83 Topics

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Member Avatar for Morley93

Hi all, I have recently been give a project to create an invoicing system for a small business. The system needs to be able to easily add new customers and store them for usage within invoices. There also needs to be a form to enter invoice data and invoices need …

Member Avatar for 1stDAN
Member Avatar for wolf29

I have a program that takes csv values, parses the content and inserts it in an sqlite3 database. I am using sqlite3 to save on space and to make the py scripts a little more portable. The next refactoring may well need to have postgresql or mysql to deal with …

Member Avatar for wolf29

I want to create sqlite3 databases from within a python script. I am currently running this code which does not pass the right variable content to the sqlite3 command prompt, so I have one issue there. I also do not want to have the user have an sqlite3 command shell …

Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856
Member Avatar for wolf29

I have 2 functions, one of which works and one of which doesn't. I do not understand this, because the only difference is that the second function puts in just the name of the variable, where the 1st function puts in the value. There is only one line to build …

Member Avatar for wolf29
Member Avatar for wolf29

I have a csv that needs to be put into a database format so I can sort and count the data. My approach has been to use python csv and sqlite modules. I am communicating with the database and creating one of the 2 tables. Second table has many more …

Member Avatar for wolf29
Member Avatar for ganesh641

How to install Sqlite in windows OS and how to customize the database table in sqlite and, Tools for sqlite working like mysql workbench.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for thing2

Hello I modified tutorial code found at http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/119293/Using-SQLite-Database-with-Android?fid=1592519&df=90&mpp=25&noise=3&prof=False&sort=Position&view=Quick&spc=Relaxed&fr=1#xx0xx to create an assignment list app, and when I click modify, delete, or cancel it force closes. Here is my DatabaseHelper.java code: public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { static final String dbName="assignDB"; static final String employeeTable="Assignments"; static final String colID="assignID"; static final …

Member Avatar for siaswar

I want to develop a simple application which runs on single computer (just runs in one mechine) and did not need network. Program has to store some data in database and show them for printing. I have no experience with real-word program so I confused here: If the program is …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for LinaClark

I need help figuring out how to fix my code. Every time I run the code its traceback is to this part of it. My code is Unbound Local Error for 'result'. Please see code below: def Level1(self): sql = "SELECT easyhint, gps, qrcode FROM gamedb WHERE quad = 1 …

Member Avatar for scaba
Member Avatar for pritaeas

Below is a documented code example showing how to use the SQLite3 class to connect and query your database (and check for errors). IMHO using PDO is a better alternative, as this extension uses mixed technology in a non-standard way (objects, arrays and exceptions). If there are any questions let …

Member Avatar for pritaeas

Below is a documented code example showing how to use the SQLite functions to connect and query your database (and check for errors). Please note that using the SQLite extension is NOT RECOMMENDED. This extension is no longer available in PHP 5.4.0. If you want your scripts to be future …

Member Avatar for rarment

I'm working on an app and I am having some trouble getting the login and registration to work. Here is the code I have for my registration. public class RegisterActivity extends Activity { Button btnRegister; Button btnLinkToLogin; EditText inputFullName; EditText inputEmail; EditText inputPassword; TextView registerErrorMsg; //JSON Response node names private …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for elenizi

Hi i am having problems designing a solution for this problem : I have a form where you can choose the items you wish and type the quantity and then add them to a listview item. The itema are already saved in a database ( i am using sqlite ) …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for lenash

how to access a web service from a mobile POS Device application in c and to store the accessed data in the device to use it (like printing bills for a collection) when it is required.can anyone please give any guidance for the above requirement iam totally new with POS …

Member Avatar for stefan.s
Member Avatar for TonyG_cyprus

For my project, these two queries don't work. The sqlite manual says to use 'qualified-table-name' but if I do (flist.fdata) an error is returned 'no such table'. As they are below no errors are returned, but the database table is not affected. if (isset ($_POST['del'])) { $id = $_POST['id']; $titl=$_POST['titl']; …

Member Avatar for TonyG_cyprus
Member Avatar for lancelot626

I saved some images in an sqlite database but when i tried to display them using static bitmap i get an error OnOpenEdit self.frmEdit.imageCtrl.SetBitmap((i[7])) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\_controls.py", line 1229, in SetBitmap return _controls_.StaticBitmap_SetBitmap(*args, **kwargs) TypeError: in method 'StaticBitmap_SetBitmap', expected argument 2 of type 'wxBitmap const &' here is a print of …

Member Avatar for TonyG_cyprus

Hi all,Anyone know of a decent free sqlite manager. One that will work with sqlite not sqlite3. Ive tried some and not been able to find one that works!

Member Avatar for TonyG_cyprus
Member Avatar for pynehalem

To All Pythonist.. I have small SQLITE db.. for User Table 'SELECT loginUser from User'; sql = cursor.fetchall() listSQL = sql[:] for x in listSQL: print x listSQL SELECT Data Produce: (u'user1',) (u'user2',) (u'user3',) I want to match the list of user with a string input: example if the value …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for romanromeo89

I'm trying to write a simple sqlite query in c++ using visual studio 2010. My problem is that i can't use a c++ variable inside that query. I was not able to find the right syntax. `sqlite3_prepare_v2(handler, "SELECT * FROM grammateas WHERE username==X;", -1, &statement, 0);` where X i would …

Member Avatar for romanromeo89
Member Avatar for supreet.kaur26

hii..i am new to android..i am developing an android application on platform 2.1.. There are two textbox: one for Name and other for entering job.I want the values should be taken from the 2 textboxes editText1 and editText2 and inserted in my database whenever a user clicks the button.Please help …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Lius

This same code run good on windows 7 32 bit Problem happen when i run it on windows 7 64 bit error : database is locked... public void genTablehadir() { tblKehadiran.setAutoCreateColumnsFromModel(false); m_data = new Kehadirantable(this); tblKehadiran.setModel(m_data); tblKehadiran.setRowHeight(23); //inisialisasi int m_Jalokasi=0,m_kode=0; Boolean m_alokasi=false; String[] parsePeriode; String m_npk="null",m_nama="null",m_ket="null",m_id="null",m_flagE="null",m_flagP="null",m_cekhk="null",m_ceksts="null"; try { db.createMasterConn(); rs1 …

Member Avatar for Lius
Member Avatar for daino

Was wondering if anyone could recommend both free and not free report generator programs for use with SQlite. I'll need charts, colours and the ability to generate some pretty flexible reports. Any suggestions? Thanks danny2000

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for _hp_

Does anyone knows how to assigned directly the sqlite query result to a struct in C rather that assigning to its members one by one? I have a table user_info with fields user_id, username, password. Also I have a struct st_user_info. typedef struct st_user_info{ int userId; char* userName; char* password; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for infinitus

Hello there Quick insight of what im trying to achieve here is. User adds data to a database called property in (addproperty.php) Then user can search for specific data in that property database Here is the code addproperty.php [CODE]<?php $dbhandle = sqlite_popen("property", 0666, $err_msg); if(!$dbhandle) die("Could not open the database"); …

Member Avatar for infinitus
Member Avatar for Smithy566

Is anyone aware of how to silently install this application on windows? (sqliteodbc.exe) I can't find it anywhere, and yet it seems like such an important feature to have. I've tried the usual /?, /help etc, but to no avail. Regards

Member Avatar for iraj.jelo

hi friends . i have a sqlite program. i need get stuff data from QLineEdit and add to model & tableView . but i dont know what should I do :( plz help me

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ankur3000

I am pretty new in android application development and I am trying to get on of the rows from a SQLite db to show up as a Listactivity, but this is not working and the program terminates unexpectedly. Here is the code: [CODE]package ankur.test.app; import android.app.ListActivity; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; …

Member Avatar for hannon565

Hey, I am wondering if it is possible to transfer data from one database to another e.g. from a SQLlite database to a mySql database. I know they are different type and styles of database. The SQLlite database would be stored on android phone and mySQL seperatly on a appropriated …

Member Avatar for keltik
Member Avatar for stevelg

I am trying to create an app to enter records into a database (SQLite) which includes an option field with data selected from a drop-down list box or Spinner. I can create the Spinner from a string array input from Strings.xml but I want to make the data 'user editable,' …

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The End.