1,891 Topics

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Member Avatar for anjoz

how do you compare comandline arguments in bash example i have 5 or more arguments and 2 of the arguments are the same how can do it any suggestions? my problem is that i need to compare 2 or more arguments if any of the arguments are the same sleep …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for kristo5747

After running the command [CODE] find . -name "R*VER" -mtime +1 -exec sh -c 'grep -H ^err "{}" || echo "{}:No error"' \;[/CODE] my files look like this [CODE] RRR1~COS~COSMETICS~40048~jgmdtv113~1~P~R22-200~029053662549~20110607~102151.VER No error RRR1~COS~COSMETICS~ETT03~jgm14652.~3~F~R16-500~000907009757~20110607~085109.VER err 3922 [/CODE] Using the tilde (~) symbol as delimiter in the file name, can I extract …

Member Avatar for kristo5747
Member Avatar for Shreerang

Hey all, I have written a small script to download certain files from an ftp site. I use the wget function.I'd like to get a progress-bar with zenity to show the advancement of the wget function. Can anyone suggest a solution? Thanx, Shreerang Patwardhan.

Member Avatar for Kiwicam
Member Avatar for n3red

Hello, First of all let me say i have very little idea about shell scripting and linux ( ubuntu ). I am trying to write a script where i would give it two arguments two dates in a 29/5 30/5 whitin the console and it would return a list or …

Member Avatar for andrewll2
Member Avatar for vaibhav1983

Hi All, Small issue while I am tring to cat the contents of the file . The script is posted here [CODE] myvar=`cat orders.0613` echo $myvar [/CODE] The contents of the file orders.0613 contains approximately 200 lines. but when I do echo $myvar the contents are printed in one line. …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for k2k

this is perfectly fine. It will grep each of the output, if it != "client" or "-----" then it will be written to the text file. for /F "tokens=3" %%a in ('E:\things\bpplclients') do ( if /I not "%%a" == "Client" ( if /I not "%%a" == "--------------" ( echo %%a …

Member Avatar for airbourne

I am writing a simple shell script to automate a simple backup of a website and it's database. This is the working code: [CODE]#!/bin/bash # creates a backup of the mysql & webdata for a specific website. TODAY=`date +%A` # these variables cannot contain any spaces and must be modified …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for red_ruewei

Hi all, Sorry if I post duplicate thread. I'm using windows batch program and still very beginner. I'm having a problem to read record from database. I'm planning to automated read folder name(folder name as reference number of project) from specific root folder and compare the folder name whether exist …

Member Avatar for Freude

Hello everyone, I am trying to use gnuplot for visualization of data stored in a file which is dynamically changed during computations. My aim is visualization of data from this file every several seconds during computations. How can I refresh gnuplot output produced in the bash script (usually i call …

Member Avatar for Freude
Member Avatar for santhoshvkumar

Hi all, I am trying a scenario for calling a shell script when ever a trigger is called. Can some one guide me how to achive this scenario. Also it should passes the value from the table to the shell script. Can some one explain me along with the example. …

Member Avatar for JeoSaurus
Member Avatar for prathu1

help me to understand the below highlighted: [B][COLOR="Red"]When the login program executes a shell, that [U]shell is uninitialized[/U]. When a shell is uninitialized, important parameters required by the shell to function correctly are not defined.[/COLOR][/B]The shell undergoes a phase called initialization to set up these parameters. This is usually a …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for vasuv

Hi, we are having some scheduled jobs.If these jobs runs successfully the files will be arrived into the some specified folder.But some times I am unable to find out the files are not yet arrived. So now i want to write an automation script which will inform you like the …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for moone009

I believe this should be a very simple task for anyone good at batch scripting. Basically I need a batch script that will run through a directory and produce a text file for me. Directory: D:\SQLBackup If any folder in this directory has more than 145 records I need to …

Member Avatar for moone009
Member Avatar for vasuv

Hi All, I want to write an automation script, which will send log files of Scheduled jobs via email for every one hour. Please help me out to write a script for this. Thanks.

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for buster2209

How can I view the TCP/IPv4 setting through the command line for an adaptor that is [I][COLOR="Red"]disabled[/COLOR][/I]. 'ipconfig', 'ipconfig /all', and 'netsh interface ipv4 show addresses' only display the relevant information for an adaptor that is enabled. Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for endisbegun

so im just starting to get into the basics of bash scripting yes this is for a class, no i dont want the answer, i want to understand im a networking major, and as such not really big into programming basically i need to make a simple calculator that handles …

Member Avatar for endisbegun
Member Avatar for SakuraPink

Hi everyone, Here is my problem: I have different data files each with several columns and row of data. datafile1 , datafile2, ... Now I need to do some simple math procedure of this data files, Lets say I need to add the 3rd column of datafile1 to the 2nd …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I have the following working fine from the command line: [CODE] telnet (my email smtp) 25 helo mail from:(my email address) rcpt to:(my email address) DATA SUBJECT:(my subject) (my message) . [/CODE] This is sending me an email. My problem is that I need to emulate all of this from …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for n3red

Hi, i am still learning i want to make a simple shell script. I wish to make a function that will receive 2 arguments (two dates) and will return all users who logged in during that period, how many times and how long were they logged in. I wish to …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for egmik3

I am a noob at shell scripting and have been reading up on this topic in random google searches. The only way that I saw that worked was creating a tmpfile. IE: [CODE] crontab -l > $tmpfile edit $tmpfile crontab $tmpfile rm $tmpfile [/CODE] I need a script that will …

Member Avatar for gunasek12
Member Avatar for narlapavan

i am working on solaris environment. i want find size of a file on remote system.. i.e at present i am in user1 system, from user1, i want to find size of a file in user2 system ...

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for tikoti

Hi all, I am really new in bash scripting and I can't even make simple tasks What I am trying to do is executing a command (ls -l for this example), over a double leap ssh. [CODE] #!/bin/bash ssh -T myuser@entrypoint ssh -T myuser@targetpc<<EOI ls -ltr . exit EOI [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for arunmag

Hi friends, I just wrote a small batch file that open an application. When it opens that it displays a window with four buttons and by default the cursor in on the firs button. Now I want to click on the second button that browses for the files to open. …

Member Avatar for Batch Devil
Member Avatar for empyrean

Helo all, I wanted to parse EMBL format like file to fasta. i cannot use bioperl because this is not complete EMBL format. so please suggest me how to get this done.. [CODE] ID 013789-0068 PS TBD OO huringiensis OS ringiensis OX SI 68 RA RL 2010. OKAYAMA UNIVERSITY,JAPAN LAMB …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for LanguidLegend

The following is an exercise for my class: [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Redirect mouse device into a file. sudo cat /dev/input/mice > rawmouse.data Move the mouse a bit and then type CONTROL-C. Note that on some distro's you'll need to sudo to bypass device files' restricted permissions. Now, cat that file to the sound …

Member Avatar for LanguidLegend
Member Avatar for ajwest85

Im using awk script programming in the END state if i set the for loop i in name it would print out the values of the name array but not the sales array, If i set the for loop i in sales it would print out the values in the …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for keeda

Hi, I have a bash script that reads data from a data file and does some processing, due to security reasons, I have to encrypt my data file, how can my bash script handle this? I mean how can my bash script read data from a encrypted file without me …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for rkumra

while firing a build through clearmake command i found such message. is the build successful or any error is there?? how to come out from this?? BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 15 minutes 23 seconds *** Error code 1

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for weblover

Hello everyone i have a text file that contains something like this. [CODE] 1 AC AT RR cOO 2 EE cFF HGB cEVY 3 WDU RWS cTY NBE [/CODE] but it contains a lot of rows and that's an example of the data what i want to do is to …

Member Avatar for weblover
Member Avatar for vedro-compota

Hi guys! In my makefile I have line - [CODE]gcc -Wall parent.c errmsg.o -o parent[/CODE] What does it mean "Wall" here ? big thanks in advance)

Member Avatar for vedro-compota

The End.