1,891 Topics

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Member Avatar for nobius

trying to write a shell script that will take any number of numerical parameters passed to it on the command line and perform addition on them...must be done in a "while" loop...have it so that it will add 2 numbers, also have it where it will print the correct sum …

Member Avatar for nobius
Member Avatar for linouna

Hello every body, I'm a student working on a project to test an anti-spam.....where I have to bomb one mailbox with many emails, I tried to use a mailbomber tool but the problem with this one is that it send one e-mail to many recipient ....what I want to do …

Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for robsammons

Hi I am trying to write a pipeline which updates the content of a file by replacing all the mathches of the word 'and' with the symbol '&' and replaces the end of each line with my name. I have tried using sed and can replace the and's but can't …

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Member Avatar for ltme

Hi Everyone, I've read some threads on this forum and found some good hints already :) I'm having trouble writing a script and would appreciate all input, advice, info, or tips. I'd like to write a script that does the following; - identifies current recognized partitions - flags those with …

Member Avatar for jure

as somone know i have a url graber script, and i want to get commands from standard inn how do i do that?

Member Avatar for Paul.Esson
Member Avatar for jure

hello im trying to make a shell script that "downloads" links and topic that is to the link but i cant make it work. It is supposed to get the urls from a txt file or a file. [code] IFS=`echo -e "\n\r"` for I in `cut -f1 $1` do source=$(echo …

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Member Avatar for jackjill

Hi guys, i'm trying to write a script for following purpose. shell program will be used by Linux/Unix sysadmins to search for SUID/SGID files. The default directory to search is the present working directory, however, the user may include a directory name on the command line as an alternative. Also, …

Member Avatar for Durai
Member Avatar for garlam

I wrote this shell script: #!/bin/sh PATH=/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin; export PATH echo "Content-type: text/html" echo "" ROOT=/app/webchecker/controller FILEIN=$ROOT/log/servcheckerstat.txt FILEDOWN=$ROOT/bin/down_ FILEOUT=/tmp/wcHtmlStat.$$ $ROOT/bin/servckhtmlstat W $FILEIN $FILEDOWN $FILEOUT $QUERY_STRING cat $FILEOUT rm -f $FILEOUT exit 0 servckhtmlstat is a C program which do all the job and write the file. The problem is: the shell …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for stharmon

I am trying to install 2 rpm files that need root privileges. However, I don't want to prompt the user twice. Currently I am doing the following in my script: echo "*************************************************************" echo "In order to install acme package, you need to log in as root" echo "*************************************************************" su -c …

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Member Avatar for ojgibba
Member Avatar for giany

Hello i`m trying to make a script that shows me online users using the arping command. I want to enable to stop it using Ctrl +C and print me a message : Continue Y/N. And one more thing in the end to print me : We have $wc -l users …

Member Avatar for vgersh99
Member Avatar for marco83

hi, just stumbled on a problem: a friend wrote her shellscript in mandrake kwrite which also uses bash, we tried to run it on fedora core 2 gedit but won'nt run as it reads errors on curly braces and has unexpected end of file errors. It runs perfectly on mandrake …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for yitzhakbg

How can I login remotely and force a command/script to run in a particular X Server when are multiple X Servers running? Here's what I want to do: Force my desktop to be displayed on multiple remote machines, each of which has multiple X Servers running simultaneously. That is, force …

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Member Avatar for Wanderer

Hello, I am a software developer on a rather large project and I use vim as my primary file editor. The project is spread out over many paths. What I want to do is to create a large tag file for the entiere project. I used the find command to …

Member Avatar for vgersh99
Member Avatar for nitewolf_9

Hello, I am getting a syntax error with a shell script of mine that is eluding me...I am pretty new to this so if someone could help me out I'd appreciate it. Here is the part of the script that is throwing the error: [code] #!/bin/ksh # Kismet/PCX Loader # …

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Member Avatar for steve-parker.or

Shameless plug: [url]http://steve-parker.org/sh/sh.shtml[/url] A bourne Shell Programming/Scripting Tutorial for learning about using the Unix shell. Centres on the Bourne shell, but mentions when bash differs. Does not cover ksh/csh (considered harmful). Applies to UNIX and Linux.

Member Avatar for dontcare
Member Avatar for URtheRhoda

so i have been trying to learn how to manipulate text on my own and have gotten stumped... let's say i have a text file that says (highly simplified): people ordinary How would swap the order of the words.. I know i need to use sed and some kind of …

Member Avatar for vgersh99
Member Avatar for blackberry

hi my friends who can tell me about *.x ? :o i mean .x extension is stand for what kind of files? :o cheers.

Member Avatar for Cain
Member Avatar for magicmarkuk

Hi I am new to all of this so please forgive me if my question is either really obvious or indeed in the wrong forum. I have had a script written for me that displays details of books e..t. title, author etc. The string which holds the author seems to …

Member Avatar for shaahul

Hi I needed some help on automating the installation of a software. During the installation of a software, you get various options. For eg. 1. the license agreeement screen gives you two options with two radio buttons. Choosing one selects Yes, I agree with the terms and conditions. And choosing …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for amarnathreddy_b

Write a shell script (/bin/sh) called 'fileline' which is passed two command line parameters. The first parameter is the name of a file and the second is a number 'n'. The script should write the contents of the nth line of the file to a new file called 'out'. If …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for Mohit Singh

Hi, I am uploading files to a server using HttpXCtl1.Request.PrepareFileUpload "nameoffile", txtURL HttpXCtl1.Post "http://www.myhost.com/cgi-bin/serverside.cgi" MsgBox HttpXCtl1.Response.Status The Response Status is: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error The serverside.cgi file on my server is as follows: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI; $upload_dir = "/usr/home/myhost/www/ibp"; $query = new CGI; $filename = $query->param("nameoffile"); $filename =~ …

Member Avatar for tccummings

Hi everyone. I am fairly new to Linux and I am taking a UNIX course. I have been asked to write a shell script and I am having a little trouble. I was wondering if anyone could help me. Here are my instructions -- create a script called command find_big.sh …

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Member Avatar for hotlantas69

I need to write the code for a script to count and display # of files and directories and then dispaly the # of each as well as the script name as output. I also have to sow a command to execut the script which I know already

Member Avatar for liliafan
Member Avatar for WEATHER CHANNEL

Ada95 is a very capable, full featured language & is not just limited to DoD work.Any thoughts?Anyone ever used it? We need a AdA forum, you know some real stuff not just limited to simple things in life like C(ect) :lol:

Member Avatar for Ludootje
Member Avatar for hotlantas69

This is not hwork. Trying to teach myself. I have to write a script that counts number of text, data, and html and C files in my home directory. I have to use case and loop. I have to display the total number for each file-type and also a count …

Member Avatar for Ludootje
Member Avatar for i686-linux

bash: #!/bin/bash DOMAIN=mydomain.com for client in ServerA ServerB ServerC ServerD do xhost +$client.$DOMAIN done MS-DOS: @echo off for..... crap..... I can't seem to get the for loop to work properly. Has anyone had much experience with batch files in DOS? I realize that running xhost inside of a batch file …

Member Avatar for liliafan
Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for Reginald0

Hi, folks! See the examples: bash$ X="ls"; $X file1 file2 file3 *** Works correctly! bash$ X="ls | wc"; $X ls: |: No such file or directory ls: wc: No such file or directory *** Doesn't work! How to make the last command work correctly as first? Thanks in advance! Reginald0

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The End.