1,891 Topics

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Member Avatar for nick jackson

write a Bash script file that implement the RSA algorithm. The user has to enter on the command line some parameters and options, which will determine the behaviors of the script. The syntax of the shell command is $ your-shell-file-name –p<file> –q<file> –e|-d [-i <filename>] [-o <filename>] OR $ your-shell-file-name …

Member Avatar for vinodvinu

Hi all, Excuse me if i am posting this question in a wrong forum. I have YTD video downloader in my pc. But it doesn't have a download complete message box. Instead, it will display the download status in it's own listview. But if YTD is minimized, then we never …

Member Avatar for merse

Is it possible to run to run photorec such a way not to recover all photos on a drive just those with specific EXIF data? If photorec cannot solve this request itself, is it possible to do this with a script which can filter the results online?

Member Avatar for Azii

Hello, I have written the basic shell script "myscript.sh", which prints Hello World. I want to call this script using PL/SQL. Please let me know the procedure(steps) for the same. Thank you.

Member Avatar for Azii
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello everybody. How can i get "ls" from shell scripting? I tried this but it doesn't work, i saved it in a file: #!/bin/bash $ls I know the second line is not correct, so what should i type? Getting "ls" is just an example, i infact want to import this …

Member Avatar for Niloofar24
Member Avatar for Achref_1

i have created my plsql script but i need to run it with shell script but i can get to it please help

Member Avatar for chriswelborn
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hi everybody. I'm using python to create sql database. I created a test.db file and then made a table on it with the name "fims" and inserted some data on it.... title text, year text and director text. And then set values for them. Now when i type "sqlite3 test.db" …

Member Avatar for HiHe
Member Avatar for Alex_30

Is it possible to make a bot that would be able to go to a website and vote for said website multipule times?

Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hi friends! I'm coding a program; i have a Tkinter window with a view button and i can add names with entry box and add button into a list that will be saved on a db file. Now i want the program to show the list names otomaticly when the …

Member Avatar for Niloofar24
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hey guys, I have this script that does count one year of files, 2014, but when it comes to this year, everything messes up. How could I count properly for each year in the same script ? In the attached screenshot it's obvious that I would only need 2014 - …

Member Avatar for Watael
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I'm planning on buying a new computer monitor soon but I'm not sure which one I should buy. These are the two I'm trying to decide between [LG 27MP75HM](http://www.lg.com/au/it-monitors/lg-27MP75HM) or [LG 29UM65](http://www.lg.com/au/it-monitors/lg-29UM65) thing is the 27MP75HM will be good because I can fit more code on the screen …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for mnparikh

I need to write a shell script that will filter out all files/directroies in a directory that are more than two months old and then copy those files to a new target location

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Neelima_1

i am using vi editor but when i open file through vi and press i(insert mode),i am unable to type #,$,@...and it is displaying E348 no string under cursor.what do i do,please help me.

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for littlesanto

and how would it be if i would like the work with a variable and set the date of the variable 7 days back? mynewdate=(date -j -f "%d %b %Y %T" "mydatevariable 7 days ago" +"%F %H:%M:%S") see also:https://www.daniweb.com/software-development/shell-scripting/threads/50041/how-to-format-this-date-under-freebsd

Member Avatar for David_50
Member Avatar for clife

Hi, The meaing of ^[0-9] is to exclude the characters specified in the [..], but what is the meaning of ^[0-9][0-9]*$. The expression is used to get the process information from /proc , it lists all the PIDs of all running processes with some appended text. but could not understand …

Member Avatar for clife
Member Avatar for herrschteiner

I'm writing a bash script that redirects the output of a command to a file. The next thing the script should do is read the contents of the file, into the tenth line of a python script. It's tricky, because the line of text in the python script should read: …

Member Avatar for Software guy
Member Avatar for kww228

I am working on a shell script that takes a single command line parameter, a file path (might be relative or absolute). The script should examine that file and print a single line consisting of the phrase: Windows ASCII if the files is an ASCII text file with CR/LF line …

Member Avatar for chriswelborn
Member Avatar for chubbyy.putto

I very new to C Shell. I am trying to do is read from Command line. Find the if the file is zip, .txt, symbloic link,pipe, unknow (if file is not zip, txt, sy....) here is what I what got so far. I am very stuck atm Please help me …

Member Avatar for chubbyy.putto
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

How can I use seleium test case in groovy? such as clinking on links. test case <html> ... <body> <table> <tr> <td>open</td> <td>https://url.web:8010/</td> </tr> <tr> <td>clickAndWait</td> <td>link=service=homeLink</td> </tr> <tr> <td>clickAndWait</td> <td>link=name=contentLink,service=Queue</td> </tr> <tr> <td>clickAndWait</td> <td>link=BackLink</td> </tr> ... groovy script // Setup credentials def String[] credentials = new String[2] credentials[0] = …

Member Avatar for Chem_1

In real time applications where we use shell scripting and how it differ from other scripting languages?

Member Avatar for danielpeterson
Member Avatar for Stuugie

Hi All, I'm working on a script which has a primary function to look for jpg files. I can get it to work if the folder path is just my desktop but if I try the start of the path to be C:\ it errors out. Right now the error …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for evaldaskowka

Hello, i want to try to make a simple program that guesses the password of wifi for education purposes. And writing the guess program is the easy part but here comes the hard. this is the way you connect to wifi with cmd **C:\>netsh wlan connect name=wifiname ** But where …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for Akshay nand

Write a shell script, guess.sh that implements a simple number guessing game. When run, the shell script prompts the user to guess a random number between 0 and 100. If the user guesses incorrectly, the script prompts the user “Guess higher” or “Guess lower” as appropriate and allows the user …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for spowel4

I am defining the following variables inside a bash script (note: I ultimately want to pass these values to the bash script from the commandline but I haven't gotten that far yet): OFS=',' INPUTFILE='~/data.txt' OUTPUTFILE='~/delimited.txt' FIELDWIDTHS='1 10 4 2 2' Next, inside the bash script I'm attempting to call an …

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Member Avatar for cjohnweb

Hello! I am normally in the PHP / Web Development section of DaniWeb. It's a pleasure to finally have a reason to check out other sections of DaniWeb! So, I am logged in as root at the Command Line Interface over SSH - on Debian 7 Wheezy running on a …

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Member Avatar for shroomiin

Hi. I have here a script which I had acquired from the net. I have tested it in a lab environment and it seems to accomplish my task perfectly. That being- to list each server in the domain, its services and the account the service runs under. Problem is- I …

Member Avatar for chriswelborn
Member Avatar for Somnath_1

I am trying to get two input from a file . #!/bin/bash echo "enter clientname" read clientname echo print|nsradmin -s $clientname -p390113|egrep 'NetWorker version|IP address'>> output_$clientname the content of the file would be : $ cat test_new1 NetWorker version:; IP address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xx; I want to grab "IP address:" to …

Member Avatar for chriswelborn
Member Avatar for Wei_3

How to make Ctrl-Z work with xterm -e "ping localhost" there will be a child process but how to pass the Ctrl-Z to that process? I tried Ctrl-C and S and Q they are working fine...

Member Avatar for Mocabilly
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The End.