20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for jaasaria

hi everyone, need to get some advice, when opening mysql connection what is the way using Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient (use in my current vb.ney proj) or ado connection? (use in my current vb6) thx in advance.

Member Avatar for Rahul47
Member Avatar for renzlo

Hi, Everyone, Is it possible for the autocomplete feature of textbox to show only when I type the @ sign? I have a list of common email address domain, I just want an autocomplete feature that when the user type the @ sign the autocomplete will show and suggest. Thanks …

Member Avatar for renzlo
Member Avatar for aarviii

hi i want to show my 2nd form then close the 1st form. here's that simple codes and i can't do it right. please help Private Sub btlogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btlogin.Click form2.show() me.close() End Sub

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Member Avatar for Pheyishayor
Member Avatar for IsaacMessi10

Public Class Form1 Dim CloseButton As New Close Dim RestoreButton As New Restore Dim MinButton As New Minimise Dim Drag As Boolean Dim MouseX As Integer Dim MouseY As Integer Dim WinBorder As New PictureBox Private Sub CloseButtonCode() Handles Me.Load CloseButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top + AnchorStyles.Right CloseButton.Enabled = True CloseButton.Location = …

Member Avatar for Rahul47
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

Hi. I was just wondering if there is a simple way to get the file size of a selected program. The thing is that if i select a word document or etc the file size should be 2.34MB not like 2355.2 in KB or B. If the file size is …

Member Avatar for Ahmed.C
Member Avatar for scrolipilo91

i need a VB.net application that contains a button named "LIVE" and when i click on this button i want roiters news to appear, who can help me?

Member Avatar for DM Galaxy
Member Avatar for Paolo_1

Can I ask you how can I automatically fill my TextBox when I choose an unbound item in ComboBox. For example, I choose "January" in my First ComboBox, then "09" in 2nd ComboBox and "1993" for 3rd. Then it will Show "January 09, 1993" in my TextBox.

Member Avatar for Rahul47
Member Avatar for gayzlein

Hello, i need a code to show data from database into textbox i have this request "select count(*) from table" i work with access database andi want show the result in textbox pleaase help

Member Avatar for gayzlein
Member Avatar for vamsi.siddhani

i want to create buttons dynamically.... what i mean to say is i have a button which says add new one.... if someone click that button, a button should appear with the name given by the user...... if i enter the name of the button and click on add new, …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for said ahmed

Each item in window form design has exchange text box control,what is the functio of this na me a)used to identify it and it isa variable. b)Its the label of that control. c)used for display d)all the above.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for manel1989

Hi everyone! I have a datagridview and I want to automatically fill it Let me explain: I have a matrix (gainMatrix) and I want to fill my datagridview by the latter, here is a piece of code that I use for filling: for (int i =0; i <ala.size(); i++ ) …

Member Avatar for said ahmed
Member Avatar for patrickmhando

How can i delete a record from a datagrid when i highlighting a certain row in my vb.net form ? I expect good answers from you guys. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for Paul_15

I am developing an application which I have added 2 combobox's (possibly not the best way but it works fine in the most part) which I import data into from a CSV file. I have added code in so that users can add to this file, again this works fine. …

Member Avatar for Paul_15
Member Avatar for Paul_15

I have created an application (in VB Express 2008) which allows me to distribute some useful web pages to users. The problem I'm experiencing is sorting on ComboBox1 (renamed to PageName) and this then throws the URL Address combobox (ComboBox2) out of sequence. Any help on this? Tried using the …

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Member Avatar for remyajames

Hai, I am doing a project in VB.Net and SQL Server 2000. When I try to execute my queries in the crystal report it gives a query engine error and in other cases it shows the report with each row repeated. The SQL Query works perfectly in the query analyser. …

Member Avatar for Armand_1
Member Avatar for pc20912

TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls(4).Text =”Test” Control and Tab Pages created in runtime. (No of Tab pages depend on user input) How to handle this control without control Number. ? (Is any way to handle with Control Name)

Member Avatar for pc20912
Member Avatar for nikki05

Hi, I have multiple Controls grouped in Groupboxes. I want to select the control from groupbox dynamically. For example, I am able to select the controls from GroupBox1 with the code below. However, I want to make it dynamically so that users can select any controls from any GroupBox. Would …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for nikki05

Hi, I read many articles about this, but I still couldn't manage to solve it. I want to select the item of a listbox with MouseEnter event. It should be something similar like this Private Sub LBox_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles LBox.MouseDown If e.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then Dim …

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Member Avatar for kRod

Good Day all, My question is When I get the schema of an EXCEL worksheet with Column headers I get what's expected the names of the columns but when I get the schema of a worksheet without headers I get the first row of data as the Column Names. The …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for nikki05

Hi, I have one form with multiple controls (e.g. Button,Textbox, RadioButton, ComboBox, etc.). I want to set the focus dynamically on a control using key F4 to highlight that control. Scenario: 1.Suppose the user clicks on any control 2.Press Key F4 to highlight that control so that the user will …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

Hi. I've been working on this FTP client for a while and in it is Show selected image. I'm currently using this code: PictureBox1.Image = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(New IO.MemoryStream(New System.Net.WebClient().DownloadData(ToolStripLabel1.Text))) I added it to the Form load event. The picture I'm acquiring is from an FTP server but each time it …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for docgrid

dear friends, icreated small project to open excel using vb. everything works fine with one exception. i used VB express 2010 in xp OS when developing the project. when it runs on the windows 7 platform the opening excel file goes behind the my application. the VB form topmost function …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for StatiX

Im trying to display data in a datagrid then once a row is selected show a different column of the database in a text box. I use the unique primary key in the datagridview as not visible so once the row is selected, i can get that integer and populate …

Member Avatar for gever
Member Avatar for nashy13
Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for shena

Hi all, i created a table (columns:part_no, part_desc, pi_loc) whereby part_no field has unique values. But, now need to add one more column "customer" and the part_no will have duplicates. And, we need to verify new entries by checking the part_no and customer fields (which tied together is unique). How …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for babyluxe03

Hi.. i have created a tic tac toe game in vb net 2010.. im almost done with my project but there are still some errors. Can somebody pls help me with my code? A big thanks to whoever will help me.. my errors are: buttons remaining are still clickable when …

Member Avatar for babyluxe03
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Hi Experts, First of all Happy New year in advance. :) I am unable to run VB.Net exe file on another computer.On that computer there is no VB.NET application. how can i make that computer for running .exe file. Pardeep

Member Avatar for prateek.singh.18
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

Hi. I am working on this ftp client and i want a column of the listview to show the date modified. I've got the code but here's the problem: Private Sub RefreshList() FTPDownload.Hostname = LoginMenu.TextBox3.Text.Trim FTPDownload.Username = LoginMenu.TextBox1.Text FTPDownload.Password = LoginMenu.TextBox2.Text ListView1.Items.Clear() Try For Each File In FTPDownload.ListDirectory Dim ext …

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The End.