1,247 Topics

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Member Avatar for Lemcc

Hello! I have a simple (simple to some!)Dreamweaver assignment to create an index portfolio, save it on my desktop, Zip a folder and email it. My problem is, whenever I email the zipped folder, the image does not show up with the page. All other links are present and working, …

Member Avatar for laura_ci
Member Avatar for orko

Hi All, I am trying to design a website, through which i can feed a live streaming (real player/ w. media player)..... but i don't have any idea how to do it.... can any one help me out where to start..... . do i need any software for broadcasting using …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for saurabhjj

hi guys, I am new to fatwire content server, I need to get all the data in a xml file, before displaying it on the jsp. does any one have any sample or clue for the same. I would be greatly obliged if I get one, thanks, saurabh

Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hello everyone, hope you are all well, Im am looking into building myself a webpage, and would luike some advice please with my header tags and domain setup. header tags im looking at using are the following [CODE]<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="description" content=". " /> <meta name="keywords" …

Member Avatar for webmaven
Member Avatar for 3DProf4online
Member Avatar for migcosta
Member Avatar for whiteberry

The difference between domain registrar and commerical web hosting. Please discuss the diffrence between registrar and commercial web hosting. I need to understand the diffenece between these two... thanks.

Member Avatar for Devoted Hosting
Member Avatar for justted

Hello, I am creating a website that requires a page to have over 100 small images (between 80x80px up to 100x100pxs in a gallery type interface. I will also need to have a hover over box with description for each box. I am also considering using a mysql database to …

Member Avatar for Geoff Hinde
Member Avatar for fawkman

Hi Guys I am currently studying an I.T degree at uni, which covers a lot of general I.T disciplines, web design, databases, programming etc. Although we get taught technical skills, such as C# and Php, I am at a loss a lot of the time when designing websites. I never …

Member Avatar for stellamary
Member Avatar for jonas999

Hey, I am new to this site, and I have some problems with my website footer. It look crapy, not full size. Have any suggestions what it is wrong. Website [url]www.smilez360.com[/url] And Also what do you think about Header?

Member Avatar for jonas999
Member Avatar for stevenpetersen

[URL="http://www.ibcfam.org/vistitor.html"]http://ibcfam.org/vistitor.html[/URL] Im trying to include a form from one page to the other for some reason it has been messing up the layout can you help please..... the include file is [URL="http://www.ibcfam.org/form.html"]http://www.ibcfam.org/form.html[/URL] thank you.. Also any feed back on the design would be cool too

Member Avatar for stevenpetersen
Member Avatar for virtualmisc

Hello I am planning to create a new website. I was thinking of using free templates. Heard a lot of reviews that they are not safe. Is is true? Someone please advice me on this. Thanks

Member Avatar for Arianna
Member Avatar for pranayshedge
Member Avatar for akosmaroy

while syntactically templates cannot be virtual functions, I wonder what approach to use when semantically this is what someone wants to do. for example, in my case I want to have a virtual function, because I'm using sub-classes while having a pointer to the base class, but I also want …

Member Avatar for tez

I have created a site using Cutesite Builder but there is no way I can find how to add a page where people can leave their comments (via me first of all I guess) like a Forum. Any help how to do so would be appreciated. Can anyone give me …

Member Avatar for David Sanders
Member Avatar for gptArun

Hi there, I am developing flash application in Adobe Flash CS3 with height - 100% and width = 100% at the time of publishing. But flash not resize according to resolution. I made flash application in 1024px X 768 px resolution. please help if you know the solution. Regards, Arun

Member Avatar for gptArun
Member Avatar for Gen Payten

Gen George Payten here! I've learned a few tricks with Website Tonight, which I think is good stuff, and it's free at Go Daddy, so what are you waiting for?

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for raigs

My website is programmed in PHP and currently uses HTTP compression (gzip) using PHP's built-in compression functions. (I cannot use mod_deflate.c because my shared hosting provider will not install it because it would use a lot of CPU.) The shared server where my website is hosted currently hosts 100 other …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for kipl20

Hi, I would like to design my website in photoshop but am struggling firstly with what resolution to use? i have read articles etc that say 800x600 is dead and i should use at least 1024x768. my next question is how would i start such a layout as obviously i …

Member Avatar for Arianna
Member Avatar for smadamij

Hi guys, hoping for some pointers on this one - On a website i run there is a simple 2 image flash animation advertising 2 store openings. However, it cannot be seen on an iPhone which the client is asking me to ensure visitors be able to see it in …

Member Avatar for jaimca

Hi please tell me how to view a pdf file in a web page in a flashy manner. The pdf shoulf open in the same page when a user clicks on the pdf link .. The display should be something flashy or attractive.. suggest me with your ideas .. Please …

Member Avatar for Beg.CProgrammer
Member Avatar for jb1ker

Hi fellow designers and affiliates. I'm really struggling to [B]make my customer understand a few basic things about web design[/B]. I'm not perfect myself but I have been doing this for quite some years. However, the company currently has its website done by a [I]friend of the family[/I]. The marketing …

Member Avatar for jb1ker
Member Avatar for whiteberry

Does using a free web hosting service effect the amount of traffic you get to your site?

Member Avatar for rogermatin
Member Avatar for ytregnn

I've until now created all my webpages in tables but have recently been thinking about starting to use divs instead. I've been thinking about trying to convert one of my ccurrent projects (from tables) to divs - anyone that happen to know some smart way to do this (without writing …

Member Avatar for zukilover
Member Avatar for jb1ker

Hi. I'm changing a site's URL to a new domain. The site is hosted at freewebs.com which makes it impossible to create redirects (unless anybody proofs different). What is the most efficient way to make sure I don't get penalized by Google for duplicate content? As the new domain is …

Member Avatar for jb1ker
Member Avatar for matthewl

I am pondering what I could do to improve [url]http://www.mlwehelp.com[/url]! any suggestions? Part of this update I plan to rework everything even my services like getting way from everything being free. Any suggestions on pricing based on the industry standards? my main goal is to deliver reasonable prices based on …

Member Avatar for cohen
Member Avatar for paptamas

Hy everyione. I'm new here (@daniweb). I used in my web projects some open source wysiwyg editor, like FCKeditor. And I want to create a very simple wysiwyg editor. With html and javascript. To make text bold, italic, colors, etc. But how to start? Any ideas! Thank you in advance:)

Member Avatar for paptamas
Member Avatar for jshesek

Hi, Not sure if this is the correct forum - but - I'd like my users to be able to type "Intranet" into the IE address bar and be directed to the Home page. I don't want to use a hosts file on the users computer. Looking for another way. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for wtd

Hi, I made this test page: [url]www.wearwolfdesign.com/index.php[/url] In Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer and Google chrome it works perfectly all look slightly different but acceptable. The problem is in FF the text at the top looses all it's format and goes a horrible font with no positioning. The second issue is …

Member Avatar for wtd
Member Avatar for paulhoffman

DaniWeb Design Community, I have created and customized a spry menu bar using Dreamweaver CS3 for my school's website and, although it displays fine on my computer in both IE and Firefox, some coworkers have pointed out a problem when viewed on some of their computers. Some of the menu …

Member Avatar for livecofriendly
Member Avatar for Ank12

Hello friends Today many of them are creating the website in WEB 1.0 or Web 2.0 . I have found a nice article on Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 differences which could help you in distinguishing between them , [URL removed]

Member Avatar for codejoust

The End.