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34 Posted Topics
Re: The question seems a little vague out of context and you may need to provide more information. To add a node to a list, you have to make some other pointer point to the new node then add a ponter to the current node to the next element of the … | |
Re: Your problem is trivial and occurs at line 12. At this point you test for the end of the list and exit the method but instead of returning the count, you return 0 and get 0 every time as the result! 12 if (node == null) return listcounter; | |
Re: I recently got a book from the local library The complete Idiot's guide to HTML5 and CSS3, which covered the topic well but did not really cover the use of these for Mobile compatability, which is what I was looking for. Apart from this the 'for Dummies' series are often … | |
Re: I suspect your first problem is in the definition of the dot product. You say the result is a third matrix of size [3][4] which in your example is wrong. Generally two matrics of size [i][j] and [j][k] give a result of size [i][k] formed from the total of the … | |
Re: Very interesting, not done javascript yet, next chapter! Note that the vatiable name in line 31 is shown as a different colour, (like it has been recognised as a keyword,) but not in line 15. Also noted that line 15 has lev all in lower case, line 31 has it … ![]() | |
Re: Overlapping elements in html is handled by the *z-index* which is automaticaaly assigned (in order of declaration) by the browser unless you state otherwise. Try; #topdiv {position:fixed; z-index:1; ... ... } You may need a higher value or specify the z-index for the body as 0. If both still show … | |
Re: One problem I can see is that you have created the textView in the Java code rather then within main.xml but not added the View to the layout. You czan create widgets in xml or in code (or both) but they need adding to a view group using `this.addContentView(text);` You … | |
Re: On line 23 in the program you try to set up a Button variable but declare it as (Buttton) {3 t's} this typo will cause your error as the type is not recognised. I suspect your actual error message is Buttton not recognised as a type! | |
Re: The program shown will not calculate the value of e^x! Presumably, this is an exercise in programming to calculate the value as a series (hence collecting and printing a sum!) for which you should have the formula; [QUOTE]e^x=1+x+(x^2)/2!+(x^3)/3!+(x^4)/4!...[/QUOTE] This is no doubt the formula used by the java math class … ![]() | |
Re: You have not provided any code or listings it making it difficult for anyone to identify what the problem is! I ave had problems creating the R.JAVA class caused by problems in the XML files that create it. If there is a single syntax error the compilation fails and no … | |
Re: I think your answer may lie in a classic error in Java! At line 127 you test if the command is 'calculate' and then test for which operation is selected. Java will test to see of the object 'c' is the same as the object 'calculate' - which it is … | |
Re: In the getdbresults button listener you use the line [CODE]Cursor cursor = db.query(false, DBhelper.table_name1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);[/CODE] Reading the android developers reference docs there is only one form of query beginning with a boolean and this uses eight further arguments beginning with the table name and … | |
I am trying to create an app to enter records into a database (SQLite) which includes an option field with data selected from a drop-down list box or Spinner. I can create the Spinner from a string array input from Strings.xml but I want to make the data 'user editable,' … | |
Re: You are making two mistakes here by the look of it. The first is the type of result you want and the second is the function used. The if statement requires a Boolean value in the brackets to control execution. Your entry results in a numeric value, the number divided … | |
Re: While use of arrays or an arraylist would make sense they are not necessary. The original program is almost there. It even has an integer declared to hold the value in numcounter. What is needed is to record the current value of counter in numcounter when a new smaller value … | |
Re: You have two problems in the sort routine which I can see. The outer for loop initializes the startScan to 0 to run while startScan>data.length()-1 (4), but startScan will immediately be less than 4 so the code block will not run! (You need >) When you find the minimum value … | |
Re: Interesting problem! You are looking to print out the set of permutations of the three numbers 1,2,3. I did not know where to start initially but soon seen what was needed once I saw your approach. You are on the right lines but the above code will not work. Rather … | |
Re: As a starter, do you know what the first four perfect numbers are? Do you know the next perfext number after 6? and tellingly,, Given a number n, how would you determine if it is perfect? | |
Re: The methods shown will not do anything like what you are asked. The method getRank sets the value of Rank to 0 at line 10 but never alters or resets it to anything else. So the return at line 13 will be 0 irrespective of what you expect line 12 … | |
Hello A belated introduction to all. I am from Liverpool, England and work between a surveyors office on CAD and a web design company writing Java based cloud applications. I joined Daniweb to help augment my skills in Java. I have written a number of programs previously but have only … | |
Re: Challenging! You cannot do what you want the way you are trying to do it. For singles it is easy using; [CODE]where ti.UID=t2.UID and((t2.gender='male' and t2.age='23) or (t2.gender='female' and t2.age='20'))[/CODE] but when it comes to couples you need to test two records in table two, where you only access one … | |
Re: You are processing the input with the account object, which is defined as a SavingsAccount class. The subclass containing the deposit and withdrawal methods is named as Bank Account! Perhaps when you decided to rename one you should have renamed both! To accumulate the totals you seem only to need … | |
Re: A user repeatable loop usually places some code around the main program block with a variable condition. For example a while loop with a simple Boolean variable. Set the variable to true initially then after running through the loop once ask if the program is to be run again. If … | |
Re: Your primary problem here is that you do not call the 'printBin' method from the main class so this procedure is never called! You also use the call Integer.parseint() but do not allocate the result to any variable. These could be overcome using [CODE]printBin(Integer.parseInt();[/CODE] but as this returns an integer … | |
Re: You give no indication that you understand what you are trying to do. You should know that the median is defined as the central value in a set. If the set has an even number of elements it is the arithmetic mean of the central two. If you order the … | |
Re: It is not clear what you are trying to do! I can see how the first array adj[][] represents a directed graph but no lengths are given unless the lengths are the values in the array (ie. 1) Hence, you have no lengths to assess when the length is 2. … | |
Re: You should have successfully read the file into the arraylist in the lines 349 - 359. You now need to separate the lines into groups of four which are the formatted into contact records. The loop will need to run upto the size of the array, so use [CODE]for(int i=0;fileRead.size();i+=4) … | |
Re: Your main problem lies in understanding the operation of subclasses in OOP. Subclasses are templates for creating objects which do not exist in memory until a new instance is created and given a variable name. Then the code will exist but still needs to be called for it to do … | |
Re: The calculation for the power series evaluates each term adds 1 and then assigns this to the variable, overwriting any values from previous iterations. The final loop will then assign only 1 plus the last term. You need to accumulate the values from each term as it is caluclated. Hence; … | |
Re: Here's a hint for you. If you cannot separate the entered number into characters, the only way you can test individual digits is to divide the number down. If you use modular division (%10) the result will be the final digit in the number which can be tested. Using integer … |
The End.