1,891 Topics

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Member Avatar for sfzab

I work and have to save an important file in four other locations besides a Linux HD. Instead of having to save the same file for four more times, I would like to automate the procedure through a linux script file in which the [B]first[/B] saved file on the Linux …

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Member Avatar for externalaw

OK, Please advise me, I have 1500 pages of static pages, each with content related to a keyword. I have the list of keywords and copy those in a column in excel, Then I upload the 1500 pages of content And i do this get file wget -i ./1 and …

Member Avatar for siul0_0

Hi there!! My first Post :) My problem is as follows: I have multiple text files in a folder, and I need to automatically format these text files to an CSV format. At the same time I need to add different Data to accommodate it to the MySQL database. so …

Member Avatar for mittelgeek
Member Avatar for externalaw

Hello all, I have 2 questions.. I have just been given 1500 pages of static html pages nicely organized, each page with 1 keyword (title of the page) and the information within the page. I want to do two things with this and I am STUCK.. 1) about half the …

Member Avatar for daviddoria

I found some code to parse command line arguments (is there an easier way? sed always seems so complicated...) [code] #!/bin/bash for i in $* do case $i in --files=*) FILES=`echo $i | sed 's/[-a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;; --default) DEFAULT=YES ;; *) # unknown option ;; esac done echo $FILES echo "File …

Member Avatar for hexram
Member Avatar for devill

Can u please help me in implementing lfu and mfu paging algorithms? using shell programming output of the program should give1) no of page faults occured and 2) the final state of page

Member Avatar for devill
Member Avatar for sprok

I got a "working" script for monitoring Autosys jobs. Basically, it starts with listing all the jobs that are due to run in a "shift". Now, I'm in the part where I want to delete a job/word from a list BUT only the first occurrence of such job name. This …

Member Avatar for sprok
Member Avatar for AcerAspirant

Hey guys, I'm trying to develop a lightweight chat/email-client between two Linux machines. The point is to make it as barebones-looking as possible, with a 1980s retro aesthetic. Think the green IBM text of the Matrix, or better yet, the game Defcon (especially the intro screen). Or, of course, the …

Member Avatar for blueman

Hi all i'm hoping someone can help here my son is doing a school project and he's doing really well, he loves his computers, his project as come to a dead end as we're struggling to create a menu which will add users doing this in Bash. then adding a …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for ravikiran032

I have created a dos script which deletes files in "g:/documents and settings/ravi kiran/recent" where my OS installed in g: drive. when i run the script it is promting for Y/N. so I have given input from a file "kiran.txt" using input redirector.But it is not working. the code is …

Member Avatar for rm_daniweb
Member Avatar for metaface

Hello all, I would like to write a shell script that can scan a directory containing audio files and extract metadata or audio encoding information from the files. The goal is for the shell script to be able to process music files based on embedded data as: Format, Data Rate, …

Member Avatar for ghostdog74
Member Avatar for leebria

Is it possible to use a variable to do the line addressing for a sed command? I have a list of email addresses and am trying to access them one line at a time to store them in a variable. I need the first portion of the address (up to …

Member Avatar for leebria
Member Avatar for lehe

Hi, I'd like to pass arguments with space inside to a bash script and further into an executable called inside the script. My bash script looks like: [code] #!/bin/bash ARG_OPTS="" while [[ -n "$1" ]]; ARG_OPTS="${ARG_OPTS} $1" shift done my_executable ${ARG_OPTS} [/code] one of the arguments to the executable is …

Member Avatar for lehe
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

i have a few questions 1)Is shell scripting for the windows cmd line? 2)how fast is it? 3)can anyone recomend any tutorials to learn it? any help would be appreciated :)

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for externalaw

Hi, I am Mike and run a small law student site, recently I was donated a dictionary and have a glossary system installed on my forum. I am pretty bad with scripting but hope someone can help me along, What I want is to put the dictionary written like this, …

Member Avatar for externalaw
Member Avatar for lehe

Hi, Here is my code, [code] ids=(1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120) for ((i=0;i<${#ids};i++)); do awk '{ print ${ids[${i}]}" "$1; }' > ${TMP} < ./results/$1${ids[${i}]}/test_error.dat done [/code] I got this error [quote] awk: { print …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I am trying to do this [code] #!/bin/bash for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do File1="$i.txt" File2="$i.obj" ./Test $File1 $File2 #save i and the result of the program somehow done; [/code] For example, at the end I would like to have a file like this [code] 1 3.4 …

Member Avatar for nucleon
Member Avatar for joinup

Hello, I need to create a bash script file that zip files. The obj is : the script enter into a directory, see all directories, and zip the files by date ( the script is for managment of logfiles ), exemple: in the directory there is just files following the …

Member Avatar for Usura

Hey im completely new to bash scripting and have no idea how to search the directory name then print out the path where it was found, the filename is entered thru the command line like "./search.sh pictures" and then would make the script print all directory path names which contain …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for iggy78

1.Creates a text file that lists the operating system of your computer, the computers name and username. Use appropriate environmental variables. 2.Append to the text file a listing of the files and folders in the current directory. 3.Create a variable called myName and assign your last name to this variable. …

Member Avatar for anonymoose09
Member Avatar for Bhoot

i have come across a question which asks to write an awk command that displays all records having 2nd and 3rd characters same. i could write the solution in sed, using tagged regular expression, as follows : [QUOTE] sed -n '/^.\(.\)\1.*$/' emp.list [/QUOTE] However, as far as i know, tagged …

Member Avatar for ghostdog74
Member Avatar for nkjvcjs

I have several hundred files in a directory. The files are named fit###.txt. for example fit001.txt, or fit198.txt, etc. They all have the format # # amp*exp( -1.0*|alpha|*x ) + C # amp: 9.30743e+05 +/- 1.68% # alpha: 0.78858 +/- 0.03033 # C: 0.0 Fixed DATA MODEL exp amp 9.307434e+05 …

Member Avatar for ashkash

I have a number of files in a folder that are number as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. I also have a text file in the same folder that identifies each of these numbered files and gives their path location. The text file looks like this: 1 C:\system\Apps\file1.exe …

Member Avatar for mittelgeek
Member Avatar for chris5126

hi, i am totally stuck i need a script (that works in ksh under solaris 10) that takes the following output [code] d15 509MB c1t0d0s5 d13 7.0GB c1t0d0s3 d11 1.5GB c1t0d0s1 d10 10GB c1t0d0s0 d25 509MB c1t1d0s5 d23 7.0GB c1t1d0s3 d21 1.5GB c1t1d0s1 d20 10GB c1t1d0s0 [/code] and for the …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for ahha0ahha

My system: fedora 7 I have many pictures in multi-page pdf/ps files. I need to use some of them into my slide. I know transfer file between pdf and ps by using pdf2ps,ps2pdf, and I can transfer a single page picture by using ps2eps. My problem: How to transfer a …

Member Avatar for ahha0ahha
Member Avatar for lml108

Hi, I've a file having some regular expressions. e.g. cat regex.txt [\t\n] abc.*pqr If I write a small bash script as below, while read line do echo -E "$line" done < regex.txt even with -E switch passed to echo the output is [tn] abc.*pqr So the backslashes have vanished in …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for lml108

#!/bin/bash echo -e "10\n20\n100\n200" > file.txt number=0 cat file.txt | \ while read line do if test $line -gt 100 then number=$line echo "Inside while loop number=$number" break fi done echo "Outside while loop number=$number" The output of this script is Inside while loop number=200 Outside while loop number=0 Why …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for nikhil.laghave

Hello, I am a newbie and do not have any shell script experience. I am trying to call a script from inside a fortran call using the call system(./script). Now this script runs ok when run from command line, but when called from the fortran call, i get errors for …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for prushik

I wrote a shell script that checks the command line arguments for the "-i" flag. I designed it to run from inside my gui application. I tested my script from the terminal and it runs perfectly, does just what I want and expect. So I ran my gui (which needs …

Member Avatar for prushik
Member Avatar for yhcheong

Hi friends, I'm newbie to shell script. I wanted to create a shell script which able to write a result for all the telnet connection status. For example, from this machine I want to test the telnet connection (total 100+ servers) with this machine. Any idea how to write this …

Member Avatar for Comatose

The End.