169 Topics

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Member Avatar for borchu

Hello everyone, I progress step by step my problem, one step is passed -now I can send string datas -text messages- here another step is I want to record some audio sounds by using microphone in first android emulator assume phone1 and send to second android emulator-phone2-. I found whole …

Member Avatar for borchu
Member Avatar for MonsieurPointer

Hello DaniWebbers, I have the following classes in their respective namespaces; so far so good. When I have received data from the server, the AsyncTcpClient's *DataReceived* event gets raised and the Client's *OnReceivedData* method gets called. Also so far so good. The one thing that does not work (and which …

Member Avatar for system_Broken

after execut this command netstat -na have a display which are showing some listening ports and local address and state i want know which port i can use for socket c# programming ?

Member Avatar for samsylvestertty
Member Avatar for Code_Geek

I have a problem with the following code.Please help me out #include<stdio.h> #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<winsock.h> #include<winsock2.h> #include<fstream> #include<windows.h> #define WIN32_MEAN_AND_LEAN #include <sys/types.h> #include <streambuf> #include<string.h> using namespace std; int main() { int length; char *buffer; const int iReqWinsockVer = 2; WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(iReqWinsockVer,0),&wsaData)==0) { if (LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) >= iReqWinsockVer) { …

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for i08000934

as mention in the title, im currently developing a system which can 1. Scan the LAN and list out all the active nodes. 2. Server able to manage the network access of client PCs.

Member Avatar for i08000934
Member Avatar for Taximus

Hi everyone! Can you help me please? I need to write sniffer for internet explorer 9.0 using hooks in c# Is it possible? I searched google.com found some information: SharpCap (packet capture framework for .NET), using .NET Socket class to listen user's activities on the web browser but I didn't …

Member Avatar for Taximus
Member Avatar for CPT

Heloo,this wil be my first post here, the reason for that is I can't figure this one out by myself public class Client extends Thread{ Socket socket = null; ServerResponse sr = null; private class serverResponse extends Thread{ InputStream in = null; public serverResponse(Socket socket) throws IOException{ if (socket == …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

I was wondering how many connections in parallel can one web socket handle? what i mean is if i made a chat socket and a million user connected to it at the same time, will it affect it in anyway? and if yes, what is the maximum number of connections …

Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed
Member Avatar for livesinabox

What I am supposed to do is create a C program which implements a "dumb" Sliding Window Protocol Implementing Client Server Program. First the client and server establish a connection between themselves and then the client sends "RST" to the server. The server inturn sends its window size (10) to …

Member Avatar for ponnds

this is my server code i want to receive more than 1000000 bytes ,so the data should be splited into many packets so i use loop to receive all data ,if i use like this server always wait for client even client sent all data to server ,my messsage is …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for suomynona

I made a Client and Server program based on the code found in [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/csharp/threads/228973"]this thread[/URL]. Here's the code of my program Client (Sender of file) [CODE] //Before calling this function, //I send the file size to the server first private void fileToServer(string filename) { try { FileStream fs = new …

Member Avatar for suomynona
Member Avatar for begame

Hey there! So I have am writing a multi-chat client for my college course. I have completed most of it, however there is a problem which I am unable to identify. When I conect multiple clients to the server only the the last client to connect is able to send …

Member Avatar for begame
Member Avatar for eranre

I was wondering if anyone can assist me with a problem that I have with C Bluetooth programming (Linux Bluez). I am using Ubuntu 10.04, BlueZ 4.60. My goal is to have a L2CAP socket in which there will be minimal delay for sending data between 2 computers. So far …

Member Avatar for Soben

I want to make a simple online multiple player cards game using PHP/Ajax. I guess I need socket programming (I want it to be real time). I've worked with sockets before in Java, but not for an online program, just a network game. I searched but I didn't really find …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Thropian

I started looking into networking and storing/altering data on a computer. I've got everything running, but can't get it to work from an outside computer. Is there an easy way to get past the LAN restrictions or am I going to have to change settings on my router?

Member Avatar for ihatehippies
Member Avatar for flagstone

I am trying to implement a chat program using epoll on the server side. However, the program gets stuck at epoll_wait(). How should I create an asynchronous chat program? [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sys/epoll.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <unistd.h> …

Member Avatar for srinivas88

In a client server program ... generally when the server goes down the client on executing the send command 2 times returns a SIGPIPE signal . I want to know y this happens. The client must recieve sigpipe immediately when it sends a message after the socket connection is broken …

Member Avatar for srinivas88
Member Avatar for iraj.jelo

Hi my friends , i have written a program that in client section in error occures frequntly , i think the error comes from socket function in client . what i have to do? [code] # This is my server code , this code has not problem import asyncore import …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for kchyn

Say I have a server, and multiple clients. Each client (same or different LAN) opens a program which connects to the server. I'm not sure how to ask my question, so I'll just write what I'm trying to do: (theoretical example) Server constantly listens for connection on port 2000. Server's …

Member Avatar for skilly
Member Avatar for abhishek_s_n

Here is a simple code of chat between two peers. According to me, the code does what it should have but I am facing difficulty solving this SocketException error. This code worked fine till i made the last modifications. And now I am finding it difficult to trace the error. …

Member Avatar for abhishek_s_n
Member Avatar for hadoque

I'm trying to understand socket programming in python by experimenting a little. I'm trying to create a server that you can connect to by telnet and that echoes what you type in the telnet prompt. I don't want to start using threads just yet. This is my code. [CODE]import socket …

Member Avatar for hadoque
Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp

hi everyone, I am writing a small client and server application in java which uses SSL sockets and AES, i got this from the net and edited it a bit is this correct and secure? client: [code=java]/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the …

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for efronefron

Server Code [CODE]import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.Socket; /** * * @author efron */ public class Server { public static void main(String[] args) { try { ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(Integer.parseInt("49999")); System.out.println(serverSocket.getLocalPort()); while (true) { System.out.println("Waiting for Client...(port = " + 49999 + ")"); Socket acceptSocket = serverSocket.accept(); …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for SpyrosMet

I need to create a simple http client to a web server and my code is the following: [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <errno.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> struct sockaddr_in wserver, cl; struct hostent *rem; int fd, newfd, len, l; int main(int argc, char …

Member Avatar for SpyrosMet
Member Avatar for ogsim07

hello guys, can you pls tell me now to go ahead with this, basically i just want client to say "C:\temp" ENTER then, server must reply with all its files in c:\temp Is there a way to do this, or may be i am wrong, can u tell me any …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for SamarthWiz

Hi I keep on getting data altered when I receive it example: [CODE] SAM:~ SamarthAgarwal$ telnet 8888 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. --Welcome To HACKNET-- Username: Admin Password: pass --INCORRECT IDENTIFICATION--Connection closed by foreign host. SAM:~ SamarthAgarwal$ [/CODE] the data on the server side: [CODE] …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for sravanthi89

[CODE]#!/usr/bin/python import smtplib sender = 'from@fromdomain.com' receivers = ['to@todomain.com'] message = """From: From Person <from@fromdomain.com> To: To Person <to@todomain.com> Subject: SMTP e-mail test This is a test e-mail message. """ try: smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com') smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receivers, message) print "Successfully sent email" except smtplib.SMTPException: print "Error: unable to send email" [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ktsangop

Hi there! I would like a little help regarding the following code. The following code will wait for a non-blocking socket connection, and then wait to receive a certain packet. When the packet arrives, it will do something and then close connection and reinitialize it in order to be able …

Member Avatar for ktsangop
Member Avatar for jogesh_p

hi i am not clear with the socket connection in php, because before starting a new topic i want to clear with the experts(you all guys), why we use socket connection??

Member Avatar for jogesh_p
Member Avatar for darelet

Hi all, I need a setup involving a client or front-end program that sends some tasks to a back-end process for processing and collects results for output. I know this involves socket programming, but one issue here is that the front-end is a windows program and the back-end is a …

Member Avatar for darelet

The End.