1,891 Topics

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Member Avatar for fresher

Hi all, anyone tried HLS firewall? [URL]http://homelansecurity.sourceforge.net/[/URL] Basically, i am designing a web based front end (using php) for this program so i have completely 'turned off' custom.conf. The idea is that for instance if i want to block icmp pings, i'll just click a check box say, which then …

Member Avatar for milonix

i wrote this script, and everytime i run the script the code deletes and i want to know why EDIT: i also chmod 755 if anyone wanted to know [code] $ cat > ispostive #!bin/sh # # Script to see whether argument is postive # if test $1 -gt 0 …

Member Avatar for milonix
Member Avatar for fresher

Hi, im in the process of developing an iptables firewall for personal use...Being a newbie in shell scripting im trying to adapt a code i found here:[URL]http://homelansecurity.sourceforge.net/script.php[/URL]. thanks to [J. Howard.] but dont quite understand this block of code below especially the content of '$1' variable as related to the …

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Member Avatar for jamshid

hi DW Shell Script Kings :) i have some problem in a step of my assignment. thats i can read the file with this : [CODE] #Read all text from file echo -n "Enter file name: " read fileName while read inputline do echo $inputline done < $fileName [/CODE] how …

Member Avatar for jamshid
Member Avatar for kaitlyn

I am using an array (clmlist01). I have 61 of these and have 4 or more references to each one in a block of code that I do not want to have to hardcode 61 times. With that being said, I am creating a varible and going through a for …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for ryanokc

1) I need to create a simple bash shell script that will promt the admin for a user name and then create the user account and change password... thx a lot......

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for PrabhuScript

Hi Experts I've less idea abt unix shell script. my requirement is the shell script should take a input of a file name and shud check if that file name is present in the particular folder which is hardcoded. if not then wrtie the file there or if found write …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for dianabippu

I wrote a script as below #!/bin/bash echo $1 > temp cat $2 >> temp mv temp $2 # this command helps us to retain the original name of the file # now how to append the script so tht it now inserts the first argument into the middle of …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for ShaneUniStudent

Hey guys, i am about to throw it all in because i just cannot get this to work :S. All i wanted to do is search through a file and find a string and replace with an argument from the command line. So basically i have a file which has …

Member Avatar for ghostdog74
Member Avatar for ripper

i need to find if the system has the latest version of a particular package and install if it dosent. how do i compare the versions? assume that i use rpm to find the installed version and a separate file has info of the required(latest) version. how do i do …

Member Avatar for ajcamp
Member Avatar for ajayyadavmca

I want to mount windows share folder in linux. I m using Samba.. please tell me i need to do some thing on windows side or not.. I m able to see linux folder in windows ... but not reverse... i given command.. mount -t smbfs -o username=guest // /mnt/ntserver …

Member Avatar for wackley
Member Avatar for maxcell

Hello, I'm still new to linux, and im looking for some helpful ideas. What I'm trying to do is I need to write a script that will take a text file, which has paragraphs and create another text file which extracts every individual word from that orignal text file and …

Member Avatar for ghostdog74
Member Avatar for radhikaDS

hi can anyone please write me a shell script that checks whethera filesystem is full or not hoping to get replies. thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for geetha_sg

hi friends,,, I have two type of files one .txt format another one is .idx format.. txt file have 7 columns delimited with "|" idx file have 7 columns demilited with "," i have to compare the txt file 2nd and 3rd column with idx 3rd and 4th column. Here …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for jorritgoddijn

Hi i got many files which look like this: relation: xxxxxx birthday: xxxxxx age: xxxxxx livingsituation: xxxxxx place: xxxxxx school: xxxxxxx job: xxxxxxx but i also got other files which look like this: relation: xxxxxx age: xxxxxx livingsituation: xxxxxx place: xxxxxx job: xxxxxxx in which xxxxxx is variable My problem …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for scotty_123

I hava problem with bash srcipt that removes all files ( with name given in $1 ) in current dir and subdirectories . The problem is that the script don't see all subdirectories and when I try to run it in my home dir the srpit display strange message . …

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for santhosheph

Hello Freinds, I am in need of a shell script whiich rsyncs a folder from a server to my machine. My major concern is not a script that rysnc's but it should send a mail if the rsync failed for some reason while copying the files.. For example the remote …

Member Avatar for rggjan
Member Avatar for xgringo

PQPZ3.DATR.QRL.R9529.D090295.T19501.das.1333332287722.1.2.err I have AIX so I can't use rename hopeing for something easier but I need to find all the files in the directory and then any of them that have a .err on them I need to be able to rename them back all the way to the .das …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for SIL3NCE

I need help immediately. When/if help is recieved I will pay $20 Paypal right away. Make the script as described below and email detailed instructions in either Word (preferred) or Word Perfect format. If you don't have either word programs Wordpad will do. I need this in my hands at …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for jigar.ec

hello friends, can anyone send me a idea or a project in C and working in Linux Environment... I am a beginner user of Linux..And wanna be good at it...Also i am having my project to be made in Linux which has to be done by 2-3 months...So plz do …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hey, I hope I'm posting this in the right forum. I'm compressing a bunch of files to tar.gz, then uploading them to my webhosts ftp server, and then trying to uncompress them on my server using a php script that enables me to run some shell commands (since we don't …

Member Avatar for nathanpacker
Member Avatar for newbie06

[COLOR=#000000]Hi everybody[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Linux and tcl are my new platform of operating system. So I am still in the process of learning and adapting. I am using network simulator 2 as my simulator and now I am having problem with my tcl script in which during the simulation process, …

Member Avatar for MDPGC

I have a script that I have to interpret. I'm really new to shell scripting, however I have tried to explain the lines to the best of my ability. Can you please look at the script and let me know if I am on the right track (also point out …

Member Avatar for MDPGC
Member Avatar for techie82

Hi I need a Shell script that will download a text file every second from a http server using wget. Can anyone provide me any pointers or sample scripts that will help me go about this task ??? regards techie

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for yaeli_17

Hi. I need to write a short script that's looking for a C files in a directory (based on whether it has a semicolon in it and a comment // or /*), check if the file ends with .c and rename it if it doesn't. I'm pretty much new at …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for yannick1985

Hi guys, Can anyone help me with the following question? I am new to Shell Scripting and havent a clue how to use it. This is for a job I have applied for and i have never needed to use linux and have always been a Windows man. I probably …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hello everyone. I need to write a Bash script to remove blocks of text from a given file. The idea is, the text to be removed will be marked by appearing between certain delimiter characters i.e. [code] Here's some text and ~this bit gets removed~, where tilda is the delimiter. …

Member Avatar for kuom
Member Avatar for varundba

Hi GURUS, Sorry to disturb you and take your time, I have a small job to do, it is - We will be taking back-up's regularly at certain time intervals according to the non - business hours. Suppose according to the business logic we scheduled a back-up job that takes …

Member Avatar for kuom
Member Avatar for pallavimahjan

Hi i am facing this problem, please help me in my korn script ------------------------------------------------------------- export $job_ids echo "#Message creation" >message-typing.typ chmod 777 message-typing.typ echo "orderParser:1:999:210:T" >>message-typing.typ echo "*REQUEST=FLOWTHRU;[B]JOBID=${job_ids}[/B];OLD_DD=20050629000000;%" >>message-typing.typ cat message-typing.typ ------------------------------------------------------------- Now the job_ids is a variable consisting of job id, and if u see i have exported this …

Member Avatar for pzwcsx
Member Avatar for jorritgoddijn

hi, i need to insert a character in a certain text file. i cannot change the original files so i have to work with that, luckily the files are written in a way that at the end of every second line a semicolon ; has to be inserted. How can …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara

The End.