169 Topics

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Member Avatar for sathya88

how to send mp3,avi(large) files via socket...small files with size less than 100kb is possible but how to send large file..

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for jayuma

Am new to socket programming.Can you please help me with this issue I need to connect two computers which is already under some network using C#. After it gets connected I need to know the details of the "Task Manager" of the connected computer - (If any pogram/file is running …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for rom.

I'm just starting out in C/C++, and I want to make a simple socket server script. It will be compiled on mac/linux and executed from terminal. Just want a simple script that will: - allow multiple clients to connect to the server on a specified port (they will be using …

Member Avatar for rom.
Member Avatar for Clawsy

I develop a chat (server and client) using [I]Sockets[/I]. It's working on [B]LAN[/B] but when I try to connect the client to the server using my public IP address it says it cannot connect to that address. My address is public - a friend pinged my address successfully. You find …

Member Avatar for Aviras
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hi guys i want to use php websockets... i made a web socket but it didnt work i hope you guys know some javascript couz the client page is made with javascript and html5 this is the server's code: [CODE] <?php error_reporting(-1); $host = ""; $port = 8000; $socket = …

Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed
Member Avatar for knan

A service running in the Server is listening to port 2978 on 1xx.xxx.xx.xx for incoming connections! My PHP code receives URL data through get method. A tcp connection has to be established with the 'service' on that port and the data received from the URL should be sent to the …

Member Avatar for edwinhermann
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey guys, i made my first web socket server in php and i run it in my localhost and it worked fine.. the problem is, i want to use it in my website... my website is in a shared server and i dont have shell access.. so how can i …

Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed
Member Avatar for Pravinrasal

I have problem with creating jar file want to create jar file with mysql connector i include the mysql connector in manifest file but still it five me error like: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:200) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:188) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:306) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:268) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:251) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:319) at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for awah mohamad

hi guys i am planning to create a website for my school(i am a high school student) that saves the students marks and then gives too many out puts. i am doing it for the science fair after 2 months. that is not my problem, my problem is i need …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for debasishgang7

Hi all, Here is mu scenario.I am trying to open multiple port on a compute. I am trying to make the code multi threaded.So here is my code: [CODE]import socket import thread from threading import * s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) def handler(clientsock,addr): while 1: data = clientsock.recv(BUFSIZ) if not data: …

Member Avatar for debasishgang7
Member Avatar for masterofpuppets

Hi all, I searched this topic and found a couple of posts but I couldn't find what I am looking for. Here's the problem - I am trying to send an image to a client (browser in this case) over a socket. After the image is received I am trying …

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets
Member Avatar for pissman

Hello, I was working on my Server - Client comunicating programm for moonth or more, when a tricky issue had met me. I works so: Server does certain commands if client types certain commnads, and I need need the Client to do certain commands if Server types certain commands. I …

Member Avatar for pissman
Member Avatar for otherdummy

Hello, everybody I am working on a simple client-server program. The server side is a console program which will send (1)the list of files in home directory and (2)the contents of the selected file to the client side. And the client side is a GUI program which sends requests to …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi DaniWeb, I'm currently writing a client server program. I have my client and server sending data and everything fine. But I'm trying to get my client to reconnect. E.g if I get the server to kill the clients connection how can I get the client to realise it is …

Member Avatar for maninaction
Member Avatar for masterofpuppets

Hey, I am not sure whether this is the right place to ask this but I figured that maybe someone here has used JFileUpload for uploading files to a server. I just downloaded the applet and tested it out on my server and uploading works as long as the files …

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets
Member Avatar for masterofpuppets

Hey guys, Here's the problem I have: I am writing a server application in Java using the ServerSocket and Socket classes. I have an instance of ServerSocket which listens for connection and accepts them. The server runs a website that requires users to log in using an e-mail and a …

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets
Member Avatar for thierrypin

I have this problem: I have a data structure called DACT, that I convert into a string line and send to another computer. I have a file full of DACTs, and I need to send them all to another computer. When I send only 100, it works fine, but when …

Member Avatar for thierrypin
Member Avatar for MeandJava

Hello everybody, I have a xml socket server which get data from xml sockets out of actionscript3. Now I'm having a lot of if statements. Can I use another way to make my code more clean? Ivibot is a piece of hardware my school provided. LedBlink is a runnable class …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for arshi9464

I am working on a project that has 2 persons. The first person acts as a receptionist and the 2nd as the boss. Whenever there is someone to meet the boss, i want the request should directly go onto boss's system WITHOUT THE USE OF ANY database. What could be …

Member Avatar for jeffrey o

This is the server code for the udp server/client program . There are no errors except when you run the program the ff error occurs: [COLOR="Red"]Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at udptry2.UDPServerbackup2.main(UDPServerbackup2.java:44) Java Result: 1[/COLOR] the client side works how it should just this part of the program [CODE] package …

Member Avatar for parry_kulk
Member Avatar for niranga

Hi, I am working on a project which requires to update a JEditorPane or JTextField simultaneously by multiple clients. It is something like this. [B][1]. There are several users( i.e a group) with the same application which contains a JEditorPane. [2]. There is a group leader for a group( note: …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for jeffrey o

This is a simple server/client program. What i'm trying to do is let the server send a message to the client, the client should receive this message and print this message on screen. When i run the program the server prints "Server start" like its supposed to but nothing happens …

Member Avatar for sj5536
Member Avatar for BobFX

Hi, I have a stream server application written in C, that I need to incorporate in a GUI C++ managed new program, but I am having trouble finding the equivalent of the C sockets function calls. The C apps initialize this way: [code] /* * Init socket */ if ( …

Member Avatar for BobFX
Member Avatar for yancouto

Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a program that you can use to communicate to other people with the same program. It connects to a Server program that gets your message an send it to everyone. I found 2 problems that I haven't been able to solve. The first one …

Member Avatar for yancouto
Member Avatar for Hazardous_Byte

Hey everyone! It has been a very long time since I posted, but I have a new question for you guys. So, I made a sort of "remote-desktop" program that allows me to move the mouse from another computer. However, the mouse will move to where I want it but …

Member Avatar for Python_nooby

Recently I have been learning about the socket module and how you can create networking applications using it. I was curious if it would be possible using the socket module to either: Set the port as a USB port to trick the computer into thinking a USB is plugged in …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for andreasu

A simple streaming server-client pair with non-blocking user input can easily be coded in Python by using the 'select' module that provides a straightforward interface to the Unix select() system call. For Windows users however this is not an option as the acceptance of three empty sequences in the conventional …

Member Avatar for shinsengumi

Hi, What command/technique is needed in a C program to receive image bytes through socket programming from an HTTP response? I want to develop a program that requests for an image from a server, then upon receiving the bytes comprising the image, it should write these bytes into a newly …

Member Avatar for shinsengumi
Member Avatar for fsl4faisal

i want to implement multicast using python can anyone tell me how can i get information on socket programming in python?

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for dav555

I try to transmit an OpenCV IplImage from a Server (Ubuntu x64) to a Client (Win7 x64) The following code works fine if both (Client and Server) are on the same operating system. But when the server is on Ubuntu and the client on Win7 it doesn't work. The image …

Member Avatar for dav555

The End.