1,891 Topics
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Hey all I have a php script that I need to be running 24/7 on a linux platform. I have a dedicated server with centos 5 that I have access via ssh. The php script is written so that it loops indefinitely. However, it inexplicably hangs after 30 - 60 … | |
hi all i want to take a paragraph from a file and append this paragraph after ^L in another fille using shell scripting .............could you help me | |
Hello, I have a file say id.dat In this file each line contains only an id number. I have a group of files (say 1.dat, 2.dat, 3.dat,...., 50.dat). There are unspecified number of records in each of them. If any of these records contain any of the id number present … | |
Hi All, I'm a newbie. I need to know if we can write a script that tracks the number of times an xls file was downloaded in a day. I tried searching many books & websites, but of no use. Kindly show me the way.. Please.. Thanks | |
I have a directlry with log files example (logs/server.log.2009-10-17 or logs/server.log.2009-10-18) 2009-10-17 01:33:00,710 Beginning a.gzip 2009-10-17 01:33:56,704 Completed a.gzip 2009-10-17 01:33:56,704 Beginning b.gzip 2009-10-17 01:34:45,828 Completed b.gzip Now I have a directory which has all these files as well and if you do "zcat a.zip|wc -l you will find the … | |
Hi I need anybody to help me this command in UNIX SHell Scripting. It goes to a website and take a snap shot and stores it in directory. Thanks | |
HI All, I am not able to run a jar file in UNIX. I have a shell script which is throwing this error. [CODE]Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: dao/Demoface[/CODE] classpath no issues as i am executing all files in the same directory named scripts folder whch has all jars files … | |
Hi, Need some good books for a Linux beginner on the following topics, could anyone please suggest me some good titles based on your experience, Sed & Awk Bash/Shell scripting Thanks a lot, | |
Could anyone help me with shell script witch is analysing errors on server | |
Hi guys, I am Brazillian and i don't know how to speak english very well, but, let's to the question: I need a solution to automatically write a sequence of number to a file, for example, to write automatically to a file the number 1 at 254, this is what … | |
Hello everyone,I need some help over here with grep i have this [CODE]grep -n hello filename grep -v hello filename grep -y hello filename grep -i hello filename grep -w hello filename grep -f file hello filename [/CODE] and i have to execute these commands with a different way. For … | |
Hi, The situation I am in is as follows: There are some computers in a network. They are sharing the same file server ie the same home directory. I am not sure how it works but logging from any machine using the same user name takes me to the same … | |
If I type [CODE]start microsoft word.exe[/CODE] or [CODE]start internet explorer.exe[/CODE] those programs won't start. If I type [CODE]start notepad.exe[/CODE] that program will start because I have the right name. Where would I find on my pc or on the web the correct terms / names to use when referring to … | |
Dear other forum members, I'm writing a script for my homework, but I'm scratching all over my head and still can't figure out what I did wrong. I appreciate if anyone of you can point out my errors. I thank you in advance. [CODE] -bash-3.2$ cat payinfo #!/bin/bash # #This … | |
Hi, I am very new when it comes to batch files and I need to copy some files from a directory to another on a windows 2003 server. I have writeen a simple batch file which looks like this: [code]@echo off SET Day=%date:~0,2% SET Month=%date:~3,2% SET Year=%date:~6,4% SET cdate=%Year%%Month%%Day% SET … | |
Hello, I am new to shell scripting and am having some trouble writing a script that will work the way I want it to. I am good at the one liners, but when I try to string them together I get errors. I have a ftp server that will trigger … | |
What I am trying to do is use to retrieve information from a .txt file and use it in a drop down menu. I am using Cgi and not sure exactly how you do it. This is the shell script that will abstract the information I need for the drop … | |
My professor wants us to write a script that will do the following: -Catch him online and output the time/day -Where did he login, ie College or Home (ip address provided is ok too) -What was he doing The crontab should run every 30 mins and automatically email him all … | |
I need to grep a line from a text file, and delete the fourth and fifth field. then save it back to the text file. If that wont work I could also grep the line, and delete the first number and everything after it on that line. Both would accomplish … | |
Hey guys, Im in a basic programming class. Mainly using VBS scripting nothing else on Windows XP. All of the sudden my prof gave us this assignment for shell scripting. I don't know hardly anything about this. Objective: Create a single shell script in Windows/Linux that will do (all) the … | |
I'm having trouble with some syntax errors, and also wanted to get an opinion of what I've written will work as needed. I'm writing an awk report script to organize data from a file and calculate the amount of sales. There are 3 kinds of lines that we will need … | |
Hi, I urgently need help with an assignment I must complete by tomorrow. I started Bash Scripting yesterday so am a complete newbie. I don't have time to teach myself Bash scripting so please don't redirect me to some tutorials. The assignment I have to do involves the following: the … | |
Hi All, Please advise.. I need to create a script that keeps track on the number of times a file is accessed in a day. Can we use events/triggers if any.. If a file is accessed, then event should increment the count variable. I need to know more on events/triggers … | |
I need to remove all lines that contain spaces in a file. I know very little bash. Any help would be greatly appreciated. | |
i have a file a.txt which contains "ysm.set.ac4-qa.sds.audit add yinst setting yti. YTI_ HOST_OVERRIDE =qa-sav-midas-002.ysm.ac4.yahoo.com" I have variable STR which is dynamically assigned the value "HOST_OVERRIDE=qa-sav-midas-002.ysm.ac4.yahoo.com" I need to grep $STR on the file a.txt as `grep "$STR" a.txt ` But because of the spaces before =, the line is … | |
Hello! I have another issue that i cant solve. How do i search after a string in a text file and remove it when it get a match? | |
Hello! Im rather new to linux and scripting i have a small question. Will this syntax work read $hitta | grep '$hitta' nummer.txt ;; I was planning to read the input from the user and use grep to find it from the file nummer.txt It dont work so well:) | |
Hello. I cannot for the life of me figure this out. It was all running fine until i added another while loop for the directory part, same as the first one. Then i removed the loop and started getting this error. syntax error near unexpected token `fi' I have an … | |
A string variable taking any kind of string has a value "yjava_jboss.log4j_file_appender_pattern_layout='%d .//- %x %-5p [%c] %m%n' " at some point of time during execution. It is to greped on a file that contains with value. I used grep "$STR" <filename> ,where STR during execution takes value as shown above. … | |
here is the thing i am trying to do . I have a system variable called $OOCEA_INCOMING_READY, I want to be able to construct this variable name inside the script and use it. I am passing part of the variable name OOCEA as parameter but i am not able to … |
The End.