1,891 Topics
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I want total months between two date (I/p) i want exactly four batch on the basis of date , for ex. i/p Start date : 01-JUN-2005 (or format can be 20050601 - YYYYMMDD) i/p End Date : 01-OCT-2006 or format can be 20061001 - YYYYMMDD) so in this scenario each … | |
Hello, I have in a file some text, the area I am concerned in is: #COMMAND TRUE #COMMAND2 TRUE (anytext)1 #ENDCOMMAND I want it to be changed to #COMMAND2 TRUE 1 .. Please note that I dont want all "#ENDCOMMAND"s to be deleted, as there are some not associated with … | |
Hello, I had an idea for a script and I was going to get everyone's opinion if shell scripting was actually the appropriate medium to try and get this task accomplished. I want to check and see if a message board thread has been updated or not and then if … | |
Hello, I need some help with the following script: [CODE] if ! [ -f ${APATH}/myfile.txt ];then echo $(date +%Y%m%d"_"%H%M%S)": Nu am gasit fisierul ${APATH}/myfile.txt" ps -fxu pin | grep "/usr/local/coreutils/bin/tail -f ${LOG_PATH}/x.log$" | awk '{system("kill "$2)}' cat ${LOG_PATH}/x.log | sed -n -e '/LONG/{x;1!p;g;;}' -e h > ${APATH}/myfile.txt /usr/local/coreutils/bin/tail -f ${LOG_PATH}/x.log … | |
Hi all 30 students have sent me their answers to me in folders, "[B]name1[/B]", "[B]name2[/B]", ..., "[B]name30[/B]". Each folder contains 2 outputs, "[B]output_a.txt[/B]" and "[B]output_b.txt[/B]" Now I have the correct answer "[B]correct_a.txt[/B]" and "[B]correct_b.txt[/B]" with me. I know that using the command diff, I can compare 2 files :: [CODE]$ … | |
Why am I not able to edit my unix file though i have the permissions -rwxrwxrwx? :( | |
![]() | I have a script called setuptex that is run on a terminal as [CODE]. ~/context/tex/setuptex[/CODE] I wanted to execute it from a bash script file instead of typing it each time on an interactive terminal. Since the dot operator and the source builtin command are similar, and I wanted a … |
Hello, I'm a new python user and I'm trying to create a python program that will run on a targate and communicate with the terminal. The main idea is to run several commend and short programs and analyze the results. for example running those 2 commands: cd /home/user/folder ls | … | |
Hi all! I have a directory with multiple text files of data. I have been trying to develop a loop to read through all the files, eliminate the first 88 lines (text header) and create a new file with only the data values. I have been all to write the … | |
Hi all Please help me out. I plot a file [B]output1.txt[/B] in the following way :: [CODE]gnuplot> plot "output1.txt" using 1:2 with lines, \ plot "output1.txt" using 1:3 with lines[/CODE] [B]BUT [/B] now I have [B]many[/B] data files, [CODE]output1.txt, output2.txt, output3.txt, ....,....... ,output1000.txt[/CODE] I need to [B]plot[/B] each one of … | |
i am trying to do something like [code] set var= ping google.com | find "Received = 4" if [var has something] then echo "ping well" [/code] something like that. in unix i can use the ` ` to execute shell command and set the returned value to the variable... can … | |
Hello, I'm kinda weird I know but I'm trying to encode my mp3 to a lower quality (for my mobile phone) with one line of shell (with bash). I'm wasting some more time as I would do by hand but I'm very interested. Here is my not-working line : [CODE]find … | |
I have 2 directories on Mac OS, one is the original directory and the other is an alias of the original directory. I want to list the contents of the aliased directory using shell script. I used the cd command to switch to the aliased directory, but it fails displaying … | |
hi friends i am new to shell programming and learning bourne shell....this is the syntax i am using a=10.0 b=20.0 c='echo $a+$b|bc' #wanted to add two variables in c echo $c this is the .sh file that i have created but when run in terminal,it is showing "echo $a+$b" not … | |
Hi all I run my program [B]prog.c[/B] in the following way : [CODE]$ ./prog 1 > output.txt [/CODE] where 1 is a user defined initial value used by the program. But now I want to run it for many a thousand initial values, 1-1000, and store all the outputs in … | |
Hello, I want to create a metapackage using the packagemaker command on my bash shell. The contents of the metapackage would be - Resources - package - some descriptors each to be installed at different locations. Could someone please help me out? | |
I want to compare two float values in shell script, i.e. a = 0.1 b = 0.4 if ( $a < $b )then expression1.. expression2.. expression3.. fi if ( $a > 0.0 ) then expression4.. expression5.. fi could you please suggest me how to implement in shell script ? | |
I need to put in some code in a dos batch to tell the user to enter 1, 2 3 or 4 on the keyboard. This runs the batchjob to put in a specific code into a website with JAVA. There is a little box with a user-id and i … | |
what I'm trying is to write program that accepts list of user as its argument 1- If a user or more are given as arguments, the script should reset files permissions as follows: a. Directory ~/share to 750 (if it exists). b. All regular files inside ~/share to 744. c. … | |
Dear All, I am new to korn scripts the below mention scripts for taking the system backup in NIM environment its looks okay but its not removing the old objects& system backup for more specific i am getting error on line number 83 Need help pls [code]#!/bin/ksh # # nim_mksysb … | |
Hi I have openssl command in the script and I am providing key and iv for the command. I am getting the error [quote] ./encryCipher.sh Enter the input file name: words non-hex digit invalid hex key value [/quote] and this is my script [code] #!/bin/bash # Key for the openssl … | |
Hi everybody, I am new to shell script. Please help me with this problem. I have a file test.txt with the content like this: [QUOTE] ! ((x5 * -1/3000) = x6) ((x5 * -1/2000) = x6)[/QUOTE] I have a shell script test.sh like this [CODE]#!/bin/sh while read line do echo … | |
Hello, I am fairly new to this site and am new at studying unix/linux OS. Recently I had an assignment involving finding a script that had run an administrative task such as checking file systems periodically. With it, I had to take each line and describe in my own terms … | |
Hi I have openssl command in the script and I am providing key and iv for the command. I am getting the error [quote] ./encryCipher.sh Enter the input file name: words non-hex digit invalid hex key value [/quote] and this is my script [code] #!/bin/bash # Key for the openssl … | |
I am very new to shell scripts and I was wondering if anyone could post a script which takes tv files from a TMP folder and places it to a different folder. The files and folder name syntax will be the following File to be moved TV show name - … | |
Hello Forum members, Have a nice day. I have to write a script for the following below scenario. There are 3 applications located in home directory(ie xyz/app) which havae multiple directories and files of diff format(.sh,log,other formats). 1: I have to find the hardcoded IP_ADD 's which are loacted in … | |
Hey guys, Sorry if this is in the wrong section, couldn't find a section for working on batch files. Anyway, here's my problem. I've made a firefox theme, and am distributing it. In order for the theme to work properly, the user needs to copy two files into a directory … | |
Ok wild stab in the dark as i am new to this. I am trying to sutomate an FTP from UNIX box to another UNIX box. Further to aumating an FTP, the file needs to be renamed and a small amount of editing which is the same editing each time. … | |
This is for an assignment for a class. I am a novice at this and I am kind of lost. I keep on getting sybtax errors on line 6 near Tuseday. Here is the code. Any help would be great. [CODE]#!/bin/bash echo choose a day echo Monday, Tuseday, Wednesday, Thursday, … | |
okay so i got a little script that from button links load different information within the same page what im trying to achieve is pulling php coding to the same file but each time i try it throws up errors below is the code that is giving me a problem … |
The End.