1,244 Topics

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Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, When i open Favorites left frame become narrow and some content disappaer. How can i stable it. Thanks [code] <frameset rows="20%,60%,20%" border="0"> <frame src="top.html" name="top"> <frameset cols="20%,40%,40%"> <frame src="left.html" name="left" noresize="noresize" scrolling="no"> <frame src="giris.html" name="middle"> <frame src="right.html" name="right"> </frameset> <frame src="bottom.html" name="bottom"> </frameset> [/code]

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for manikkraj

I have one website. And my think is create an sitemap of website. So Plz suggest me. I Waiting for the feedback.. Regards Manikkaraj.D

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for nleaf

So just did a basic-grid layout scheme, looks fantastic in fire.... But IE brings up a couple problems.. Tried using the P.I.E. fix with no prevail, have a feeling its going to end up being a padding issue. (Which I can always just throw on the <p>. Just seeing if …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for dim123

Hey guys, building a website and having some compatibility troubles. The website shows up fine in Firefox and safari, but in Internet explorer there is roughly a 10 px gap to where the left side bar starts. Thanks in advance here is the site: [url]www.guillotine.net.au/nova-comm/home.html[/url] Here is the code: [code] …

Member Avatar for Janepenelope

Site management is a critical aspect for project control. During the peak of the construction process, project performance grows in complexity as more providers, vendors and subcontractors mobilize at the site. so what tools you using to maintain your site?

Member Avatar for martin5211
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

is it possible to create a visual studio web template without using master page and .aspx pages like dreamweaver template?

Member Avatar for AlexGrim

Hey guys, i'm sure that you've heard this a million times by now, but i'm stuck on creative ideas for a layout. I am a really good programmer / coder / dba / etc, but i almost COMPLETELY lack creativity for layouts! And we all know that no one will …

Member Avatar for martin5211
Member Avatar for bunnny

Hey pals, I'm interested to find out from the all good programmers in here. I'm not looking to purchase a website yet, neither to post an ad in Marketplace forums yet, just wanted to ask a few questions first. I was just wondering what makes this [URL="http://www.filtermusic.net/"]website[/URL] functioning(like script management) …

Member Avatar for srinag

Hi There, I am quite new for web development. I am building a personal website and using Dreamweaver CS3. I am using a table layout which looks very fine in firefox (version 3.0.8), but it looks awful in Internet Explorer. (IE 7.0). Its really frustrating. I am attaching a word …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for rapidweb

Hi, I need some good templates to buy for some clients to use in Dreamweaver CS4. I downloaded some samples from some of the popular sites selling web templates and I am very disappointment. It is very hard to use most of them since the entire layout is based on …

Member Avatar for dhirajkumar
Member Avatar for tonysz06

I have been trying to rid myself of a looping IP. I set up the following in .htaccess from the root but does not seem to work. I reread the htaccess tutorial in case I missed something. But, I don't think thats the case. Any opinions will help. Thanks order …

Member Avatar for smiro

Hi everyone, i'm having a strange problem with firefox not displaying my frames correctly. Basically i have 4 frames= _header, _leftMenu, rightMenu, _blockText now in the left menu i have a link like this for example [CODE]<a href="general/welcome.html" target="_blockText">Welcome Home</a>[/CODE] as you can see target=bla bla should give me the …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for reen.blom

Hallo there! I am making a site for a friend in HTML/CSS. I REALLY need to make one page for her Schedule, that she could update herself. The problem is that she would not be able to edit the simplest HTML code/upload file via FTP or cpanel. I was thinking …

Member Avatar for Trapped
Member Avatar for lavachickie

I am trying to integrate the Spry Menu Bar into an existing site design with a boatload of CSS. So I'm SOOOOO close... The submenu for the third item in the nav (the only entry which will have a submenu right now) displays in the wrong place. For the life …

Member Avatar for MJ Pieterse
Member Avatar for The Dude

Over the last year or so i have noticed different sites GOING TO COMPLETE GARBAGE WEB DESIGNS when they had an AWESOME DESIGN BEFORE!! An email server im on is introducing a NEW INTERFACE which in my (And many others opinion) IS COMPLETE GARBAGE!! The interface they had for years …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, [code]<textarea name="textareaQ3" rows="3" cols="80"></textarea>[/code] works fine in IE but, it the text is nor broken down into multiline in Firefox. How can i solve this iddue? Thanks

Member Avatar for opsryushi

Hey everyone, So here's the deal - I've been pretty into website design for a few years now, and I like to think I'm relatively good at it. Over the years I've had a few people ask me to build websites for them, and I used to do it for …

Member Avatar for Jen0608
Member Avatar for LiBOC

Dear all, [COLOR="Green"]Given the requirements: [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]1) A few of my friends would like to log into WordPress account, update our entries. 2) The website that we set up, would automatically retrieve the latest entry on its own and be viewed by the visitors.[/COLOR] What are the things I need …

Member Avatar for Jen0608
Member Avatar for ~Sake

I was just having a bit of a discussion with a few people, and I'm just looking for some more opinions on site administration design. Do you prefer an integrated type of administration system (eg, extra admin links in user profile and news entries, etc. when logged in as an …

Member Avatar for jakx12
Member Avatar for macki

hi! ive started encountering problems with developing sites with pop-up windows. These pop-up windows are not for ads, theyre for picture galleries or to other html windows...etc. Ive gotten calls from 2 clients saying b/c they installed or their friends have installed pop-up blockers they cant see part of their …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for cutieams

i am designing a website ,i am currentlly facing a problem regarding screen resolution, i have designed my website in 1024X768. when i view my website in other resolutions the alignment changes..i mean the size of image and the data remain the same..but the view completely changes i mean the …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Vesperto

I'm testing a small site in multiple browsers and am getting different results with this code: [code=html] <img src="...path.." alt="text if image is missing" height="128" width="128" /> [/code] If the image is missing: - Opera 10.0 (Presto) and Midori 0.1.2 (Webkit) will display the text within a 128x128 space; - …

Member Avatar for Vesperto
Member Avatar for cohen

Hello all, I need some help with linking. I someone clicks on "Step one" i want it, to go down the page and to where step one is located, and then when you click top of page, it goes up to the top of the page... How do i do …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

I had a web site , and it is a web site for community of my state.. Please advice me some good and effective search engine optimization methods... Regards Rajeesh

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for jitterson

I am planing to purchase news update forum for my site, can someone tell me where I can find one.

Member Avatar for Adrian Miles
Member Avatar for umen

hello all im building search engine ( in house ) and now i need to stitch html/css gui to it i like to build simple clean page that will have the search text box and advance search in the top and the result that is constructed from text and images …

Member Avatar for dogfishcat

Does anyone know how to go about making a web layout for a dating site? Would like some help Please. Thanks

Member Avatar for superchris
Member Avatar for sacarias40

i cant see an error [code] <?PHP session_start(); if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $email = $_POST['email']; $password = $_POST['password']; if (isset($email) && isset($password)) { $handle = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("man_of_honor"); $safe_email = sql_safe($email,$handle); $safe_password = md5(sql_safe($password,$handle)); $login_query = "SELECT * FROM moh_members WHERE email = '".$safe_email."' AND password = '".$safe_passwd."'"; $result = mysql_query($login_query); $num_rows …

Member Avatar for superchris
Member Avatar for willyontour

Hi, If you search in google for, let's say, "Personalized Presents" you see [url]www.personalizedpresents.com[/url] as the first site. Can someone tell me how I can get my own websites to appear in a similar layout with a link to each of the pages (there are 8 listed in this example) …

Member Avatar for seanansari
Member Avatar for Tonkz

Hi, I want to ask you guys if you could recommend me a good book for web programming. By the way, I'm a intermediate web programmer, fairly knowledgeable in HTMl, XHTMl, and CSS and I would like a book that would teach more in usability and flexibility of the website, …

Member Avatar for Tonkz

The End.