer in the self-publishing phenomenon represented by blogging, and we hope Blog Search will help our users to explore the blogging universe more effectively, and perhaps inspire many to join the …

Member Avatar for garg

I have a few blogs and their addresses are like XYZ.blogspot.com . I just got a few domains that I want to use with these blogs and I can set them up to redirect them to any place. How badly would this affect search engines indexing my blogs? and if …

Member Avatar for jewboy
Member Avatar for Mr.'BackUp'

I apologise in advance for my ignorance :!: - but if robots from Google for example are visiting your site then does that mean it has been 'indexed'? I ask because I read that if you want to be 'indexed' into Google within a short space of time then it …

Member Avatar for jewboy
Member Avatar for ep2002

Hi all, Is this any good & does it work? [url="http://www.link-swapper.com/"]http://www.link-swapper.com/[/url] Thanks Michelle

Member Avatar for sand
Member Avatar for tgreer

With all the recent news and attention to the latest Google products, I've found myself becoming increasingly paranoid about Google. Have things started to take a creepy turn, or is it just my imagination? For example, the Google Library Project, and the Google Print Project. Who gave Google the right …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for sunny_kvc

Dynamically Update Your Web Pages Via E-Mail If you can Send an E-Mail you can Dynamically update Your Web Pages. Following a few simple Steps and the Power of Blogs you can Mail in your Web Page Updates anytime you want too. Step 1 - Get a Blog account. Go …

Member Avatar for rufryder
Member Avatar for sunny_kvc

Yahoo has many ways to help you find want you want easily. Here are 23 Power Search Tips to make your Yahoo Experience easier and more fun. These Search Tips were found on the Following Yahoo web pages [url]http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/basics/basics-04.html[/url] [url]http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/tips/tips-01.html[/url] 1 - site Yahoo will restrict its search to only …

Member Avatar for sunny_kvc

Google has many ways to help you find want you want easily. Here are 11 Power Search Tips to make your Google Experience easier and more fun. These Search Tips were found on the Following Google web page [url]http://www.google.com/help/operators.html[/url] 1 - cache This will return the Web Page that Google …

Member Avatar for sunny_kvc

Can anyone tell how can i get my PR increase to atleast 5 . << url snipped >> My website has only 3 PR. Regards Sukhpreet Singh

Member Avatar for sandra_kvc
Member Avatar for ayk-retail

I am just curious of how many people that actually use Yahoo Search especially now that Google is certainly the best search engine out there.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for JeffHeaton

If I type my site's(or pretty much any site) into google and get the page that says: * Show Google's cache of google.com * Find web pages that are similar to google.com * Find web pages that link to google.com * Find web pages from the site google.com * Find …

Member Avatar for jewboy
Member Avatar for jayant

Hi all, I am trying to get some more visitors to my site and on one of the forums I found a free service called Link Vault. This is basically a link exchange programme which allows you to easily get more links pointing to your website and therefore a higher …

Member Avatar for techniner
Member Avatar for cmills83

I am on page one or two on MSN/Yahoo for my car parts site but Google I am usually ranked around #100. Wtf. I don't have many backlinks, but what other areas should I focus on to get better rankings on Google. I have focused mainly on Meta's and Alt …

Member Avatar for sypher
Member Avatar for jewboy

Read for more info: [url="http://news.com.com/2061-10803_3-5824161.html?part=rss&tag=5824161&subj=news"]http://news.com.com/2061-10803_3-5824161.html?part=rss&tag=5824161&subj=news[/url]

Member Avatar for techniner

OK people I need to know how many people are getting this... Recreate this error by going to google then type: inurl:somedomain.com Then click like PAGE 2 down at the bottom. You should be presented with this fine message: We're sorry... ... but we can't process your request right now. …

Member Avatar for techniner
Member Avatar for Antonbomb22

I recently received an email from the Yahoo! Publisher Network newsletter about them now sending out invitations to those who are signed up for the newsletter to beta test the yet to be released Yahoo! Publisher technology. I myself have not received an invitation but susposively others have. Anyways those …

Member Avatar for jewboy

Big news this week for the PPC industry. Jeeves announced that it will sell PPC ads ontop of ads fed by Google. MSN is officially the last of the first tier engines to serve it's own PPC ads. At the moment, MSN's sponsored ads are served by Yahoo Search Marketing …


The End.