First, it has been a LONG time since Ive been here. Good memories from when I was young.


In a monitoring system I have, I had a plugin that remotely checked a SMB share and if the file hasnt been modified in 1 day, it should return a warning. if it is 2 days or more, it should return a critical.

Returning the warning and the critical isnt the issue, its the entire logic of the script itself.

I mean, I dont think it should be too difficult but Im not used to shell scripting. Also, the downfall exists, of having to check if the mount is correct, etc.

The logic is basically

inputvariable warningdays
inputvariable criticaldays
inputvariable smbpath
mount smbpath to final folder /mnt/folder
if mount is unsuccessful
return unknown
if mount is successful
if /mnt/folder/file does not exist
return unknown
if /mnt/folder/file does exist
if /mnt/folder/file has been written to less than warningdays
return ok
if /mnt/folder/file has been written to more than warningdays and less than criticaldays
return warning
if /mnt/folder/file has been written to more than criticaldays
return critical
if previousoperations are done
if unmount is unsuccessful
return unknown

Could someone tell me the basics of the shell script?

Thank you.

While your tags including linux the specific shell wasn't called out. So for you to proceed you'd have to find which shell you want to write for as not all shells use the same language or syntax. Example:

After that you would code each line as you wrote above.

commented: I think bash would work +7

Bash would be fine

# How many seconds before file is deemed "older"
# 86400 = 1 day
# 172800 = 2 days
# Get current and file times
CURTIME=$(date +%s)
mount -t cifs // /mnt/FOLDER -o ro,username=USER,vers=1.0,password=PASS,nodev,uid=backup,file_mode=0444,dir_mode=0444
umount -l /mnt/FOLDER
# Check if file older
if [ $TIMEDIFF -lt $WARNTIME ]; then
echo "OK"
exit 1
elif [ $TIMEDIFF -gt $WARNTIME -and $TIMEDIFF -lt $CRITTIME ] ; then
echo "WARNING"
exit 1
elif [ $TIMEDIFF -gt $CRITTIME ] ; then
exit 2
echo "UNKNOWN"
exit 3

I believe the issue is that "mount" isnt working. Running this as root works so the script isnt the issue. I know the username that runs the script.

First, it has been a LONG time since Ive been here. Good memories from when I was young.

This question is out of my wheelhouse, but just thought I'd reach out and say welcome back!

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