1,891 Topics

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Member Avatar for Pawan Tolia

Can some body help in writing the shell script to copy the nightly file from windows server to unix server. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for sonja19
Member Avatar for Member 784878

How to convert following dos batch code to unix shell:- echo Database username and password will be taken from liquibase.properties file.... setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in (liquibase.properties) do ( if "%%a"=="username" set dbuser=%%b if "%%a"=="password" set dbpwd=%%b if "%%a"=="url" set dburl=%%b ) echo. echo UserName is:=%dbuser% echo …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for faby

Hello everyone, I am presently working on speech synthesis/speech to text on Ubuntu 10.04. So far I've been using festival but I discovered espeak which is also cool by reading other people's previous questions and answers. My main goal is to develop a communication system whereby festival or espeak can …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for crystaliao

hi everyone, Originally I had a script like: telnet host port then type STATUS for checking remote server,local server status and connection. In order to omit typing "STATUS", now I'm trying combine these two commands into one line, how to write it? or do we have another way to achieve …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for sarosh

hi, suppose i have many windows open like two image files, a terminal , a firefox. and using command line i want to exit specifically 1 of these.. how can i do this? is there any shell command to do this? thanx... i am waiting for reply. its urgent! m …

Member Avatar for sarosh
Member Avatar for dhanapal86mca

Can any one tell me Difference between Dos printing and windows printing explain with a bat file

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for bojomojo

Hello, I have a file with each line consisting of certain fields. Lets say I want to detect which lines have the second field equal.. For example here is the file: [CODE]XM2 N$2 N$2 GROUND GROUND nch_mac1 l=50n w=150n multi=1 nf=1 sd=140n XM1 N$12 N$2 GROUND GROUND nch_mac2 l=50n w=150n …

Member Avatar for arithehun

I have a question: Is there any tutorial or way I could create a batch file that scans the folder that it's in, and then prompts you with an option of whether to delete any (C++, for example) files that don't begin with a command line, e.i. doesn't start with …

Member Avatar for arithehun
Member Avatar for Mahamuni

H!..... Can anybody tell me about retrieving lines from file I am working in linux ... And I have one File with some data in it like Filename: Sumit ...info about file ... FileName: Mahamuni ...info about file ... like above .. i wanna retrive filename & its info Please …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for keeda

Hi I am a novice in Shell Scripting but wanna learn it as soon as possible as it is such a powerful language. I already have a script created(by a senior fellow) and I can run the .sh file simply by command ./xxxx.sh Now I have created my own script …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for kubber

Hi I need to create script that will work like this : (initial dir structure ) /dirA .../dirA_1 ...file1.txt ...file2.txt .../dirA_1_a ......file3.txt ......file4.txt ....../dirA_2 .........file5.txt ........./dirA_2_a ............file6.txt ............file7.txt myScript.sh /dirA /destDir and the result is : /destDir .../dirA ....../dirA_1 ......dirA_1.zip ........./dirA_1_a ............dirA_1_a.zip etc .. I hope you get the idea. …

Member Avatar for rashida11

Here is the list of scripts directories to submit your scripts,software to get more exposure.If you have developed new scripts,software then submit it to these script direcories. [url]http://www.scriptsdesk.com[/url] [url]http://gscripts.net/[/url] [url]http://www.allthescripts.com/[/url] [url]http://www.cgi-index.com/[/url] [url]http://www.cgiexpo.com/[/url] [url]http://www.allthescripts.com[/url] [url]http://www.scriptswave.com/[/url] [url]http://www.infoscripts.com/[/url] [url]http://scriptlisting.net/[/url] [url]http://scriptrank.com[/url] [url]http://www.best-php-scripts.com/[/url] [url]www.freephpdirectory.com/[/url] [url]www.slashscripts.com[/url] [url]www.phpscriptsearch.com[/url] [url]http://www.fileplaza.com[/url] [url]http://www.scriptsez.com/[/url] [url]http://php.resourceindex.com[/url] [url]http://www.hotscripts.com/[/url] [url]http://www.scriptaty.net[/url] [url]http://www.codango.com[/url] [url]http://www.webresourceindex.com[/url]

Member Avatar for kbrill

I import data into MySQL over and over again. Always from .sql scripts. I have tried over and over to come up with a script that will [LIST=1] [*]Ask for a database name [*]Sign into MySQL [*]Drop the Database named in step 1 [*]Create a new database as named in …

Member Avatar for kbrill
Member Avatar for daudiam

[CODE]cmd='date | wc' $cmd [/CODE] If this script is executed, an error is generated. The reason written was that "The execution fails because the pipe is not expanded and is passed to date as an argument". What is meant by expansion of pipe. When we execute [B]date | wc[/B] on …

Member Avatar for Grep

Hey guys, Hope I'm not posting into the wrong section. I think I have something very simple that i'm having a lot of trouble with. I have a text file called "file.txt" It contains: TagString=V3,SCC-COM,WXF1A20V0556,WXE1A2071007,PREBI TagString=V3,SCC-COM,WXK1A1045668,WXG1A30F3909,POSTBI TagString=V3,SCC-COM,WMAYP0002467,WMAYP0002769,BI I want to run a batch file that'll parse the 1st & 2nd …

Member Avatar for Grep
Member Avatar for becker

hi all, i work for a department store & we sell various product segments under different departments. one of my challenges is to be able to apply the sales per employee system accurately so that when i measure performance levels based on sales contribution per employee each employee will be …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for akand

Hi, I want to run some queries in mysql. Also, I want to automate this process. So can someone help me with shell scripting?? I want to open mysql in terminal, type in the password and give some queries.. Can I write a script for d whole thing??

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for War_Archer

in shell scripting let say a variable [CODE]first="abcd:efgh"[/CODE] how do I find the index of : if its even possible thanks

Member Avatar for akand
Member Avatar for rudasi

Hi, I have a file test.txt, this file has many pathnames such as, C:\xx\yy\zzz\bd\hello C:\xx\yy\zzz\bd\bye C:\xx\yy\zzz\bd\cd\de\name C:\xx\yy\zzz\bug C:\xx\yy\zzz\dfdfd\gt I want to use basename or any other method to get the the last filename. At the moment in my batch script im unable to loop through the file and use basename …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for cshanek

I have a configuration file (listen.conf) with the following format: [CODE] [COLOR="Red"][jupiter] event_class="jupiter_bypass" event_state="active" [hammer] event_class="halt_snmp" event_state="active" [thor] even_class="meh" event_state=inactive[/COLOR] ... [/CODE] What would be the best way to return event_class names of all inactive and/or active events (event_state's)? Thanks in advance, Shane

Member Avatar for cshanek
Member Avatar for xsach

i need to read a text file and find a particular column in that text file ..i have no idea on how to do it ..can anyone help please..

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for Muhammad Anas

Hello Friends, I am an absolutely beginner in the world of computer programming. I started my voyage in this world yesterday by starting learning Python. I am reading an e-book on python [URL="http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/"]here[/URL]. That book has been written with examples from Linux platform. So, I felt this problem while going …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for abhelp

I have a directory listing with many subdirectories having many files. I want to recursively search for the oldest 5 files starting from the base directory and not 5 from each subdirectory. I am writing a shell script which sorts them using ls -lRtur|egrep "txt|jpg" > /tmp/file1 Now from this …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for bgk111

Hey all, Ill try to keep this short. I am trying to issue a command to another computer using ssh (ex ssh user@host 'csh /home/usr/SCRIPTS/tp.csh) and am getting some annoying error messages. when I run the tp.csh program on the host machine, it runs fine, when I issue the above …

Member Avatar for bgk111
Member Avatar for tejasthacker

PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS QUESTIONS, I AM NOT POSTING MY WHOLE HOMEWORK BUT ONLY THE QUESTIONS WHICH I AM NOT SURE ABOUT. 1)What command will set the permissions to 744 on the file /home/fred/.bash_logout Choose one answer. a. chmod a+r,g+r,o+r /home/fred/.bash_logout b. chmod u+rwx g+r o+r /home/fred/.bash_logout c. chmod …

Member Avatar for ryan858
Member Avatar for csmgsarma

Hi all, I want to add a route on Solaris machine for each IP I am pinging. I am added static route for each IP as here: [B]route add -net -netmask[/B][interface id, gateway =] [B]route add -net -netmask[/B] [B]route add -net …

Member Avatar for laserlars

Hi! Long time since i done any bash scripting. Is it possible to pass a arguments in functions? Something like: [CODE]recivefunc(SOMETHING) { echo $SOMETHING } passingfunc() { SOMETHING=test recivefunc($SOMETHING) } [/CODE]

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for complete

What is the name of the Windows System Menu button? I am talling about the round glass-orb looking object (on a Windows 7 operating system) that appears in the lower left of the screen -- usually -- that you can click on to see the menu selection of programs on …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for niconico96

Hello. I have a file, with some HTML in it. I would like to make a shell/bash script that moves ALL of the content of that file into ANOTHER HTML file at a CERTAIN line number... Does anyone have any suggestions? If not possible at a certain line, then at …

Member Avatar for niconico96
Member Avatar for Dr.Acula

Hello. I have a string that im trying to pull text from. But I want it to pull the text between certain points. Is this possible? For Example: DABHolly,BuddyDAL1466 N Scooby AveDAIAtlantaDACGADAQ =========================== ========= Is there a script that can pull the text between DAB & DAL, DAL & DAI, …

Member Avatar for scaiferw

The End.