1,891 Topics
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Could someone help me with a Shell Script OR a perl script which could read the below INPUT File and print output in format listed below. The logic I am looking for is to read each block within the asterisk line, then search for "until:". If the date of "until:" … | |
Hi, I am familiar with shell script but not really have much experience. I am looking into a shell script that would do this I have 2 tables TableA id name interest ---------------------------------------- TableB id name I have to create a shell script which copies all the id,name values from … | |
Hi, I am struglling to send an image in my email. In the program I am using the shell command sendmail in usr/lib/. I had set the content type to html/text. When I am writing the html tag <img src"<someimage>"/> in the body. The mail when sent is not having … | |
What I would like to do is read each line in the atdinfile: A sample atdinfile would look like this: 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 664 665 666 667 668 I would like to grep through each atd job id looking for a match … | |
Team, Can any one assist me with my below script requirements I log into a jump box with my login and password, Here I need to create a script which i will run from this point that will connect to a different server using ssh and it should prompt me … | |
I am transfering files from system directory to server directory which works perfect. But i need to run batch file after every half n hour. I need to make it as a **batch file** please help ftp -i 21.49.567.12 username password cd "uploads" lcd "c:\up" binary mput p* disconnect bye | |
Hi Guys, I'm new to awk and trying to format an stadout "temp.txt" to csv format so I can export to excel. I'm having issues here is my code so far..If any one can help to see the light!!! The ### sign is the second server on the list each … | |
How to validate multiple inputs on a dialog form using shell scripting? Validations must be performed before submitting form or when focus shift to any other input field . | |
I am having this simple script: #!/usr/bin/expect -f set values "#host=CE101 #host=CE102" set found [regexp {[A-Z]{1,2}\d{2,3}} $values CE CE1] if {$found == 1} { puts "px is $CE" puts "vpx is $CE1" } else { puts "\nfailed to match anything from\r\n$values" } puts $found So my problem is that regexp … | |
[Click Here](null)Hello dani. I know how to write to a file using redirection. But I am unable to write a record to every new line. I want it this way alex amsterdam 800 7 But I am ending up putting everything in a new line, I mean the fields or … | |
Not hot on sed.. I have the string <Report name="05/14/14 05:05:53 AM - Report"> in a file. I need to change the date and time part to the current date and time.. any sed regex to match the date format and timestamp? | |
Hi Team, I have a file which contain following data like BKP0000032183140217000019 053IGZYEVSDOX .........field 2....... field3.....field4..... BKP0000032284140217000019CCTP1220 ............... BKP0000032384140217000019CA ..................... each line has 5 fields Now using shell script i am trying to extract field 4 based on condition that line start with BKP and contain code 84 and CA … | |
![]() | I have been beating my head into the desk with this issue, and I don't think it's a simple 'uniq' or 'sort' issue. I have a file, with many duplicate values in them. File ---------- dog dog cat owl owl turkey weasel giraffe giraffe rooster The output I am looking … ![]() |
Hi Team, I am new to shell script, i have knowledge of basic unix command but that doesn't seem working for my current task. Please help me with following problem: I have a xml file for e.g. <ShippingInstructions> <name>Sarah Bell</name> <address>400 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores CA 94065 USA</address> <telephone>650 506 … | |
Hello All. I have an issue with string manipulation. The file which I am using has two lines : First String: 1 4 Second String: 5 4 What i am trying to do is while reading each line, i would like to store each variable in the line into 3 … | |
Hello all, I am by no means a coder, so hopefully someone has something they would be willing to share that would meet this need. I would like to have a Outlook rule, where: - When an email comes in from a specific account - Has an attachment (PDF, doc, … | |
Hey all, I was wondering if a web page could be opened in Mozilla Firefox using a shell script!..I haven't given it a try as yet...I will also try and if I find a a solution I'll definitely put it up....Till then if someone finds a solution or knows it … | |
@echo off set /p Pause=Before >nul set /p Pause=After (@edit Before `>nul` there supposed to be sign, but it's not visible in post.) What does this script do, is print "Before" wait till user presses enter, "Bleeps" and prints "After", after pressing enter application stops. But output is: '' is … | |
Hi everybody! These days I've been solving the task of sending the bunch of files specified by unix filespec convention (all metacharacters allowed) to the remote host using ftp. I'm thinking of such concept/design, where the main bash script executes the following subtasks: (1) Expansion of command line arguments to … | |
Hi Friends. I am trying to conver the following grep syntax to replace using awk pattern match. Can you please help? tail -F $logFiles | grep " ERROR " | grep -v 'ERROR_SERVER \|Session is null for endpointId\|SYNCED_IN_VIEW_UPDATED'| cut -d" " -f10-14 | awk 'BEGIN..............}' I am seeing some buffering … | |
I want to have one .bash_profile works on multiple platform, ubuntu, debian, redhat, cygwin, osx. So how should I organize .bash_profile? It can be multiple files in some subdir Let me brief you: what i want is a way to organize bash_profile across platforms so I can use one set … | |
Hi, I have a snippet of batch code that searches through a folder and outputs the results one file per line in html format. Code below: @ECHO OFF &SETLOCAL (FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN ('dir /b /a-d /s /n "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Pics & Vids"') DO ( FOR /f … | |
Write a shell script that will take a filepath and a string as command line arguments. The script should find lines which contain the given 'string' in the given file. It should create an output file in "/tmp" directory with the name in the pattern as below. "NN_15Nov2013_12Hrs_32Minutes_20Seconds.txt" | |
Input: Feb 15 2014 09:31:00 ERROR {http--} [54d70-54d70-54d70-54d70-54d70][478-478-478-478-478] JabberServlet - Provisioning exception while parsing protocol Feb 15 2014 09:31:00 ERROR {http--} [54d70-54d70-54d70-54d70-54d70][478-478-478-478-478] JabberServlet - Failed to extract text from response Feb 15 2014 09:31:00 ERROR {http--} [54d70-54d70-54d70-54d70-54d70][478-478-478-478-478] JabberServlet - Error while loading make model Feb 15 2014 10:31:00 ERROR {http--} … | |
Here is my another challenge. When I pass the file name into for loop, I want to get a specific word from the file name and need to pass that as a parameter as well. For eg: When there are 5 files in a folder say Encrypted_abc_1.xml Encrypted_xyz_2.xml Encrypted_hij_3.xml Encrypted_klm_4.xml … | |
Hi, I need to monitor the ip addresses in a server. whenever there is a fluctuation, i need to do some clean up (like restart the server/ reboot the machine) I was able to get a sample cpp program & was able to enhance it to suit my needs. But … | |
I want to find common line in two files and replace the next line of first file with the next line of second file. (sed,awk,perl,bash any solution is welcomed ) Case Ignored. Multiple Occurrence of same line. File 1: hgacdavd sndm,ACNMSDC msgid "Rome" msgstr "" kgcksdcgfkdsb msgid "" hsdvchgsdvc msgstr … | |
Hi all, I want to write a script to do the following job I have a record like day ID var Month 1 11 x March 2 11 y April 3 11 y March 4 11 y April 5 11 y March 1 22 y April 2 22 x march … | |
Win 7 clients, Need to populate alternate IP with current DHCP assignment (I believe everything else will be static). It appears that PowerShell is the only way to get at the alternate IP config variables. We are wrestling with a TechRepublic PS module that could be the modified. I used … | |
By examining the first, third and last (seventh) fields of the /etc/passwd file, determine the userid and login shell for your username, the user root, and the user nobody (yes, there is a system user with the username "nobody"). Create simple files in your home directory, called my.uid, my.shell, root.uid, … |
The End.