1,891 Topics
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How would you set the default umask value for normal users if you are working in a typical business company as a system administrator? and Why? Tell me what you think! | |
I need an awk script to do the following things, please help me. Here is a scenario. I have a text file which I usually be editing in NEDIT, I have to select the text (basically pair of points- like a 2 column data points) then through customised shell menu … | |
[B]Hi guys, I'm trying to write a makefile but it keeps giving this arror: ***missing separator. stop. Actually I start a new line with tab,but it seems there are some space chars there, I'm using vim,how can I start a new line with tab??? Thanks alot :) [/B] | |
hi there, i am looking for some sample shell scripts where i could run this shell scipt after my backups are done and are lying in the directory. what i want to accomplish is: to run the script after the backups are done and to delete the past tar files … | |
Hi, I have created a convaluted and hacked script here for comparing unix dates. Can someone help me use calc or date w/ julian param or something to look back a week, a month or even a year and compare dates or add/subtract the dates somehow in a shell script? … | |
I have a text file with hundreds of names i would like to search in the database, yet to perform this query the names have to be on one line separated by commas. the text file is as follows Mike Ralph Cindy Claire John the output i need is Mike,Ralph,Cindy,Claire,John … | |
Dear Experts, to give a better picture i will explain the directory structure first the files have the same naming convention and the only difference is the first letters which is the title of that account, there is a total of 210 files only the bold letters change for each … | |
Hi, I need some guidelines to start coding a shell script that will provide the administrator with the shutdown options : -shutdown -now shutdown -h ? -shutdown [time] , which i have no clue how to use a variable so the user can manually select a time to shutdown. -shutdown … | |
Hello, i'm taking my first class in linux and i am working on a script that will display 3 random number and display amount of jackpot, the script should act like a "slot amchine game". I have two problem one is the statement "You are a loser" is diaply even … | |
Hello everyone, was wondering if any of you might happen to know something that can help me. I've been searching the net for a way to get GNOME to change its resolution from a script. I can call gnome-display-properties but that pulls up a gui. Basically I am writing a … | |
Thank you very much for who can solve this bash script: "Create a bash procedure createdata that creates collections (directories) that that will have to contain a random number, comprised between 300 and 600, of binary files of dimension comprised between 10 Kbytes and 30 kbytes. Also the names of … | |
[B]Hi everyone, What does @ mean in shell scripts? Cheers, [/B] | |
Hi Guys, I am using a BASH script to add users to an ACL in the squid.conf file. Basically the script searches for a string and adds a variable to the end of the string like this: [code] cat /etc/squid/squid.conf | awk "/INTERNET/{ $0=$0 " $UNAME" } {print} " > … | |
Hi I am a new bee in Unix World. I need a little help regarding my problem. I want to swap two file which i will passing as command line argument. I can swap the two files but i am unable to check whether the file name passed in the … | |
Hi.. im a newbie in shell scripting, and also new in this forum.. i understand the command below is just reading from /etc/passwd and getting whatever in field 1 and 3 (which are username and userID) after the cut the format will be username:uid my guess,its making the array with … | |
hi, Is it possible to run a gedit command in the terminal that will create a text file automatically and save it in my desired file extension? For example, if I run: gedit file.txt by default, it will open a null document named file.txt. But all I want is to … | |
[COLOR=#000000]Hi Code gurus!!...my first post in this forums and I m new to shell scripting too!...I need a shell script to accomplish the below, any input will be greatly appreciated..[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000][/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Below is a sample content of a text file, [B]file1.txt[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]AMPS,2324,Subscriber,Unknown,SingleDay,20070413,20070413,[/COLOR] … | |
Hi all, I am new in shell scripting and I would like to make a bash script which will inform me if one of my friend is already logeed in. If a friend is logged in I want to take as output USER1 : is in. else USER1 : last … | |
awk '{print NR SEP $0}' SEP="/ " exfile1.txt > try2.txt here is a awk scritp which copies the contents form one to anthor it works well, but how do I change it to copy the contents in to several files ? can any one help please | |
I'm trying to add a zero at the end of the data that start with 62018 (it will always start with 62018) UNB+UNOA:1+5030917029608:14+5000119000006:14+070509:0850+62018000100020[B][U][COLOR=red]0[/COLOR][/U][/B]++INVOIC any help would be appreciated. Thank you JG | |
Hi i'm using Cywin bash shell, I am trying to scan my entire hard drive for an executable that contains text references to an ocx called ezVidC60.ocx (it appears to be used by both malware and non malware programs, I need to work out which). In Windows the dll and … | |
Hello everyone, Given a list of output that looks like this (from NetBackup bpimagelist if any of you are familiar), I need to pick out the last full backup closest to the end of the quarter (3/30, 6/30, 9/30 12/31). 10/20/2006 21:24 INFINITY 146144 64213523 N Full Backup 10/13/2006 21:46 … | |
hey guys, can anyone tell me what's wrong with my code? im trying to test if the input ($no) is a number: [code] read no echo $no | egrep - c "^[0-9]*$" | wc -l > y [/code] y now should be 1 if the user enters a number but … | |
Hello Master Scripters, I am in scripting nursery and I am trying to write a script that will replace string a with string b. I can get my script to replace single strings with no problem, my issue arrives when one of my strings has two words. I am pretty … | |
Hi, I'm new to shell scripting. I need to make a script to add on to my cronjobs. The script must get the value of load average from my server and if its greater than 10 it should stop my apache service. I cant find a way to get the … | |
hey, guys im new to UNIX and i need help.. I need to write a script which will tell you if you entered an even (e.g., 2, 4, 6...) or odd number (e.g., 1, 3, 5...) and then give you the summation of the number you entered. For example, if … | |
i am looking for a good tut for shell scripting if anyone know's a good please post here thanks :) | |
hi, i have just started with scripting and read several tutorials. But i have some doubts, 1) How do i print the file access permission(FAP),... not changing the FAP... but printing it ?? 2) how to search for duplicate files in current directory ? 3) how do i validate a … | |
Hi All, We now have a Log file which has time stamps of all the scripts ran. It has start time and end time. I now have a requirement to send mail to the Admin after the script finishes running. Can some one help me with a Script which will … | |
Hi, I was just wondering if there is any difference between the following below: [B]1.[/B] function[B] func_name() [/B]{ //bash statements } and... [B]1. [/B]function[B] func_name [/B]{ //bash statements } NB: diff b/w 1 and 2 is that there's no () in 1... Also how can a function be defined inside … |
The End.