1,891 Topics

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Member Avatar for k2k

anyone has ideas? i could cd to %ProgramFiles%... or move folder anotherFolder [code] move folder %ProgramFiles% The syntax of the command is incorrect. [/code] thanks thanks

Member Avatar for k2k
Member Avatar for disssko

Hi, I'm trying to make a script in Linux which should send release note to a certain distribution list. Both the release note and distribution list are kept in a separate file. I already have initial distribution list, but it is taken from Outlook so I'm pretty sure the Linux …

Member Avatar for satimis

Hi folks, I use following script:-[code] #!/bin/sh # cd Linbread TODAY=`date +"%m%d"` DATA=`grep $TODAY linbread.dat` HOUR=`date +"%H"` if [ $HOUR -le 11 ] then TOD="Morning" elif [ $HOUR -ge 12 -a $HOUR -lt 18 ] then TOD="Afternoon" else TOD="Evening" fi echo $DATA | gawk -F"|" '{printf("%s\n\n%s",$2,$3)}' > $$tmp fold -s …

Member Avatar for Robert Robinson
Member Avatar for chris5126

HI guys, I have the following code which redirects all standard input and error to the screen and to a log file, I would like to change it so it only redirects standard out and all standard error goes just to the log file can anyone help: [code] #capture all …

Member Avatar for fallingstar1

I need help creating a script allowing one file to move to another folder and when moved the date and time should be appended to the end of the file name. Please help thank you FS

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for chinnaedu

HI all, am working on an opensource project(in Linux).. I need to modify the string ,which is a part of the Folder,File,and others as such.. I have code to replace the string which is in content of the file....but i want the replacement to be done on the folder names …

Member Avatar for chinnaedu
Member Avatar for Dream2code

Hi All, 1)I want to watch a directiory in unix using a shell script. 2)In case any change happens to any of the files inside that e.g new file creation or new directory creation or any file modification we need an automated mail. 3)Mailing part i will take care 4)on …

Member Avatar for Dan08
Member Avatar for 123a

I need to create a shell script which will output certain lines in a file. For example ./line file1 6 11 will output lines 6 to 11 of the file. I am not good at shell script, I am a beginner. I have tried to write this script but just …

Member Avatar for ben1
Member Avatar for mmnewbee

Hi I,ve recently joined daniweb and was wondering if you guys might help me in writing a shellscript that automatically detects whether a flashdrive has been inserted into a usb port and recursively searches all folders deleting any .exe files it encounters. Thanx.

Member Avatar for mmnewbee
Member Avatar for NorthPole

I want to create a matrix in a bash /awk script in order to save some statistics about user activity (the statistics are stored in log files) how can i have matrix in bash script language (or maybe using awk)? is it possible to write something like? [CODE]matrix[n] matrix[1]=$2 a=expr …

Member Avatar for NorthPole
Member Avatar for johndoe444

why echo "\v\v\v" prints \v\v\v while echo "this is a moron" prints: this is a moron why \n was escaped but \v not?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Duker

The page: [url]http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/setps.html[/url] shows the best place to change the shell prompt (which is .bashrc). However, the previous page of that document has a lot of escape sequences offered by the Bash shell for insertion in the prompt (From the Bash 2.04 man page) I found that \w (the current …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Szpilona

Hi, I've got a lexer created with flex (under cygwin). Normally I compile it to an .exe file. For the newest project I need a lexer to use in a bigger C# program running on Windows XP. Of course I can execute a file using System.Diagnostics.Process. But it is not …

Member Avatar for LadyAnne

Hello I am trying to compare 2 files using awk. They have the same seperators, same columns, same rows. I need to go through both and see at which line they differ, adn then save those differences to another file. I have tried many methods but none seem to work. …

Member Avatar for LadyAnne
Member Avatar for RobotFX

Hi! I'd like to know if there's a way to save a webpage address, as HTML (like the browser displays it) and store it under a folder. What I want to do for my website is to create some sort of cache image of the index page, available for me …

Member Avatar for RobotFX
Member Avatar for johndoe444
Member Avatar for johndoe444
Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for johndoe444
Member Avatar for johndoe444

[CODE]find . -name 'my*' [/CODE] The quotes avoid the shell expansion - without them the shell would replace my* with the list of files whose names begin with my in the current directory. What thus the above statement mean? Isn't it doing the same thing I mean looking for file …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for twentylemon

So here's my issue. I recently merged music libraries with a friend of mine, and I've been deleting some stuff that I don't like or whatever. The problem is my zune doesn't delete the folders the music was stored in, and keeps the album artwork stored as well. I want …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for johndoe444

Instead of typing :sh and being taken to the shell prompt after temporarily quitting vi, is that possible to open a split screen which is shell? Because it is difficult to keep track of whether a vi is open if working a long time in shell.

Member Avatar for penguiniator
Member Avatar for johndoe444
Member Avatar for johndoe444
Member Avatar for johndoe444

from wikipedia: 1. [CODE]find . -name "*.foo" -print0 | xargs -0 grep bar[/CODE] The above command uses GNU specific extensions to find and xargs to separate filenames using the null character; What is the null character? What is the significance of "separate filenames using the null character;"? why should we …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for johndoe444

There are so many information dispersed in so many places. And most of them kind of cover the same set of topics like ps, cd, pwd, chmod, chown, etc. But there are so many things to learn. Really need some advice how to muster all the knowledge.

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for johndoe444

I was wondering where I can find the complete list of unix/linux utilities which can be found in all standard distributions. There is a list in wikipedia: [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unix_programs[/url] Is that all?

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for johndb

How do you perform a command on multiple files? I have tried different variations such as: [CODE]move test+test1 test2 move "test""test1" test2 [/CODE] I have also tried the absolute file paths but no attempt has worked. I want to pick out specific files in the directory. Is there no other …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for wycliffe

please can somebody help to write shell script that listen to the transmitting ports

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for tuffenuff

I have file which is having large data in it. and there are some repeated rows. Basic idea here is : Sort data, remove duplicates based on first field and then print the whole.... I have tried teh following but no help.. [CODE]#!/bin/sh if [ $# -ne 1 ] then …

Member Avatar for tuffenuff
Member Avatar for johndoe444

Hi, I want to know just the name of the files that contains a given pattern. Then I would open the files in vi and replace the pattern. But using grep -n '&&&' * gives all the occurrence of the pattern which is not very helpful. How do I view …

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The End.