5 Topics

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Bletchley Park, the top secret code breaking hub that played a pivotal role in the outcome of World War Two, has finally been awarded development funding of some £460,500 ($735,500) from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The money will literally save the place the saved the lives of countless people by …

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Who would you back in a fight? Barack Obama or Stephen Fry? When it comes to being popular on [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/22533/53/"]Twitter[/URL] these two are the only real contenders for the title if you discount news organisations and the like. Currently, of course, US President Obama has the size advantage with an …

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Sophos, the security outfit, has issued a [URL="http://www.sophos.com/blogs/gc/g/2009/01/04/phishing-scam"]warning[/URL] for users of Twitter to be on the lookout for an evolving phishing attack which could steal personal data if they are not very careful. Already thousands of Twitterers are thought to have received messages from their friends which invite them to …

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There's the start of a cult of the personality thing going on in the UK technology sphere. Traditionally people have done their research on a gadget before buying it by remarkably old-fashioned means; they look in a magazine, they check online, they ask friends and get a consensus. It's a …

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"It’s Harvard or Yale, Harpic or Domestos, AA or RAC, PC or Mac. Binary tribalism: Gilbert and Sullivan wrote a song about it" [URL="http://stephenfry.com/blog/"]writes Stephen Fry[/URL] as he explains that when it comes to the world of serious digital photography that choice is pretty much narrowed down to Canon or …


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