1,891 Topics

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Member Avatar for nihao

Hello all: I want to compare two folders by script like this "diff -yr folder1 folder2",but I find there are two problems in the result which is not what I want,please help me. Problem One: If there are two line is different,and every line is too long, the result will …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for nileshdalvi

Is this valid in shell programming? tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' < filename>filename note: The filename refers to the same file.

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for rags

I am working as a java programmer and have no experience writing shell scripts or prior experience in UNIX...I would appreciate if someone helps me write a Shell script that: a) Runs from one machine. b) ssh into all of the other machines. c) Collect the cpu% usage from each …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for alvaro

Hello, I'm trying to write a bash shell script to run some finalization commands on cygwin under Windows XP. I'd like to exit the shell in an automatic way (writing the 'exit' command in the script) but it doesn't work. Do anybody knows a way to do that?

Member Avatar for alvaro
Member Avatar for girish.sh

Can we define exit status intereger values for our purpose except 0? like can i set custom exit status messages: "1" for error occured because of reason #1 "2" for error occured because of reason #2 ... Is there any document which displays all the exit status code values from …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for girish.sh

Hi all, I am a new joinee in this forum. I am facing one problem. How to call Java classes and methods from shell scripts?? i am using KSH. Is it really possible to do that or not? Response will be appreciated. Thanks, Girish Sharma

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hello everyone:p . Does anyone know what kind of bash script line I could use to copy the contents of a file to the boot sector of a FAT12 3.5" floppy disk? Any help would be appriciated. Thanks. Steven :cool: .

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for vanii

Hi all, I want to know whether "sleep command in shell scripting is a guarenteed command or not " In java 'Sleep() ' is not guarenteed to be called when CPU is Idle. Regards, VANII

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for swmercenary

I have been charged with fixing a ksh93 script which runs on AIX and LINUX. It currently uses getopt to parse command line options, and relies on syntax like: case $1 in -g) FOO =$2 if ($3 == "bar") then BAR= $4 fi etc. Unfortunately, if it is called with …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for mcrosby

Hello, I am writing a script that is going to ping a remote host but I want the user to be able to enter in the interval and size when he runs the program. For example the user would enter this to initialize the script. [quote] ./mping -i 0.05 -s …

Member Avatar for kamitsin
Member Avatar for mcrosby

Hello, I am new to shell scripting but I am attempting to create a script that connects to an ftp and downloads a folder of files. It then compares the downloaded folder on the local machine to another local folder. I am not sure how to work the compare function …

Member Avatar for mcrosby
Member Avatar for hferoz

I am presently working in IBM INDIA, we are currently working in DB2 database i want to know the nook and corner of the database so pls send pdf document for this and do the needfull for u.

Member Avatar for massoo

hi, can i run a shell script as a daemon ? the shell script looks like this : [INLINECODE] #!/bin/sh BATDIR='/' export JAVA_HOME='/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_06/bin/java' export MESSAGE_SENDER_HOME='/home/mas50o21/MessageReader/' export LIB='/lib/' export COMMONS='/commons/' export JBOSS_HOME='/home/jboss/jboss-4.0.3SP1/' export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:${JBOSS_HOME}client/jboss-common-client.jar: \ ${JBOSS_HOME}client/namespace.jar:${JBOSS_HOME}client/jboss-system-client.jar: \ ${JBOSS_HOME}client/getopt.jar:${JBOSS_HOME}client/log4j.jar: \ ${JBOSS_HOME}client/activation.jar:${JBOSS_HOME}client/jboss-jaxrpc.jar: \ ${JBOSS_HOME}client/mail.jar:${JBOSS_HOME}client/jboss-saaj.jar: \ ${JBOSS_HOME}client/jboss-j2ee.jar:${JBOSS_HOME}client/jboss-transaction-client.jar: \ ${JBOSS_HOME}client/jmx-invoker-adapator-client.jar:${JBOSS_HOME}client/concurrent.jar: \ ${JBOSS_HOME}client/jboss-deployment.jar:${JBOSS_HOME}client/jbossx-client.jar: \ ${JBOSS_HOME}client/jbossmq-client.jar: \ …

Member Avatar for radix
Member Avatar for seran128

I am monitoring a logfile using tail -f [URL="http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/#"]file[/URL].log|"ERROR" I would like to write a korn script that monitors this for me and emails me if the event happens. It would be great if it attached the file to the email as well. Any Ideas?

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for mattlock73

Hey all. Thanks in advance for any help you can give, hopefully this is an easy one. I want to create a loop to run a simple performance monitor like vmstat and record it to a file, but have very limited scripting skills. Starting with this... date >> /var/log/perfmon.log vmstat …

Member Avatar for mattlock73
Member Avatar for wandererman

I need help to write a simple shell script due for tomorrow. this is the question.. Create a UNIx script to use the following file as input. ------start of file----- Geore Washingon Bill Clinton Abe Lincoln -----End of File----- OUTPUT: lAST NAME ONLY IN SORTED ORDER. It is my first …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for deft

I need to do something I'm told that is relatively easy to do, but I can't find specific instructions on how to do it. I need a way to look at incoming emails and run commands based on key words in them. For example, incoming email: Subject: Thing# 123 Body: …

Member Avatar for TKSS
Member Avatar for ahan

Hi, I have to manipulate a data file which say reads like this {$index $value $error_on_value} aa 4.56 0.7 bb 123.456 0.00987 cc 987654 321 . . in easily human readable format of type aa 4.6(7) bb 123.456(1) cc 9.877(3)e+05 value rounded to 4.6 with error of 0.7 on the …

Member Avatar for abhinav_shah
Member Avatar for TERRORISTsam

hi probably a noob qustion but this is my first attempt at shell scripting. im trying to open a file in a new window that the user types the name of during the run time of the script. i have tryed several different ways of doing this including. read >> …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for gatormike53

May be in wrong forum but I did work out the lookup problem, what I am still having problems with is making sure the lookup can find the address book file regardless of the current working directory. I believe I need to do this with $PATH but am unclear on …

Member Avatar for ranj@chn
Member Avatar for gatormike53

New to Linux and need the credit for my class to ensure a good grade but not sure on the cmd line to finish I have created a data file called ".addr_book" in home directory plus a 'bin" directory . NOW this is what I am unsure of I need …

Member Avatar for ranj@chn
Member Avatar for problems

[COLOR=black]i would like to find files that have been modified during a month. lets say i am type in 2004 06 it will find files in the month of june. i know using l -la lista all the files and thier attrbutes. and one of thier attributtes is last modified …

Member Avatar for ranj@chn
Member Avatar for rockwell

Hi all, i am new to shell scripting and know very few basics, i have a shell script program written by some other guy and i am trying to understand it. I am unable to understand a few parts of the program, hope some one cud help me with this …

Member Avatar for kamitsin
Member Avatar for elidio

Hello, good afternoon. Im a newby user writing my first shell script, and i trying to make it run with the cron utility. If i run this code manually, the code was sucefull runned, but, when i put in this task in the crontab, the mail dont cant sended. When …

Member Avatar for elidio
Member Avatar for Sona

I have an input file coming, based on what is there in the starting from the third character (which is the table name starting from 3rd character in the first line).I have to set the parameter x. like If the table name='employee'(sarted from the third character) then x=1 if table …

Member Avatar for Sona
Member Avatar for garric

Hello, When mail command is used to read mails.... after 1 msg is viewed, a prompt is displayed for [B]user input[/B] ...for eg 'n' - to move to the next msg 'd' - to delete the msg just read ...etc how can i include this feature in a [B]shell script[/B] …

Member Avatar for problems

i am having a problem with writing a shell script to back up files for a specific month. the month and year are specified as paramters. so a backup of all the files modified during the specified month have to be made. for example if specify 200406 as my parameter, …

Member Avatar for virgilpal

This problem is making me alot of problem : A C program is given. Determine, for each global variable, the number of occurences and the number of lines where it is used by refference. I accept any help. Thanks

Member Avatar for virgilpal
Member Avatar for garric

The MAIL command requires the user to press the 'Enter' key or 'n' to move onto the next message once the present message has been viewed. How do I achieve this in a shell script in order to automate the copying of successive mails onto different files. Can sumone please …

Member Avatar for iamafreak

The End.