1,891 Topics

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Member Avatar for avataralien

How can I make use of sed (Stream Editor) to parse a html file for the required data I needed? Kindly explain to me. [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1354118.html#post1354118[/url]

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for D33wakar

I want to run a program every time windows starts with a certain user's credentials . If i did that in bat file ,it will prompt for the user's password.How can i automate the insertion of password?

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for sivaranga001

Hi Frorum Members, I have an encrypted file which consists the usernames and Pwd in the encrpyted form.the file is _config.db_ids which will open with customize command mkidcfg.when we open this file with this command it will display four options 1:search2:add:update:exit and i will add a record ie unames and …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for theb2b

Attempting to create a script that reads from to separate files, one file has list of IP address and host types, second file has list of host types also. The goal of the script is to return result of the pings and insure the host type listed in the first …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for LEGACY-XP

can anyone tell me how to do the pyramid like in the attached file :- i want it simple program with explanation how it works if you can. PLEASE HELP.:icon_cry::icon_cry::icon_cry:

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for enthu_Unix

Normally i would google, but I did not know how to google the problem I am facing now also being a newbie in shell scripting. Okay, the requirement is user1 has sudo rule to su - user2(NO PASSWORD) and user2 has will be able to sudo certain commands so following …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for pnat331

I need help parsing this bit of text into the output shown below: Text: dump database abc123 to 'compress::0::/dbdumps/abc123_20100930_1251:00.dump1' stripe on 'compress::0::/dbdumps/abc123_20100930_1251:00.dump2' go dump database abc_def to 'compress::0::/dbdumps/abc_def_20100930_1251:00.dump1' go Here abc123 and abc_def are database names Dump files for database abc123 will be created in 2 stripes and will be …

Member Avatar for amitkamra

I want to list all log files from log directory of previuos month. suppose currnt month is december, i want to list all log siles of november. if its april, it should list all files of march. Please suggets.

Member Avatar for retheesh1
Member Avatar for group256

Hi, I'm trying to write a shell script to show me the number of Readable, Writable and executable files in a directory. I have no idea how I can do that. Any help??? Thank you.

Member Avatar for desertdenizen
Member Avatar for doomfrawen

Hello friends, I am writing a program that behaves like a (Linux)shell (but it's not really a shell because it does not interpret commands itself). It will read some commands like in Linux shell and then run the command in the same window of course. The standard MSDOS shell does …

Member Avatar for doomfrawen
Member Avatar for group256

Dear all, What is wrong with my if condition, it never enters the if: [CODE] #!/bin/bash echo "Enter integers, enter -1 to stop." declare -a FOO for((i=0;;i++)); do read FOO[i] if [ "[$FOO[i]" == -1] ]; then #Never enters here echo "inside" break fi done foonum=${#FOO} for ((i=0;i<$foonum;i++)); do echo …

Member Avatar for group256
Member Avatar for hotbaws11

Hi All, I'm looking for some expert help on sed/script to work out the best way to transform one xml format into another however there are a few complexities around translation. The extra complexities are to: 1) take the start and stop time (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) and convert to start time to …

Member Avatar for dalacib

Hi, is it possible to write a shell script to browse database driven website,browse throu records and fill in some forms? all in an non-interactive mode? idealy i should be able to bring some info back from the website and store them on a local file so i know im …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for inddeveloper

Hi, I have used Dump Command to dump the application files. For Full backup the level 0 is working file. For incremental backup I used the level 1 or 2 it is getting the error as DUMP: Only level 0 dumps are allowed on a subdirectory DUMP: The ENTIRE dump …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for inddeveloper

I have created a script file to dump the application files using the following script Code ============= #!/bin/bash #Full Day Backup Script #application folders backup now=$(date +"%d-%m-%Y") #use 1 instead of 0 which is incremental backup dump -0f $now /var/www/html/* ============= using this we can sucessfully dumped the application files. …

Member Avatar for vasuv

Hi All, This is Vasu.I am new to this software field.Now I started learning Unix n Oracle. Daily we are doing the following job manually.But I am planning to automate it.So any one please help me to write a script for the following requirement.It's very helpful to learn new things. …

Member Avatar for vasuv
Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello, I'm following this script [url]http://evolt.org/PHP-Login-System-with-Admin-Features?from=2450&comments_per_page=50[/url] and it uses username to sign up. I was wondering if anyone can help me out in figuring out what to change in order for the user to input the username to email sign in. I know how to change the main.php where you …

Member Avatar for andrewliu
Member Avatar for michealdominici

hi every one that reads this, i have a problem that needs an answer and was wondering if any one can help me with iam looking for a group of people that are willing to put some free time in ( if they can ) i have an idea. and …

Member Avatar for polygon

Dear Folks, Using bash on Linux, how would I list file sizes to 3 significant figures in human-friendly form? If I try [CODE]ls -lh[/CODE] I get 2 significant figures, but I would like to get 3 significant figures. Also, there is the almighty muddle between megabytes and mebibytes that leads …

Member Avatar for praveenkulkarni

Process Beginning - 08-26-2010-23.41.47 DB2 CONNECTION SUCCESSFUL! Ready to process and load file: FILENAME # of rows in the TABLENAME table before inserts was 8364 FILENAME - RECORDS READ COUNT: 4838 FILENAME - INSERTED ROW COUNT: 129 FILENAME - ERROR RECORDS COUNT: 0 # of rows in the audit.ELIG_RESP_AUDIT table …

Member Avatar for Korakos
Member Avatar for eefai1129

i have problems regarding linux shell script. i want to do shell scripting using c programming. my real issues are how to do the i/o redirections using pipe. for example: ls < new.txt how can i write the code for my shell to execute that command. so far i am …

Member Avatar for penguin22

Hi I need to change the FROM: address from [email]xyz@server.com[/email] to something like [email]abc@website.com[/email]. I need to do this without changing the .muttrc file any ideas?

Member Avatar for k2k

i am trying to write a bat script to ping a machine if it is up. i am trying to do something like this [code] if "ping xxxMachine | findstr reply" echo "xxxMachine is up" else echo "xxxMachine is down" [/code] the syntax is definitely wrong, does anyone know if …

Member Avatar for Korakos

Hello! I have i problem i was hoping you could help me with, I have to write a script that will ask the user for a username and password, and validate it through /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. I've looked all over the place for an answer to this and i just …

Member Avatar for Korakos
Member Avatar for gsureshbabu

Hi Experts, I need to have a shell script to compare two directories and if new file is created in Dir1 it should be copied to Dir2. can some one help me, i am not aware of scripting Thanks & Regards Suresh

Member Avatar for garryamin
Member Avatar for teenybopper

Hello, I need to write a shell script that performs encryption and decryption using AES algorithm. I could not find any resource online, can anyone please help me in the right direction? Thank you for the help!

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for harsha956

hi i am harsha and i want a linux shellscript for connecting a mysql database and queries to copy a blob file from database and i need to parse that file and replace with other file can u pls help me its urgent

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for niall_heavey

Hi, I am trying to delete all files that end in .csv within a directory. I'm not sure how to go about this, I am using bash and the command I used was; [CODE]rm '/home/eeng/ME_project/Big_Users/*.csv'[/CODE] New to this scripting so not too sure where i'm going wrong. Any ideas? Thanks. …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for inddeveloper

Hi, I have requirement on shell scripting. I require scripts for the following 1) Full backup(application and DB) 2) incremental back up of files 3) restoring of files Please help me in providing the scripts. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for inddeveloper
Member Avatar for ausrasul

Hi, I'm trying to write a shell script that do ftp and download file periodically, this script should be called by a daemon running in the background. the shell script "script.sh" is as follows: [icode] yafc [url]ftp://test:test@[/url] < commands [/icode] and the "commands" files is [icode] d Root/md5* / quit …

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The End.