4 Topics

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Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was just wondering what this url is "https://fbcdn-photos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/hellocdn.html?v=1" for some reason on start-up my computer will open this url not all the time but occasionally. It doesn't do anything it just gives my a blank page, the HTTPS certificate is in affect so I don't thing it's …

Member Avatar for ZixCo
Member Avatar for lara1anjela
Member Avatar for spe_eddy

Sorry - I know this isn't strictly Python, and i'm more asking for a formula than code! Usually Excel functions show how they are calculated but i can't find anything on this one! So given a set of data, predict what the next value will be based on the previous …

Member Avatar for spe_eddy
Member Avatar for happygeek

When [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/10/18/twitter-finds-its-voice-and-roars/"]Twitter gets it right[/URL], it beats all the major news gathering organisations to the punch with the really big news. I heard about the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story253604.html"]Haiti earthquake[/URL] first on Twitter, and it took a fair while for the traditional news networks to catch up. But what happens when Twitter gets …

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The End.