20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

Hello people.. I've been working with listviews and FTP clients and i was wondering if you could help me with getting listview to show the icon for the relevent type. So like i have a files in the listview which is music.mp3 and testdoc.txt etc and i need the list …

Member Avatar for Ahmed.C
Member Avatar for aning0420

hi !! my background in vb.net is not that good, but i need to make a voting system, user must be log in once and update his status into yes after voting, i have a table namely tbl_elemvoters it has a fields : voterid, username, password, name, grade, section and …

Member Avatar for Keerthi_1
Member Avatar for nikki05

Hi I am storing name and texts of controls (Label, Button, ComboBox, ListBox, etc.) into a dictionary. With ContainsKey, I am able to find the texts of Labels, Buttons, and RadioButtons. However, I am getting problem to find the items of ComboBox. Appreciate if you have an idea. If _dic.ContainsKey(selectedControl.Name) …

Member Avatar for nikki05
Member Avatar for pearl.kumar1

Hi to all, This is the first time i can use barcode..anyone can suggest how to use coding () in VB.Net.. Private Sub Button3_Click(print_click)(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Actual VB6 Coding for the same module is.. Private Sub BTNPRINT_Click() Dim cur_dat_tim As String Dim copy …

Member Avatar for tigerwoods11
Member Avatar for Patrick_3

I don't know if what I would like to accomplish is possible in VB, but here it is. Lets say my program creates a set of labels at run time. These labels will be named Label_n (n being an index value to uniquely identify the object). Later in my program, …

Member Avatar for Patrick_3
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

Hi. I was just wondering if there is a simple way to detect if the filetype is a sort of docuemnt which can be read and written. e.g. txt, docx, ini ect. I want to make it in s uch a way that when the listview selects and item it …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for amvx86

Hey what's up everyone? I have a script here that works when i execute it from command line, and when I double-click it. Now, there is something interesting going on here. 1) When the program is executed by process.start it does not load (even when called from cmd.exe /c ...) …

Member Avatar for vaasudevi

Hi all, I am loading the webpage into my webbrowser and navigating, filling the from etc. while do so, if i fill the first textbox , based on that second text box has to come automatically. But it's not coming automatic. When viewing page source of that page came to …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for dangeroz

Public Class Adminpage Dim result As MsgBoxResult Public Sub shw() End Sub Private Sub Adminpage_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load clr() End Sub Public Sub clr() patientno.Text = "" lasttxt.Text = "" Firsttxt.Text = "" Middletxt.Text = "" ComboBox1.Text = "" gencbad.Text = "Select..." MaskedTextBox1.Text = …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Trle94

Hey guys what I'm really trying to do is that i use same button to open image, convert it and save. Example on first click our button name is "select.." you click it and filedialog opens and you choose image, when you hit okay it changes name to convert, then …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

I was just wondering if there is a possible way to get the last 4 characters from a label or textbox. If someone could please provide me with an example that would be great! Thanks..

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

So I've been working on this FTP server client using Howard Richards FTP client library. After a while the program just stopped logging me into the FTP server and is giving me the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error each time i click the button …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Rajiv9

Dear All, I had created Userform in VBa excel in which data is provided after the final rsult in user form i want to print whole data in specified format What is code of printing for specified format Rajiv

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for tyserman5674

I am getting an error with this statement and can not seem to figure out what is wrong. [code] decMortgagePayment.ToString("C") & " Monthly Payment" = Me.lblMortgagePayment.Text [/code] I am doing a calculation and want to put the results of the calculation in lblMortgagePayment. I get the error for this line, …

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for GreaterThanYouAndMeCombine

well our professor said to make a program able to solve specific mathematical problems by using VB 6 well iwas studying Vb6 but i can't get a clue on how to make the equation inputtted to be the one used as a formula (like for example type equation here: (x^2/2 …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for themaj

My current VB.net project involves a 2003 Access db and I have now upgraded one of my machines to Access 2007. Before I upgrade the other I'm wondering whether there are any significant issues with my present VB.NET code that might render it 'broken'. Are there any connection issues I …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

Hi. So i was just wondering if there is a way to get the filepath only when a user selects a file using an openfiledialog. E.g. Rather than C:\Test.txt it should be C:\ Really would appreciate the help

Member Avatar for Ahmed.C
Member Avatar for Fangling

Hi i have a datatable which looks like: Modulecode AdminNo EG1001 111411H 111380Y 192029B EG1002 110970R 102938X ... populated in a dgv. How to i get: Modulecode NumofStudents AdminNo EG1001 3 111411H 111380Y 192029B <<<<<<<<<<Blank>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EG1002 2 110970R 102938X <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . . . My codes are: ''Connections Dim connect As …

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for nerden

I am trying to write an application to do various things, one of the elements is going to require a service, The service is called myService.vb and is part of the main solution containing frmMenu which has a button (btnRegister). Is it possible to programaticaly register this service? Alternative question: …

Member Avatar for nerden
Member Avatar for yuvjeeth

Hi Everyone, I would like to know if there is any way to change the color of a part of text in rich textbox when the user types it automatically like the way in vb.net IDE (Classes have blue etc.). Thanks in advance, Yuvjeeth

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for monching

Hello guys, I have my problem in saving date to mysql. Dim conn As MySqlConnection Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand Dim commandB As MySqlCommandBuilder Dim data As MySqlDataAdapter Dim query As String = "SELECT * FROM events e;" Dim myconnstring As String Dim comm As String Dim vers As String …

Member Avatar for shashikumar s g
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Several people have asked about storing binary data in a database. I coded up an example today that uses an ADODB.Stream to copy the binary data but after some fiddling I found a more direct way. If you are using MS SQL Server, the easiest way I have found is …

Member Avatar for chloie

hi I have the codes for the save,delete and update button but I need the codes for first,prev,last and next can you please help. please

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

Hi. I just wanted to know if there is anyway to make a textbox recognise if there is text or not. I don't want it to be textbox1.text = "". Is there a legitimate way?

Member Avatar for Ahmed.C
Member Avatar for imperator

Hi. I am trying to create a program that automatically inputs text in a webpage input box. It inputs the text properly, but first it needs to focus the text box properly. Namely, when you manually enter the text, you normally first click on the input box, then input the …

Member Avatar for yuvjeeth
Member Avatar for Rajiv9

Hi, I have avalue like 2.90 i want the value to be round off to 3.00 Can u help me out Rajiv

Member Avatar for Rajiv9
Member Avatar for sushilsth

I have boolean value either class a or class b.. if those given condition are fulfilled then i want to have class a label in my report else class b. but when i inserted below format in formula field then i got error. this is just a sample. plz provide …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

So I've been working on this simple FTP Client and i've come across this problem. Basically when the user clicks on the folder, a label changes saying ftpserver.com/folder1 and then when a user clicks on the folder inside that it's meant to be ftpserver.com/folder1/folder2 but the label is only saying …

Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

Hi. First Post... Just need some help with this program I'm doing.. I've been programming a FTP Client and i've got the base done but i just have one problem...I've added a listview with 3 columns. 1st column is File Name, 2nd column is File type and the 3rd column …

Member Avatar for Ahmed.C
Member Avatar for drmangeshajoshi

Hi All My query is very simple. I have a data file with two fields only in EXCELL.( Fields are Name and Address) 1. Import this file in MSACCESS 2007. 2. Creat a Form in VB2008 Express edition. 3. Fetch the data from database file. 4. How to distribute/install this …

Member Avatar for kRod

The End.