Hi. I've been working on this FTP client for a while and in it is Show selected image. I'm currently using this code:

 PictureBox1.Image = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(New IO.MemoryStream(New System.Net.WebClient().DownloadData(ToolStripLabel1.Text)))

I added it to the Form load event. The picture I'm acquiring is from an FTP server but each time it loads i keep getting this error: The path is not of a legal form.
Is there a solution for this?
If so please give it to me :)



PictureBox1.Image = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(New IO.MemoryStream(New System.Net.WebClient().DownloadData(New Uri(ToolStripLabel1.Text))))


PictureBox1.Image = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(New IO.MemoryStream(New System.Net.WebClient().DownloadData(New Uri(ToolStripLabel1.Text))))

Gives me an error saying: Invalid URI: The URI is empty. < On Form Load event
and on button click event says 503 bad login.

Is there a way around it?

What string is in ToolStripLabel1.Text?

The only error I get when I use the url is a server error because the link doesn't contain username and password in order to log into the site.

 Function getimage(ByVal url As String) As Image
        Using w As New System.Net.WebClient
            w.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(LoginMenu.TextBox1.Text, LoginMenu.TextBox2.Text)
            Using s As New IO.MemoryStream(w.DownloadData(url))
                Return Image.FromStream(s).Clone
            End Using
        End Using
    End Function

I'm actually using this one from one of my prevouis projects but i can't add the function to the Load event. It gives me "The path is not of a legal form." pointing to "Using s As New IO.MemoryStream(w.DownloadData(url))" but it works perfectly when the button gets clicked.

Any idea?

I can't seem to duplicate the error you describe. As long as the url is like what you posted then it goes to the server and stops because of failed log in.

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