35 Topics

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Member Avatar for jakizak

Ok here is the required feature: To send data gathered from a database inside a UserControl to the main form which houses the UserControl. Hierarchy at present: Mainform --FlowLayoutPanel ----UserControl The UserControls are generated on the fly by a client list in a database. This all works fine. When you …

Member Avatar for jakizak
Member Avatar for TechxRay

Greets to all! I have 2 user defined controls. 1 is the main, the other is the control that contains all the radio buttons. One of the criteria is to have a clear button in the main control to select the 0 radio button that clears all the text fields …

Member Avatar for NeilR
Member Avatar for saitej_1

hi friends pls let me know how to add products to my basket which was in masterpage and how to do caluculations with them

Member Avatar for bradly.spicer
Member Avatar for xHellghostx

Hello guys, so I am facing a problem to understand the following.. Creating a GUI based program that has a user control box that contains a list of images of a 52 cards deck, the cards are based on an enum actually 2 enums one for the rank and one …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for f.sh

actually, i'm developing dynamic template using asp.net and c#. in my usercontrol page i have a listview which is include dynamically created table. once the user edited any of the rows and press the save button before the PageLoad or PageInit i want to execute the ItemUpdating function to save …

Member Avatar for f.sh

actually i'm developing web template using asp.net and c#. i have mainTemp.aspx page which is include usercontrol page. in my usercontrol i have a listview which in this listview i have to create dynamic table inside the ItemTemplate based on a XML file. my listview code including the ItemTemplate is: …

Member Avatar for f.sh

Actually i'm creating web template using asp.net and c#. in my user control page i have to create the table dynamically. i just read the data from XML file then retrieve the name and number of columns and rows of each table. while i'm creating the table i assign the …

Member Avatar for f.sh
Member Avatar for ventura1

Related to: C#; Windows form, Storing Multiple Instances of a User Control: Hi: I’ve created an app with a user control that accepts parameters. When a user clicks a button I need to store the current view of the control and bring into focus on demand. Several instances of the …

Member Avatar for ventura1
Member Avatar for AndyPants

hello I'm NOT new to vb.net but i have never used a UserControl in the following manner: In need to make a UserControll that can be put in a list of them depending on how many the user chooses and then if there are more than 4 to have a …

Member Avatar for AndyPants
Member Avatar for mikesowerbutts

Hi, Im trying to convert my UserControls to be sharable across multiple projects. I have read up on this, and it seems that I need to have all code in one file (i.e. in the .ascx, rather than codebehind/designer) so I am trying to do this: [CODE] <%@ Control Language="C#" …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for cgull

Hello, Does anyone know about a good tutorial for a user login system? I searched the net for a day and a half now, downloaded few scripts, tutorials and classes, but each one had a problem in it. I need a simple and secure user login script. Any help? Thanks

Member Avatar for cgull
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi, i am creatnig an windows desktop application. and in the main form i have a menu stript. what i want to do is attached one user control to eacn menu stript. each user control has a different design. how can i do this??? any tutorial

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for Lereyn

Hello, First of all, I would apologize about my english which is not very good ;) I'm a newbie in .NET, and I hope my code is correct :) I'm on a project which consist of going on websites and retrieiving informations based on the 'criterias' the user has given …

Member Avatar for Olivis

Hello! I need a way to have 3 colums of checkboxes inside a checkedlistbox. I know i could do it with a panel, labels and checkboxes. But having them all in the control would be more convenient. I'm pretty sure there is no direct way of doing this, so i …

Member Avatar for sandeepparekh9
Member Avatar for arsheena.alam

I have created a user control and i am using it in login view control. to get the value in the textbox the code is [CODE] TextBox mytext = (TextBox)LoginView1.FindControl("mycontrolname"); [/CODE] but when i try to do the same with usercontrol it is not working; ie. I am unable to …

Member Avatar for digitig

I have a 2-d array of my own controls (derived from UserControl) on a panel in a Windows form. I would like the arrow keys to navigate in 2-dimensions, but the arrow keys get intercepted before I get to see them so I just get the default navigation (which goes …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for sheirali

Hello, I have a very strange issue and am not sure why it is happening or how to prevent it. Envionment: .NET Framework 3.5 WinForm application C# VS2008 Pro Issue: I have a WinForm containing a TabControl which has a custom usercontrol on two of its TabPage. The usercontrol i …

Member Avatar for eantz

hi, I just want to start an application with vb.net I have enough basic knowledge in vb.net And now I want to try use alternative UI for my application. For example I want my application look likes office :) or I want a better tab control So, where can I …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for smariano77

I have a web page: [url]www.netstorerosario.com.ar[/url], and I now a lot of mistakes I made on it. I decided to correct them all. In order to do that I need to know which option it's the most efficient. In my page, to show product in the index.aspx I use user …

Member Avatar for aviavyne

I need to write a new code which can do the following: Write a function-driven program that gives the new ID for a 4-digit integer entered from the keyboard. The new ID is formed in the following procedure: The last four digits of a social security number (SSN) will have …

Member Avatar for myk45
Member Avatar for finnj6

Hi I'm trying to develop a site that users can log into. It's all standard enough the details are being kept on a mysql database. I can add the details to the db but my code for logging in isn't working. here is my login script [CODE]function user_login($username, $password) { …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for Hassan Radmehr

I installed Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008 and use report viewer control in the C# express 2008 win forms, also i installed Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2010 and use it in the C# express 2008 win forms, but in c# express 2010 when i add reportviewer (2008 and 2010) to …

Member Avatar for gptArun

Hello, I am working in MOSS project tried to fetch records from Picture Library having folders with images. Creating UserControl in c# to fetch all these records but it didn't fetch images from folders. Tried some file handing but no success. OR help me to find any webpart for picture …

Member Avatar for ScottS4732

Hello... I have a composite control inside a repeater and I am trying to databind its properties like so (simplified example) : [CODE]<uc1:Control ID="id" runat="server" Value='<%# Eval("value") %>'>[/CODE] This works fine when I include the repeater inside a web user control, include that web user control inside ANOTHER web user …

Member Avatar for lucammino

Hi everybody. I have an UserControl (Windows Application - .NET Framework 3.5) which is composed of a TextBox and ListBox: it should pretty much emulate a "suggestion box" just like the ones in Google and other various search engines. Now, the initial status of this control (TextBox blank) imply the …

Member Avatar for lucammino
Member Avatar for ayesha789

I have Developed a Database using MySQL and PHP. Now there are 60+ users who are using this DB. I want to make a system which tells me about Active and inactive users. Please guide me. My memebers table is like [CODE=mysql]-- -- Table structure for table `members` -- CREATE …

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for adam2009

Hello, I have used the following article to create N local users: [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/everythingInAD.aspx?msg=3448333#xx3448333xx[/url] How do I set some batch file ,that I have wrote ,to be executed right when each user logs-in? (Include it in the statup functions to be executed). Cheers,

Member Avatar for adam2009
Member Avatar for Phoenix127

We have a MDI main form, which contains a main menu and holds the properties and routines to - select, read and write a selected DAT-input file, and to convert the data to and from a MS-Access database - open forms like grids and specificly an InpMatrix (which shows INPUTMATH …

Member Avatar for Phoenix127
Member Avatar for ayesha789

I have developed 2 Database using MySQL and PHP. I have created member table in which there is a type of user. On basis of type I restricted user to view private pages. Now I wanted to check status of users. when they login, logout means timing of the users.

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Member Avatar for Loranus

Hello for my C++ programming class I am programming a Dictionary program that allows the user to enter in definitions and stores them between 2 classes. Dictionary which will contain all my entries and Entry which will contain the definition for every word that the user inputs. Now when they …

Member Avatar for mattjbond

The End.