1,247 Topics

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Member Avatar for MORTGAGEman

This may be a newbie question but then again guess what guys? I'm somewhat of a newbie. On my website I'm just coming along slowly, I don't really have time to put a few solid hours into getting it done, I put a few here and a few there. I …

Member Avatar for GR Web FX
Member Avatar for GR Web FX

Hey People, Basically, im putting together a site in dreamweaver, and i want to have a main title at the top of the page and the buttons down the left hand side........but when you scroll down the page, i want the content to scroll but i want the title and …

Member Avatar for DaveSW
Member Avatar for ep2002

Hi Everyone, I'm in a lot of trouble :o When I moved everything over to my new HD, I put DW MX 2004 on my computer & something happened to my template. It's not showing all the images the way it did b4. Please Please if someone knows DW 2004 …

Member Avatar for Rakesh Sidana
Member Avatar for pera2109

... that I can use for background and that will look good with the one I'm already using for table borders and menu (#638AB6) ??? Here's preview version of my site [URL=http://allaboutmadonna.com/test_site/]link[/URL] Any suggestions ???

Member Avatar for DaveSW
Member Avatar for tipsydesign

I am designing a site right now that I need to have links just display information in other frames. I am using the DIV format to make layers I guess and was wondering how I could make a link in on change the content of another. Is this possible? If …

Member Avatar for tipsydesign
Member Avatar for tbear263

Ok I have a site up and running that was created with Frontpage. After reading everything from the gurus I should look into using Dreamweaver MX. first can i just open the page on the net and edit with Dreamweaver or do I need to completely redo the site and …

Member Avatar for buzrtum2
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Ok i built this site using macromedia fireworks and i am just making it to replace [url="http://willpull22.remnetworks.com"]my site[/url] in a year or so and just wanted to test out making sites using fireworks. The problem is when i go into dreamweaver to edit things like text and links i can't …

Member Avatar for mikeandike22
Member Avatar for ep2002

Hi all, Anyone know of any really good web design boards with a lot of traffic? I'm not getting any responses on here. Thanks & have a great Saturday :lol: Michelle

Member Avatar for ep2002
Member Avatar for A Monkeys Uncle

Here is my blog, but I want another place to chat using posts such as a message board similar to this one, and I want to use the blog soley as a home page, so... A) How can I disable messaging from the blog. B) I know how to add …

Member Avatar for Dani

I was just wondering if you think that these forums might operate smoother with underlined links? A lot of newbies visit the tech support forums here, and they're all used to associating links with underlined words. Many other people do so as well. Do you think that underlining links makes …

Member Avatar for carlino
Member Avatar for Antonbomb22

With my good share of web surfing i have seen some horrible color schemes and i thought i should share 2 color secrets i know of. one i found and one i was recommeneded to;) The first which i use alot is behr.com's color smart system. you may thing wait …

Member Avatar for carlino
Member Avatar for red_evolve

Greetings. I have attached herewith a snippet of codes from my web page. I tried to "protect" the original image + I would like to center my original image. By using this css option, I realised that both the original & transparent image moved to the left relatively. How can …

Member Avatar for gooseneck
Member Avatar for cmills83

Does everyone here design for 800x600 resolution or for 1024x768, are there any tricks to making sites look good on both, flash, html, etc...

Member Avatar for DaveSW
Member Avatar for G5support.com

I recently upgraded to a G5 Mac and it's not compatible with Virtual PC yet. I used to use MS Internet Explorer on VPC to check what the Web site I was working on would look like on a PC. Fonts and some table would display different, so I would …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Cloud

Hi , I'm cloud , 42 yr old mom . I'm gearing down to get my associate's in webpage design , although I've been designing personal and 1 business site for years. One can never get too much education in this field and there's still alot I haven't learned on …

Member Avatar for rixius
Member Avatar for floris

Hi there friends, I have created a simple page (just 1 introduction page) for a friend of my father, but I have no motivation at all to generate something more usefull for them. It has to stay simple, colorful and yet professional. [url="http://www.RondjeZeevang.nl/"]http://www.RondjeZeevang.nl/[/url] Could anybody please give me an idea …

Member Avatar for rixius
Member Avatar for brujo

Hello everyone, noob here. I've done a couple of websites that are just graphic heavy.Those are pretty easy (I'm more of a tech then designer.) But now the company I work for wants to create a website for our remote users that has our company software available 24/7. It's mainly …

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The End.