1,891 Topics

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Member Avatar for javier_ccs

hello, i made a routine in expect that connects via ssh to a juniper firewall, makes a backup of the configuration and saves it into a text file, so far it's working fine, and since it was working so fine i decided to add it to cron in order to …

Member Avatar for javier_ccs
Member Avatar for skulkarni

Hi, I'm trying to write a shell script that accepts wildcards as arguments. But instead of the wildcards expanding into the list of files from the current directory, I'd like to have them expand into files from another directory. For example, I have a script called test.sh in the folder …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for GunBao

Hi all, i'm a novice in Shell Programming.. Recently im working on a sch project to create a system which allows user to login, logout, change password, save password.. Some of the requirements are: 1. Check correct userid before asking for password. 2. In unlocking, ask for password only. Userid …

Member Avatar for darklord

What I am trying to do is to scan a text file word by word and find all words of 4 character or less then output these words to a file, but the problem is I don't know a unix command that can scan the file this way. The Grep …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for fili00

hey everybody, I just wanted to know how I can print out with awk or others only one line and not a whole column what is made by print$1. I have a data which contains 205 lines and I want for example only the 6th line. I tried with this …

Member Avatar for fili00
Member Avatar for Manojsah

Hi All, I am implementing simple SHELL similar to bash having functionality that support some BUILT-IN commands like cd, kill, bg, fg, job, wait. It should also support piping and job control. please Guide me how to start this. Thanks manoj

Member Avatar for Manojsah
Member Avatar for systest

I am trying to find out how to stream a file so that if gives me back how many times a certain field label occurred. File example: Cat black 100 home lost Dog brown 632 street lost Dog black 839 home owned Pig pink 123 mud farm Dog white 345 …

Member Avatar for perniciosus
Member Avatar for Wolfy

I have these two projects due tomorrow for extra credit in my Unix class and I have no idea how to write them. I really need the extra credit to bump my grade up a little. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here are the descriptions: Project One: A) Create …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for gal

I am attempting to write a script that would read entries from a file (one at a time) and for each entry it should cut the given word from caricature 8 till the 3rd from last character. I wrote the following more $TEMP2 | grep join | awk '{print $3}' …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for raj_thota

Hi, I am Rajesh. I am totally new to shell scripting. I have to prepare a shell script which comapres two directory tree structures ( directory contents comparision is not necessary). for example, suppose I had installed a software system long back and now I want to upgrade that software …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for alex05

Write a script named killdup. The script sorts all the lines in a file supplied to it as the first argument, and removes duplicate lines. The script stores the resulting output in a file whose name is given by the second argument. I know how to sort it, but how …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for gundi

Hi! I would like to restore my system to yesterdays, since the changes that I have made has made a bad impact on the htdocs folder, so I rpefere to make a system restore, can you help me plaese..

Member Avatar for chrisbliss18
Member Avatar for gg234

Hi, I want to configure my logrotate configuration file as follows we need keep all clients monthly logs to /var/log/apache2/logs folder Under this folder we have different clients directories.Each directory should contain the logfiles that is access.log and error.log files for each folder.Every month end logrotate should run and it …

Member Avatar for mmiikkee12
Member Avatar for mawe
Member Avatar for aashiqbhatti

Dear All, I am using CGI and bash Shell scripting programming. I want to upload a file bye Web based application in CGI and pure Shell Scripting. Not in Perl. Please help how to Upload a file using bash Shell Scripting and CGI. Thanks advance. Aashiqbhatti

Member Avatar for manojkumarnayak
Member Avatar for go4mohit

i have a bash script which takes a string as command line argument and synthesises it using festival.I need to invoke this script every time a user presses a keyboard key(or a particular combination of keys) with the selected text.. can someone tell me how this can be done..

Member Avatar for antrieb

I need to create a shell script that controls the users runlevel at every startup/logon of the linux system. the user should be prompted with a menu screen taht asks for their desired runlevel. The user should be presented with the following 3 choices: ¤ Single User Mode ¤ Full/Extended …

Member Avatar for shanenin
Member Avatar for MrRx7

Hello this is my first post on these forums. For a little back ground into this, I recently installed a Linux server with the purpose of recording matches via a program called HLTV. Now what I want to do is take the individual .dem files compress them one by one …

Member Avatar for MrRx7
Member Avatar for mark007

Hi all, I am writing a script that requires the simple functionality of reading lines from a text file...and writing several of these to a new file.. The lines I want to write to the new file contain tabs and I have not been able to write these lines. Here …

Member Avatar for winbatch
Member Avatar for jkristos

So I'm really new but I have written a simple bash shell script filter (using someone elses conversion utility) to insert a copyright text line into a MIDI file. The script works fine on the first file in the directory, however the whole point of writing this script for me …

Member Avatar for jkristos
Member Avatar for jabra0

Hey guys, been working on a tool called getwifi for a while now. It is a tool written in shell that let's a user join wireless networks in order. You can configure it to join any of the networks and change the order in a configuration file. It supports WEP …

Member Avatar for nwc

Can anyone give me a one-liner that adds a timestamp to the output of vmstat -n 1 Perhaps using awk?

Member Avatar for gritty
Member Avatar for avcert1998

Hi, I am trying to (echo ls -l $i) but it's not printing if someone can help me....I am trying to ls -l everything in the arrary....Thanks in advance [B] script: [/B] #/usr/bin/ksh typeset -i cnt=0 while read line do myarray[$cnt]=$line ((cnt = cnt + 1)) done < myfile for …

Member Avatar for jindalarpan

hey friends i m facing one problem that on sever their is fedora core 4 and when ever temp(/tmp) is filled server go show. can any one provide me with the script that can automatically cleans up /tmp after some days or when temp is going to fill thanks

Member Avatar for Cain
Member Avatar for rinque

hi, I got a problem with using this 'cmdtool' command. I use cmdtool to open up a new window in a script. But I need to disable the 'close' button on the top right of this new window (the 'x' button) during the execution of a portion of my program. …

Member Avatar for satimis

Hi folks, I'm prepared to write a simple script to execute 20+ commands and could not figure out how to make use of "loop" subject to certain conditions. If without conditions[code]#!/bin/bash cmd1="code1" #the exact/full command cmd2="code2" #the exact/full command cmd3="code3" #the exact/full command etc. cmd1 || exit 1 cmd2 || …

Member Avatar for warangalboy
Member Avatar for chrchcol

mail -s "subject" [email]chris.collins@fuse.net[/email] < email What can I add to this line and where to automatically create a blind carbon copy? Also if possible what can I add to this line and where if possible to add the address from? Thanks

Member Avatar for techniner
Member Avatar for chrchcol

I need to find a way to use a bash script to take a line like this " <!-- STANDARD FTP :: DELETE THIS BLOCK FOR SECURE FTP AND UNCOMMENT THE SECURE BLOCK BELOW --> <tr> <td valign="middle" align="center" height="35"> <a href="http://!domain!/uftp/">Click here to login to your FTP site.</a> </td> …

Member Avatar for shanenin
Member Avatar for chrchcol

Suppose I had a directory name of company.domain.com where company was diff everytime. How could I read the company part of the name in as one of the variables in my bash script?

Member Avatar for shanenin

The End.