1,891 Topics
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Hello I want to make a simple bat file in Windows 7 but the command (route) only works in admin mode so I would have to ask for admin premissions. How do I do this in a bat file? Thank you | |
i want to create a shell script that divide a text file to parts and take the information from each part and store it | |
I have an batch script that needs to concatenate several hundred of lines (72 chars) in one long line for base64 to decode. He used line reading because of the windows XP line limit (8191 chars per line). The script currently has 2 issues at result: It exports with 2xquote … | |
This script is supposed to ssh to the server, which it does and then it supposed to say "case is correct" on the name of the server that the person entered if the case is correct (upper or lowercase). However, it works except that it never returns a servername. I … | |
Hi, i have to write/as homework/ a script that shows list of all users ,users belong to group (which is main group for every user has been showed) defined as parameter of script. In the case of -c, show count of those users. TIP: /etc/passwd, /etc/group | |
I understand that variables are global unless otherwise stated local, but for some reason, (and it's probably my own stupidity) it's not working. I have searched around to no avail. #!/bin/bash function a { echo $1 } echo $1 a Say you pass the word car to it. It should … | |
I'm trying to write a program that will ask the user to input the number of values he wants, prompt him for the values and then print out the maximum value and the minimum value. This is what I have so far: count=1 echo "Enter number of integers" read n … | |
Which command is used to copy all files having the string chap and any two characters after that to the progs directory? | |
Hello, I was trying to combine some commands but having a little trouble. In a single command I want to call the script dvdcoll2 and accept input from dvdcoll1. Then I want to put stdout into dvdcoll3, and stderr into dvderror. How do I string together four commands in a … | |
Hi there, I want to check whether a file is a link or not. Eg: I have a directory structure as follows: mkdir -p abc/bcd/cde/def touch abc/bcd/cde/def/file cd abc/ ln -s bcd link Now, abc/link/cde/def/file is actually not a file. Its a link Now I want to remove this file … | |
I am working on a "for loop that finds all the drives on a system that match a given criteria and am trying to accumulate the drive letters into a list(string) which I can then pipe to a command which will do something to those drives. I do not use … | |
Hi there, I have the xml file (HSBB_voice_20120925_0000000182.cdr.bc_lerr.xml) that contains data between tags that i want to extract. The sample data from the xml file that i have etracted is like below : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <record record_no = "62" error_code="100">D20|000000063|56604960 071411E2 BC9D24B6 FDB63DEA|6088342010|0166662635|DEFAULT|1348579536|1348579538|3|0|IDD|Flat Rate <record record_no = "63" error_code="100">D20|000000064|7A257C4E 071411E2 BC9D24B6 … | |
Q-1 Write a shell script in Unix that lists files from your current working directory · By modification time when called with lm · By access time when called with la. By default, the script should show the listing of all the files in the current directory. Q-2 Write a … | |
Hi, I am trying to write a code in which i want to read the command line arguement ( which i can get by using $(0,1,...) ) and want to give the arguement to some filename. Eg. ./myprogram filename.cpp I want to remove ".cpp" from the filename and want to … | |
What language are CMAKE Makefile (CmakeLists) written in? As for other Makefiles are they written in the same language. For example a Makefile.gcc to be compiled using a MingW compiler? | |
I am trying to write a shell script but I only want it to run if there are no files with a specific name found on the server. I know how to check for a specif file which would be done like this: if [ -f /path/to/file ] then echo … | |
I am triying to write a shell script which do the following steps: 1)Check the status of File (ie:Rejected,Processed and Processed_with_errors) from Database(i am using TOAD tool). 2)If the file is rejected ,then the script should immediatly send a MAIL ALERT to me. 3)If the file is processed_with_errors with mare … | |
I.*I need to validate if characters a-z are entered it will reprompt*. Below is a snippet of my script wh While [true] do mainMenu # menu function read $opt # read option from menu if [ $opt -eq 0 ]; then exit elif [ $opt -gt 4 -o $choice -lt … | |
how to use array in shellscript...how array r declared and used can anybody reply me...pls | |
<ns:Address> <ns:StreetNumber>XXXXX</ns:StreetNumber> <ns:CityName>XXXXXX</ns:CityName> <ns:StateProvNamePA</ns:StateProvName> <ns:ZIP>XXXX</ns:ZIP> <ns:AddressID> <ns:ID SystemCode="CODE">10</ns:ID> </ns:AddressID> </ns:Address> <ns:Address> <ns:StreetNumber>XXXXX</ns:StreetNumber> <ns:CityName>XXXXXX</ns:CityName> <ns:StateProvNamePA</ns:StateProvName> <ns:ZIP>XXXX</ns:ZIP> <ns:AddressID> <ns:ID SystemCode="CODE">10</ns:ID> </ns:AddressID> </ns:Address> <ns:Address> <ns:StreetNumber>XXXXX</ns:StreetNumber> <ns:CityName>XXXXXX</ns:CityName> <ns:StateProvNamePA</ns:StateProvName> <ns:ZIP>XXXX</ns:ZIP> <ns:AddressID> <ns:ID SystemCode="CODE">10</ns:ID> </ns:AddressID> </ns:Address> <ns:Address> <ns:StreetNumber>XXXXX</ns:StreetNumber> <ns:CityName>XXXXXX</ns:CityName> <ns:StateProvNamePA</ns:StateProvName> <ns:ZIP>XXXX</ns:ZIP> <ns:AddressID> <ns:ID SystemCode="CODE">10</ns:ID> </ns:AddressID> </ns:Address> I am tryting to Spilt a File into number of … | |
Please can someone help me out on learning linux operating system. | |
#!/bin/csh echo -n "Enter a value> " set a = $< echo -n "Enter another value> " set b = $< echo "Doing mathematics> " @ r = $a + $b echo the sum a + b is $r tried runing this script and I keep getting this error report … | |
Hi, I am trying to develop a windows batch file /vbscript, where the script automatically opens an .exe (like for ex: notepad.exe) and selects the file menu and scroll to a particular file menu subitem . This is the code i have so far : Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run … | |
Good morning. I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to post this question, and if its not, please direct me. I have a script that lists the last logons for all users on all domain controllers in my domain. I've been asked to modify the script to exclude … | |
![]() | I am tring to call the same subroutine several times. The first time it runs it works correctly. Everytime after the first time it doesn't run the subroutine in order. I was wondering if anyone knows how to do this. Here is my current script. @echo off set description=Disabled %date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4% … ![]() |
I've completed an assignment which takes a file with records, sorts them, and creates a table with the utility 'latex'. The interesting part is that my scripts runs perfectly on my Mac (Darwin) but it runs slowly with no response (or doesn't work depending on how you look at it) … | |
How to copy one file from server to server using shell script, Pls help me in this | |
Hi I'm writing a shell script and I'm trying to get a starting number and an ending number from the user. So if the users starting number is 3 and the ending number is 4, my program should print out 4 5 6 7 as the consecutive numbers. My problem … | |
Can anyone explain me the below and please tell me why it is not accepting large number of strings. sed ':a;s/(([^,|]+)[|,].*)\2/\1/;ta;y/,/|/;s/||/|/g' file_nm | |
Hi, I am reading a command in shell script using sed: echo $1 | sed -e "s/^[^=]*=\(.*\)$/\1/" what I don't understand is the sed command. I only know it tries to substitute "^[^=]*=\(.*\)$/" with "\1" and 1 is one of the positional parameters got from invoking the shell script, but … |
The End.