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Many sites have used Google Analytics to measure online engagement. Yahoo Analytics is also another free tool that also have received good buzz. Like Google, Yahoo now has its network of Yahoo Analytics Consultants. Thus, knowing this, would you be more inclined to use Yahoo Analytics on your site.

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I have a client that has asked me to set-up blogs for their regular clients, for their clients in a specific vertical they cater to, and in support of an ongoing campaign with two of their partners to nurture a specific vertical. Now they want to set-up blogs to target …

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I have been in marketing for over 18 years and when I first started out the process for launching a new product or service or company involved press releases/press conferences, media interviews, trade show appearances or launch tours. In the last 5 years with the growth of social media, online …

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I just posted about this on the SEO forum but I wanted to get opinions/thoughts from people here also. A company called Galaxy Weblinks has announced that they have received Apples approval for an app they created for iPhone that lets people check the search engine ranking of websites. Does …

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I would like to open my own community.. i have a website where we feature high performance bass boats and fishing.... i need a discussion forum to go with it.... I am lost on how to do this can you help.... thanks.....

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Hello everybody, My name is John Cassidy and since approx. 2 years I have been doing research on Social Media and narrowed it down to Online Communities last year. At the moment I can benefit from this by writing my master thesis on the topic. For this reason I have …

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The link below is to the initial report on ZDNet but what is not in this story is that the response to a negative tweet (this response being absurd) went viral and really caused the realty company a much larger headache. [url]http://government.zdnet.com/?p=5151[/url]

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It is old news now that both Twitter and Facebook were targets of hacker attacks today. Did you get affected and if so how?

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Hi I just read a blog report about how News Corps lost millions with Myspace. Myspace have changed its branding in the past year or so and have the same colors as LinkedIn and Facebook yet it has not really helped regain its market space. So do you use Myspace …

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IZEA's Sponsored Tweet services, which was supposed to launch in June, went live today. Simple premise, advertisers pay people tweet and tweeters set rates that they charge for tweets. Each Sponsored tweet would include a link to a specific site. There will also be celebrity tweeters who will invariable charge …

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As you might have heard, Apple's new IPhone 3GS has an option to IProd in its control. I wonder if Iprod is going to be a new online community, similar to me.com, to upload and share contacts and friends. Perhaps this is a new online community for mobile users. What …

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As we all know, online conferencing has been around for some time though it is mostly used by vendors doing a demo on their product with potential clients. My question for you is : have you effectively used web conferencing to increase your online consumer/business reach? I know I have …

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Hi there, I really need some suggestions to promote an online forum related to webmaster community. I want to drive at least 1000-2000 visitirors daily. Can any expert tell me please how to promote a Webmaster Forum. Secondly, I also need some good open source scripts to use for forum. …

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Does your forum use reputation points? Karma? How does it work? Do you find it is helpful or just sparks unhealthy competition among members?

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I often see on this board requests for white papers and best practice guides. Thus, when I saw this one I thought members of this board would benefit. [url]http://www.porternovelli.com/media/pdf/pnid-news.pdf[/url]

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I read a question in one of my Linkedin forums about how to convince a company to get involved in Social Networking and community building. Here is a brief summary of what I did? 1. I established corporate presences on various social networking sites (Linkedin, Twitter, blogs, YouTube) 2. After …

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One of my clients asked today if it would be feasible to put up 4 exact copies of each of their social media presences (blogs, twitter, facebook, & Linkedin), each set being in a different language for the 4 sets. They think they will attract more business this way but …

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The reason on why I am mentioning this topic is because I have noticed that many links that are listed by users here have security warnings. Despite the warnings, a study published by Carnegie Mellon mentioned that the majority of visitors ignore those warnings. So if your business site have …

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I just read on mashable that Coke is now providing their own URL shortening service so as not to lose the branding opportunity. I am sure that other big names will follow suit, especially ones with massive web-presences that cause extra-long URLS like Microsoft. But is this a fad or …

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Social Cord has devised a way to charge your followers to access premium content. As Twitter is all about lightening fast communications would you or your company start charging your followers to view premium content? Unless there is something really compelling or valuable about your content, this seems to me …

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I do believe that the recession has motivated many users to tap into online communities to network and increase their professional growth. This may be a big reason on why LinkedIn has much more momentum than a few years ago. So how do you think the recession has affected online …

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In the past and currently I have set up user groups events and roundtable meetings where a group of partners come together to discuss business with the manufacturer and offer adivce and input. These are both affective ways to get facetime with your clients and gathering business intelligence. Will the …

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I found a link to a blog for apartment rentors through linkedin. Very interesting thoughts about social media and for the most part, the first 6 are relavent to almost every other business. Check it out and share your thoughts. [url]http://blog.forrent.com/property-managers-owners/seven-deadly-sins-of-social-media[/url]

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As entrepreneurs and consultants, I do believe that blogging is a good way to increase our reputation and visibility. There are numerous plug-ins and tools to help the blogging experience and I just found out of Zemanta. Have you used Zemanta or other blogging assistance tools? What are your recommendations …

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I just read a story that the Wall Street Journal is looking into setting up a Linkedin-type social network to compete with Linkedin. They did try to set up an on-line community in 2008 but it has failed miserably. This time could be different. Their initial attempt to set-up an …

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Twitter, possibly as an acknowledgement that they have a user retention problem, recently put out a guide to using Twitter in business (link below). Has anyone read this and what is your opinion on this? [url]http://business.twitter.com/twitter101/[/url]

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Are there any industries where most if not all of social media and community building is a no-no? The big one I can think of right off the top of my head would be military contractor. Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

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A Forrester Research report shows that the number of social networking users has doubled since 2007, becoming more popular than instant messaging among adults. But, the report also shows that even with the growth in popularity of social networking, e-mail, online video viewing and online shopping are still more widely …

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I was just reading about a site called Muck Rack, known for aggregating tweets from jounalists, has launched a twitter press release service that offers 130 max character press releases at a cost of $1 per word with a minimum charge of $50. As most companies use press releases to …

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I just read a piece about 'Social Network Overload', where a person is on so many social networks and trying to keep up with them all that they are developing stress and anxiety issues. As companies seek to take advantage of and squeeze every possible revenue dollar out of social …

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The End.