1,891 Topics

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Member Avatar for lewashby

I've got an array CALENDER=(31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31) I have two if statements that Need to get an index from the array above but when I feed a value into the brackets e.g. ${CALENDER[${SECONDDIGIT}]} or ${CALENDER[${FIRSTDIGIT}]} it seems to only be getting …

Member Avatar for lewashby
Member Avatar for lewashby

I wrote the following script to try and get validate if a date was valid or not. I think I've about got the script done but I'M having some trouble getting the values from the array. When I input 11291985 into the program I'M getting "29 is invalid" I can't …

Member Avatar for lewashby
Member Avatar for ziyaddinsadigov

Hi, I watched some shell scripting codes and I saw that there is a command, which name is LISTEN. What is the logic of this command and how I can use it?

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for lewashby

I'M trying to test a function that would be able to determine if it was or was not leap year. I believe my problem lies in the if statement but due to my lack of knowledge concerning shell I don't know what else to do here. #! /bin/bash read -p …

Member Avatar for Watael
Member Avatar for 3e0jUn

How do you start a SSH server on localhost through executing a shell script? If so, is there any way to restrict the commands performed or use another shell script as it's default console (i.e. Instead of Terminal.app it uses X11)?

Member Avatar for 3e0jUn
Member Avatar for lewashby

Below is a program I'M trying to write that will take an 8 digit date and validate whether or not it's a valid date. I'M very new to shell scripting so I really a have no idea what I'M going. Could you take a look and let me know what …

Member Avatar for nivarshn

Hi,I am using following code for FTP in shell script file and it is working.Now I want to migrate from FTP to SFTP.What code changes/steps I have to perform for SFTP ? ftp -in <<FIN open $SAP_UP_SERVER user $SAP_UP_USER $SAP_UP_PASSWORD asc put $PM00_OUTPUTS_DIRECTORY/$SAP_UP_FILE_CSV /$SAP_UP_FILE_CSV put $PM00_OUTPUTS_DIRECTORY/$SAP_UP_FILE_CTL /$SAP_UP_FILE_CTL prompt ... End …

Member Avatar for lewashby

I'M trying to write a small program that will validate weather or not a string is valid. Assuming that the date will always be 8 digits (12/21/2012) I need a function that will count the number of digits in a string. What I've got below is only returning "'is not …

Member Avatar for Watael
Member Avatar for ziyaddinsadigov

I saw that github commands in linux terminal always uses word "git" before all it's commands. How to use my own word for my shell script? for example, $ git commit or $ git status

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for vikarna

I have a text file for ex: ABCD#sh run aaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb ccccccccc ABCD#sh int dddddddd eeeeeeee ABCD#sh xvy and so on.... I want to parse the lines between ABCD# and the next ABCD#. And send this parse output to CSV file or excel like aaaaaaaa dddddddd bbbbbbbb eeeeeeee cccccccc Please …

Member Avatar for Watael
Member Avatar for Akira01

OK so I am basically brand new to shell scripts and new to Unix in general. I have a server that has two profiles, one is a shared account for a few friends and I and the other is one that I use to run video game servers off of. …

Member Avatar for akileshb

How to pass password using scp in commandline SCP <filename> <user>@<Toserveraddress>:<path> Here i want to use password also , how can i use ????

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for lena1990

needed help how can i connect to my oracle database using shell script and how can i assign particular value in table to a variable defined in shellscript and i use sqlplus but i get error

Member Avatar for Watael
Member Avatar for lena1990

hi i want to display only elements of array tht start with a number can i do that using egrep"

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for it@61@sec

I have a bash script (test.sh) which reads parameters from the command line. The parameters could look like this: param1 param2 param3&ext param4 param5 The problem is that when the script reads the parameters and then echo them I get the following: param1 param2 param3 No command 'ext' found did …

Member Avatar for it@61@sec
Member Avatar for niksirat

Hi every one, I have a question. I have many files with this format: a...a-Cb...b-d...d a...a-b...b-Cd...d a...a-b...b-Cd...d-e...e so that : 1- a...a is a number with **m** digits, 2- b...b is a number with **n** digits, 3- d...d is a number with **p** digits, 4- e...e is a number with …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for jpreem

So Im using our university servers through an ssh connection. I have a bunch of files in a directory which I would like to run through a perl script. So I thought this simple script I concocted should do the trick. I have used similar script on my home computer …

Member Avatar for jpreem
Member Avatar for ms061210

Hi. I want to create my date format but i dont know how. I want the user to input the date in format DD-MON-YY or else it will give him an error. How can I do that? any algorithm? ANy help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Member Avatar for Watael
Member Avatar for vikarna

echo "show run" the above commands gives input to terminal of router and then displays output on terminal. i want the output of this specific command to be redirected to the file. please help me

Member Avatar for Watael
Member Avatar for stharmon

Hi All, I am sed and awk illiterate and needed some assistance. I would like to write a script that will have sed replace all spaces with \space. For example. Program Files would be... Program\ Files I can figure out how to replace the space with a backslash, however, when …

Member Avatar for wickedjargon
Member Avatar for ms061210

Hi, I am creating my project and I really need some help from you guys. I am creating a form, which will be save in a file. MY question is, is it possible to view the first question then the user should answer it first before the next question popped …

Member Avatar for biscayne

I have a flat file (template) where I want to replace variables based upon value in another file (csv). Variables in them template are named %VAR_Xz% The values are in the csv file and X is field 0 of each line and y field 1 and up. Example: Badidas, 13.00, …

Member Avatar for lena1990

hi guys i want to create that read from a text file to print the content of the file but i has the following error /te.txt: No such file or directory you should know that i install ubunto on vmware and the te.txt file i put it in the home …

Member Avatar for Watael
Member Avatar for k2k

I udnerstand that setting up a public/private key authentication is a way to go when automating scp copy files to target machines. however, I just now just to get a quick a dirty way to copy a number of files to a number of remote machines. My question is how …

Member Avatar for rev_ollie

Hi, I'm trying to write a "quick" powershell script to end processes passed as arguments: $args $check = Get-process $args foreach ($arg in $args) { if ($check -eq $null) { Write-host $arg " - Its not running" } else { Write-host $arg " - It's running" } } I'm trying …

Member Avatar for hanvyj

Hi, I'm trying to get a bunch of files off an ftp server. I connect fine: batch script: ftp -v -s:"C:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\Desktop\download.txt" xx.xx.xx.xx and download.txt: xxxx xxxx lcd "D:\Data\FileDump" cd "backup" mget *.* It runs fine until it gets to the mget *.* and then it just outputs all …

Member Avatar for hanvyj
Member Avatar for dharmendra1986

I have a .sh script which is as follows. #/bin/bash ssh uname@111.XXX.111.XXX | mysqldump -u uname -p test_db>/home/dm/Downloads/test.sql # script ended I want to extract the script from the server "111.XXX.111.XXX" and keep it in a server directory but I do not want to log in to the server. So, …

Member Avatar for amnakhan786

hi, i am trying to parse a collection of text files that look like following. there a number of them but not all are structured exactly the same way.if i figure to parse this file i can handle the rest.i am novice in bash, and i want to parse the …

Member Avatar for dharmendra1986

I have a shell script like as follows #!/bin/bash # Downloading Dumps from the production server. Date=`date +'%d-%m-%y-%H-%M'` BACKDIR=/home/tmp/Backup #IP Address of the Server Host="localhost" #User Name USER="root" #Database Name DBS="test_db" echo "Backing up MySQL databases..." echo "Time: `date`" mysqldump -h $HOST -v --user=$USER --password=$PASS $DBS test_tbl1 test_tble2 ...... > …

Member Avatar for woodson2

Below is a simple script to prompt for user input while suggesting an editable default value at the prompt: shortname=user1 read -e -i $shortname -p "Please enter the username you would like to add: " input USERNAME="${input:-$shortname}" Please enter the username you would like to add: user1 The above is …


The End.