2,482 Topics

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There are numerous tools out there like Techgrigy and Radian 6 that helps companies monitor their brands and related conversations. But are there really any value to these conversations or is it just additional clutter? Most importantly, would you recommend a client to subscribe to such service, if so, why?

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I think that technology has made it easier for us to use and access social media all of the time. I remember back in the old days, I will only use my AOL email after work hours. Now I can check it anytime!!

Member Avatar for jay 11
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Here's a switch. Instead of newspapers trying to protect the identities of the people posting to their websites, the newspaper is the one outing them. As [URL="http://www.stltoday.com/blogzone/the-editors-desk/the-editors-desk/2009/11/post-a-vulgar-comment-while-youre-at-work-lose-your-job/"]described[/URL] by editor Kurt Greenbaum of the [I]St. Louis Post-Dispatch[/I], someone posted a vulgar word in the paper's online commenting system, and re-posted it …

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I read about the numerous online Black Friday sales. I even went on Twitter beforehand to search for discount codes, I even used the hashtag #blackfriday. There was alot of crap on Twitter leading me to websites that looked shady. I even stayed up late tonight so I can visit …

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Hi everyone im zxor 2 A.K.A Jorell winslow for those of you who know me on yahoo answers ...im not to sure where to post this but I thought id like to have your thoughts on something you might find interesting and iI need your help desparatrely in youre city …

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Ever wanted to see the International Space Station but didn't know when or how to look? There's an app (Twitter) for that. Start following @twisst and using the information in your profile, it will let you know when the International Space Station is scheduled to pass by you. "So, every …

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For those of you outside of the Long Island, NY area, you may have missed a good one. It seems that the latest teen music sensation, Justin Bieber (who's fame is based on viral youtube videos of himself singing songs by Usher and Ne-Yo, which led to a twitter campaign …

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In 1968, a teacher named [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Elliott"]Jane Elliott[/URL] performed a seminal experiment with her class of third-graders. Wishing to teach them about prejudice, she told them that kids with blue eyes were superior to those with brown eyes, gave the blue-eyed kids all sorts of privileges, and made the brown-eyed kids …

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I saw this topic on Linkedin and I decided to take it a bit further. Think of the various historical figures who were known as great orators and communicators (JFK, Martin Luther King, Churchill, Reagan, etc) and of the various types of social media. Who do you think would use …

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I just read on Mashable the top ten news reader. I personally use Google Reader which was rated #1. Which one would you use and why? [url]http://mashable.com/2009/11/20/top-10-news-readers/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Mashable+%28Mashable%29&utm_content=Google+Reader[/url]

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You know you've established your brand when its name becomes a verb (for example to 'Google' something). A company called [PostRank](http://www.postrank.com/) might hope the same holds true for adjectives, as in "What's your PostRank?" The company hosts an ingenious service that tracks the millions of Web postings that appear every …

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A friend of mine posted this on his FB page a few hours ago... [B][I]HACKER WARNING! There is a new way to hack your Facebook. A Notification will be sent to you that one of your friends has commented on your status, it will open a new page and tell …

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What if the government taxed you to be on social media? Would it discourage you from using social media? I heard a similar thing about paying tax for email but I have not seen it. What do you think?

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I was on one of my Linkedin Forums and I saw a question about people who are using SocialText or SocialCast, both of which offer enterprise collaboration software for large companies and corporation who want to centralize all of their social media efforts and encourage collaboration. Has anyone here used …

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I am created a few Ning groups in the past but not anymore and though it was nice to create them, the communities quickly died because members did not contribute content. So I wonder if this was a general problem and if those ning groups you joined experienced the same …

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Though many sites have google analytics, there are others who use paid web analytical tools. Thus, if you used these paid toold, which one did you use and why? Did you find it useful or helpful? I personally dont like webTrends. It gives me mixed metrics.

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Which social media research tools do you use to find your target audience? I have been told twitter search and google ad planner. Is there anything else?

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I read online that Google Wave is like the next best thing since wonder bread. I do know that only 100,000 invites were sent. So what do you think if you were one of the lucky ones? I have seen the video on youtube but other than that, I still …

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Once upon a time, AOL was the king of online experience. Now, it might just be a tiny leftover kingdom. So I was not surprised when I read that membership is going down. [url]http://www.businessinsider.com/chart-of-the-day-aol-revenue-2009-11?utm_source=Triggermail&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=SAI%20Chart%20Of%20The%20Day%2C%20Wednesday%2011%2F04%2F09[/url] I used to use AOL and I still do. I thank God I dont pay 8 …

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i want to promote my website using online community, so i decided to promote my website using Bookmark sites, from where i can get list of social bookmark sites.

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Any of you guys here have a website with near 200,000 uniques a month? I'm just wondering what's the Alexa ranking for sites with this much traffic.

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I just read from a blog post about who benefits from social media? good question. I think it all depends on what is the goal and reach of your social media circle. For example, I might have a private Facebook page for personal yet be on many professional yahoo/LinkedIn groups. …

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I am beginning work on some micro-sites for a client who wants separate sites to focus on the top two verticals they target. I am using Wordpress to convert their existing blogs aimed at these verticals into micro-sites. Has anyone had any success or other experiences with micro-sites built from …

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I have been using Tweetdeck quite a bit to keep track of the people I follow and to take care of my tweeting without going through a browser. I just recently downloaded Digby which is an awesome tool for managing all of your social media updated and e-mail. Has anyone …

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Netbooks are becoming more popular these days. Its portable and easy to use. Though an iPhone allows users to be connected online, I know a friend who bought a Netbook to better type up blog postings and updates. So would you buy a Netbook to increase your online connectivity?

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Twitter has [URL="http://status.twitter.com/post/240745460/retweet-feature-temporarily-disabled"]suspended its new retweet function[/URL]. Now, this takes me back. When I started writing about technology this stuff was commonplace. A software company would announce a new version or a new package, its target date would come and go and then it would be released as buggy as …

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Facebook uses pokes to adjust their algorithms. Thus, the more you poke your friend, the more news you get on your friend. So my question for you is "Do you poke?" [URL]http://www forbes.com/2009/10/26/twitter-facebook-costs-markets-faces-guidelines.html?partner=faces_newsletter[/URL] These pokes actually have a financial cost involved. Interesting.

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Have you posted a video online and wondered how people foudn the video, when during the video viewers stopped watching, and most of all, did the viewers liked the video? I know YouTube have a basic analytics reporting now but what other tools do you use to obtain such information …

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The End.