5,213 Topics

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Member Avatar for scaliwag

I had a power outage last night, and my pc shut down. Now when I restart it I get the blue screen with this stop message: Stop:0x0000007a (0xc0384068, 0xc000000e, 0xe101aa06, 0x00d1b880) Kernel_Data_Inpage_Error So i am wondering if my hard drive has died or if it is just some data corruption …

Member Avatar for mechbas
Member Avatar for compbroke

I think my mouse shorted out my computer. If I can save my harddrive can I trouble shoot what caused my short? I think the mother board may be toast. agree?

Member Avatar for dcc
Member Avatar for word_up_834

Hi, Just before I took my laptop out of its case intending to use it, and when I pressed the start button it booted up, I could hear everything, the backlight in the screen shown up, but I can't see anything. The screen is just blank, although you can hear …

Member Avatar for JANINE
Member Avatar for Bryan42

I am new here and this site loks to be a great place to keep coming back to. Thanks in advance for your help. We have a Pavillion 7955 that has been just great but last week on start up it went to a screen were it was giving choices …

Member Avatar for JANINE
Member Avatar for lasher511

Recently I was upgradinga freinds computer with a DVD/CD burner and a video capture card so that he could capture all his old videos onto DVD and then toss them. The first problem that came up was that a 250W psu was not big enough to run 2 drives and …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for CyCarp

Hello, I've had this laptop since about October 2004, and this is my first major problem. I had it on sleep mode where I just closed the monitor and it shuts off (something I do often). When I opened it up, it started to boot back up like normal, but …

Member Avatar for dcc
Member Avatar for yewakguy

I just unpack my new pc from TigerDirect, but it couldn't start. After swapping power supply found it was the problem. Question- anybody knows how to work on a psu? what can I do to test or fix?

Member Avatar for JANINE
Member Avatar for logan_657

[COLOR=black]Well, my hard drive died on me... and XP won't boot. Interestingly, when I pop the drive into an external enclosure, and turn it on inside of XP, it causes the computer to crash, and restart. I spent some time searching these forums for some help, but figured after about …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for kdc7759

Hi, Hope someone can shed some light on this problem...... While trying to install a second HDD (sucessfully, at first!), when I came to restart the PC I got a blank screen, with no sign of the hard drive(s) booting up. I sourced an alternate motherboard (same make - P4 …

Member Avatar for cas.z
Member Avatar for flashdudette

My laptop fan died and the thermal paste melted on the cpu causing it to not touch the heat sink. Since then the laptop will not turn on because it heats up. Alctually it has turned on several times even all the way to windows login. Now it shuts off …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for asusfrustration

My computer will not power up. I have checked the power supply with a block tester and there is no problem there or with the switch. I have an ASUS A8N SLI premium board and the green led lights up when power is supplied to the board but absolutely nothing …

Member Avatar for asusfrustration
Member Avatar for rcrevolution

hey whats up, I installed THUG 2 on my friends pc its an old compaq but it passes the minimum requirements, anyways when I go to run it it says "Hard ware is too low, increase hardware acceleration and restart game" well if any of you knew me, would would …

Member Avatar for blondeindabooks
Member Avatar for trace526

Hi, I came here in search of help with my Dell Demension E510. (Windows XP) When I turn it on it makes a kind of grinding sound, and wont boot. There are the numbers '3' and '4' illuminated on the front of the tower. (I'm not sure if they were …

Member Avatar for trace526
Member Avatar for btcmb

I purchased a compaq presario 2100 off ebay. It was listed with a broken screen but running. I replaced the screen but still shows no video external or internal. On start sometimes all led lights and fan come on and stay on, other times they come on and all go …

Member Avatar for lancetb

Earlier this evening, I turned on my desktop (Presario S4000V with Windows XP Pro, 2 MB RAM) and it would not boot up. The green light on the left of the on/off button flashes steadily and the yellow light on the right of the on/off button stays on. The PC …

Member Avatar for Howard Martin

Hi, Hope someone can help. I went to turn on my pc the other day and I got the normal (for my pc) 3 screens up on my monitor, first the graphics card info then the memory check and drives check and lastly the boot up screen. At the bottom …

Member Avatar for Howard Martin
Member Avatar for daidreema

I'm looking for help recovering data from a PC which is not working at all. When it is turned on it makes a funny noise, but doesn't start up. The PC is quite old though, so is ready for the scrap heap - but what I would like to do …

Member Avatar for okie11
Member Avatar for okie11

hey folks got a hp laptop with a problem, think it might be a bad ac adapter, already changed out the motherboard due to a laptop repair shops recommendation, now $200 less in my pocket and still a dead laptop. when i try turning on the laptop occasionally it will …

Member Avatar for okie11
Member Avatar for gruesome1

i have a pc that is not starting up a abit IC7 max 3 motherboard. the only thing is that the motherboard light flashes. no fans spins. i changed the power supply and still nothing happens. could it be the motherboard that's fried? or CPU?

Member Avatar for intervalking

I have been playing around with an old computer of mine, and have found that when I turn on the computer, nothing happens, but if i unplug the 4pin power connector attatched to the motherboard and turn on the power, the fans run, but nothing else does. Any ideas as …

Member Avatar for mrchill
Member Avatar for dharmlost

I built this computer two to three weeks ago, from all new parts, and it has worked fine until this last Monday, the 15th. Monday evening, I received a windows xp blue screen while reading some stuff on livejournal, and the computer tried to restart, but it did not make …

Member Avatar for FarmerDudeM

I am trying to ressurect an HP Pavillion 750c but I don't think it is posting at all. The led on the back of the machine and on the mainboard light up when I plug in the power. All the fans kick on but the monitor does not come out …

Member Avatar for dcc
Member Avatar for seleokubo

hi guys. just joined 2day. nice 2 b part of you. please help me with this issue if you got any ideas. my ibm thinkpad 365xd gives me the error code 08611 on boot up and takes me to a self diagnostic test. the test reveals a mainboard error indicating …

Member Avatar for pauld07

[COLOR=#000000]:cool: [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I found this in download.com and thought of sharing with you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I think this is really cool technology that transforms your iPod or USB Hard Drive or Flash drive into a portable and private PC. It’s FREE for 30 days. [/COLOR] [URL="http://www.download.com/Mojopac/3000-2094_4-10618350.html?tag=lst-0-1"][COLOR=#800080]http://www.download.com/Mojopac/3000-2094_4-10618350.html?tag=lst-0-1[/COLOR][/URL][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Good luck [/COLOR] Paul

Member Avatar for theshanghaikid

Ok so, my laptop was working fine the last time i shut down. I went to turn it on, and nothing happened. so i plugged it in, and still no. the power adapter is good, it runs my friend's computer. when i plug it into mine, there are no lights …

Member Avatar for bmc249er

my gf tried turning on her notebook the other day after some considerable (2-3 weeks) time off, and nothing happened. no lights, no fan, no leds, no nothing. the ac adapter has the only working light on it. pulled out the battery, checked the charge in that, nothing. me thinks …

Member Avatar for bmc249er
Member Avatar for Vahyn

Alright so, I have been expierencing several the symptoms of a so-called "dead machine". What has been happening is...well, here's the whole story. The first time it happened, it was a simple random restart. This happened twice again, with no problem, but the THIRD time, it failed to boot up. …

Member Avatar for dcc
Member Avatar for Schnibs

Hello after searching on google with my problem this seemed the place to ask. So yesterday there was a power cut which turned off my computer, so 5 minutes later i go to fire it back up and there is another power cut during the boot up i think. Now …

Member Avatar for dcc
Member Avatar for robodisco

i have a 80gig Seagate Barracudda 7200.7 which i purchased last yr. Unfortunately for me it stopped functioning recently for some reason. FOrtunately it was still under warranty and was ecstatic to get it yesterday since my warranty runs out next week. so i try to install windows xp pro...initial …

Member Avatar for pintree3
Member Avatar for MasterAlex

Hello, im new here and require the assistance of pc experts on my problem as I have searched and searched for a solution but to no avail. Basically my pc will shut down quite randomly, most of the time when im playing games. It has only started recently and is …

Member Avatar for MasterAlex

The End.