1,891 Topics
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Hi All, Second time to post on this group :) I'm pulling my hair now 'coz I'm so dumb to produce this requirement. Requirement: I want to run a utility by limiting the no. inside my process (mov##) to be able to use in multi streaming. Here is my script: … | |
Hi Guys, First time user & new to scripting. :) I have my shell script like this: [CODE] #!/usr/bin/sh e_id=`sqlplus -s scott/tiger@DB<<eof SET PAGESIZE 0 FEEDBACK OFF VERIFY OFF HEADING OFF ECHO OFF; select emp_id from employee; quit ` echo "Employee ID's $e_id" group=GROUP1 # Getting the sss_no for each … | |
I want to write a script that makes sure users' home directories don't contain world writable directories, directories owned by other users, or other potential security problems. I'd like to echo any directory where one user's home directory can be modified some by another user. Can someone help me with … | |
Hello, I'm still fairly new at shell scripting, can someone please show me how I would go about accomplishing a script to tackle these tasks? I've got a server setup. I want to find duplicate files that are taking up all the space on the hard drive. I want to … | |
Hi! I run Linux (easy peasy) on my netbook and have decided to encrypt the folder of my mail-client (in this case: evolution) via encfs. So I wrote a little shell-script that does all the necessary steps: [LIST] [*]ask for the password [*]decrypt and mount the directory [*]start evolution [*]umount … | |
Hi all :) I am new to the batch file, never heard it before and thus need help from all of your. I need to create a batch file (.bat) that will execute a C# application which is written in Visual Studio 2008. Someone please assist me and give me … | |
Hi all, I need to create thousands of directories in a single parent directory using shell scripting code. One problem would be to generate the unique directory name for each of the 1000 iterations to create a directory every time. ie first time the directory name needs to be subdir1 … | |
hi, I have created a script that has some sql queries in it. It seem to work fine and e-mails me the output file but when i use this command [COLOR="Red"]'col email format a20'[/COLOR] it creates a dead.letter file and i never get the e-mail. Any help would be appreciated. … | |
Hi guys, I have a simple question, I want to store the output of the following command: [QUOTE]sudo iotop -t 0 -C 3 | grep "load: "[/QUOTE] As you can see it is running all the time, and we get a new line every 3sec. I just want to store … | |
i have a file, say , abc.log which contains data like, [code] 123_1 123_2 123_3 123_4 123_5 123_6 123_7 123_8 123_9 123_3 123_5 123_3 123_7 123_6 123_1 123_3 [/code] [COLOR="Red"]As we can see, there are 16 rows. Now i need to grep for a pattern like '123_*' but want to … | |
![]() | Hi Guys, I've got a small issue passing the string from command line parameter into the variable within the script. An issue is when the parameter contains an equal mark in the string that brakes the line and the everything after an equal mark is missing. See an example: script.bat … |
Pretty new at shell scripting. My server was hacked and instances of links for viagra were placed in it. I have lots of sites, so I need to search for all instances of "viagra" and list the files, so I can go remove the intrusions. Can this be done using … | |
what is the windows script to add shortcuts to all users desktop? thanks | |
O/S: Linux Shell: BASH I know of 4 different ways to use a for loop: 1. for I in {1..10}; do echo $I; done| 2. for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do echo $I; done| 3. for I in $(seq 1 10); do … | |
I have written a shell script below while running this script , we have to give inputs manually, now i want that we are getting inputs in excel file ..can we automate this , this was a project for me , i am alreday late ..please help me soon [code] … | |
[ICODE]while getopts htn: OPTION do case ${OPTION} in t) LIST='john mike smith' ;; n) LIST='rob peter joe' ;; h|*) show_usage exit 0 ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) args=$*[/ICODE] above is a snippet of code. i would like to use more than one character in my options e.g fname … | |
[CODE]$dgs = new IO::Socket::INET(LocalPort => $lisport, Proto => 'udp') or die "Socket: $!\n";[/CODE] I have a perl script that I want to run on tomato firmware router using the current shell scripting that it supports How would I do the above in shell? In perl you have to use IO:Socket. | |
hi. I'm a newbie in shell scripting as well as the *nix OS. I just wanna ask about the symbol [B]#![/B] that I saw in many shell script examples. For instance, [ICODE][B]#![/B]/bin/bash[/ICODE]. What does the [B]#![/B] symbol means? What's the meaning of [B]$1[/B], [B]$2[/B], [B]$3[/B] symbols? and what does the … | |
Hi everybody, I have a problem in include path. i want to keep my all header file in folder named myInclude and include it like #include<myInclude/header.h>, Is there any possible way to do this, if there is than please tell me the step. thanks in advance........... | |
Hello, I have lots of xml files in the same format and I need to modify a xml tag in these files. i loop over the files and apply sed to the files to make the modification but CPU goes to %100 while doing this. I think I'm doing something … | |
I'd like to write a script to identify current users on the sytem with an indication of the actions they are performing. I only want to identify the users. Can someone please help? | |
hello I basically need to automate this [url]http://www.contextmagic.com/express-clickyes/[/url] with shell script. how can i tell inside shell script to find and activate window and then sendkey {tab} tab enter .... Thanks! | |
This is the question, first I'd like to know if shell scripting could do this, if it can whats the best scripting language to use and any hints you can too. TIA. The problem I have is this I need to do a lot of search and replaces. But they … | |
Hi guys, i want how to run the batch file for particular time interval in windows thanks | |
have written a shell script in which I use fastmail to send emails from the shell script. It sends email to my company account with no problem. But I wan to send the same email to a pager number so that the pager goes off when the particular condition occurs. … | |
I have defined a variable in bash [code]$ MYDATESTAMP="2009-06-25 21:57:18"[/code] I would like to pass this to perl to perform a simple date conversion. If I enter the date manually it works. [code]$ perl -MDate::Parse -le'print str2time("2009-06-25 21:57:18");' $ 1245992238[/code] My attempts to pass the variable MYDATESTAMP into this command … | |
Hi, I had some irritation with a "while"- loop, which turned out to be endless. Anyway, i was able to find the problem and reduce it to be shown on the commandline: I "typeset" (and initialize) an array and an integer variable: [CODE]$ typeset -a arr; arr=(bourne again shell) $ … | |
Hi I am new to unix and want to learn shell scripting. Right now I am use cygwin for windows but sooner I will switch to ubantu. So when I wrote my first script (just copied from the book I was reading), I came to know I have to give … | |
Hey, I wanted to create a Body Mass Index calculator. I've already created a seperate HTML file with a form where you have to type in your weight and height. So far so good, now I want to 'transfer' the data to my cgi script (unix shell script) as soon … | |
I need write simple script,but I just started and don't know how to do this at all. And I need it before tomorrow. This is what I need. 1) Create a directory FileData and place four files into the directory. This part, I already did, but second still exist. 2) … |
The End.