20,278 Topics

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When i run my program there's an error in conn.open() and tells "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done." Please help me to solve this problem... Here's my code: Dim ds As New DataSet Dim dbSource As String Dim …

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for Shodow

how to perform click on listview? when button is click listview will perform a click on first record of a listview

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Learner010

i want to add a label over progress bar to show the percentage of the completed task . i added the code : Label1.Parent = ProgressBar1 Label1.BackColor = Color.Transparent but now i can't see the label1 even. so how to make label1 transparent.

Member Avatar for Gé48
Member Avatar for Shodow

how to select all item in listview? For i = 0 To lvList.Items.Count - 1 lvList.Items(i).Selected = True Next i PrintToolStripMenuItem.PerformClick()

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for sonyeo

The problem is when i delete a records from the listview, it deleted but when i look unto database it doesn't deleted. Please help me solve this problem: Here's my recent code: Module1.connect() Dim sqlconn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim Button = MessageBox.Show _ ("Are you sure you want to delete …

Member Avatar for sonyeo
Member Avatar for sonyeo

The problem is it works updating the records but all records will gonna update... i want to update the selected records only.. I use Listview~! example column table: Processor Pentium(R) Intel(R) Dual CPU when I edit the Intel(R) into VGAgraphics, the Pentium(R) and Dual CPU will also change into VGAgraphics …

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Member Avatar for ibpet11

Hello guys, I did appreciate this quick assistance, I have a .csv file and I want the lines in the file to be sorted using value in the first column and the write out the sorted file to another file Take an instance we have: ================================= 36,Line1 APPLE FRUIT 11,Line1 …

Member Avatar for ibpet11
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I'm trying to create a program that I will use to browse through websites when I'm not connected to the internet and I can download the single page using the code I provide bellow but what I want is to download the entire website with it contents e.g. …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Fangling

Hi i have a datatable, dt3 showing: adminno paperno 111411H 4 111411H 9 182938C 2 192839A 3 111380Y 26 111380Y 36 111380Y 40 182737N 26 182737N 40 i want to populate: conflictingpaper numberof students adminno 4:9 1 111411H 26:40 2 111380Y 182737N ... .. .... ... i have these codes: …

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for Fangling

Hi, i have these codes: Dim dt3 As New DataTable dt3.Columns.Add("AdminNo", GetType(String)) '/*Add column AdminNo dt3.Columns.Add("PaperNo", GetType(Integer)) Dim curmodule As String = String.Empty For Each dr1 As DataRow In dt1.Rows curmodule = dr1("ModuleCode").ToString For Each dr2 As DataRow In dt2.Rows Dim found As Boolean found = False For i As …

Member Avatar for Fangling
Member Avatar for SenseiWuzi

Hi, Basically, what I'm trying to do is that once the user has entered player names into two seperate text boxes, the user will then click the "Play" Button, this button will then change it's text to say "Quit". How would I go about doing so that once the button …

Member Avatar for SenseiWuzi
Member Avatar for Sevyt

Is there any way to show the highest value from a access db column in a textbox which you put in the load of a form? Found something by searching around, but did not get it to work at all. Maybe because i cannot open a connection in the load …

Member Avatar for Sevyt
Member Avatar for shenn.to

Problem with group box. I had created a groups box. With objects inside it with small spaces between each. But when I run the program. The spaces of the objects inside the group box became large. Picture one shows the design phase. Pcture two shows the running phase.

Member Avatar for shann_
Member Avatar for Sebastian_1

I am trying to write an app that can be used by different users with different access levels. I have some buttons that I am using a Inputbox to ask for and verify the password. I would like the change them to a password char txtbox However, I dont know …

Member Avatar for Sebastian_1
Member Avatar for GeekPlease

Good days folks, I have a dgv where I have to select a text in a certain cell. For example in a cell there is a text like - "A SELECTED TEXT". What I want to do is when I highlight the word "SELECT" in "A SELECTED TEXT" it will …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Shodow
Member Avatar for shermags

Hi, Can anyone help me on how to serialize an inherited datagridviewtextboxcell? I had created a custom cell in which I had incorporated several customized properties and save it to binary file. <Serializable()> _ public class CustomTextboxCell Inherits Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxCell 'code goes here End Class SaveFile: Private Sub save() For Each …

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Member Avatar for pc20912

Sir, My DataBase field name "PerID" and "Imagepath" In DataGridview, I want to show "PerID" and Image (Not file path)

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Member Avatar for sushilsth

hi, i have 12 groupbox in each tabcontrol page. And i want to keep all groupbox in same location of same size overlapping each other. I want to make one function and apply to all groupbox. So that my code wouldnot be lengthy. But i didnot get idea to do …

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for aarviii

hi, i'm making a library database and if the user returned the book passed the due date given.i want to find the day difference and multiply that to a given fine amount.like this daydiff = due_date_of_book - date_returned fine_amount = daydiff * amount thanks in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ammukarthi

I am having a database table which stores customers information which includes cutomers country as a column.now i want to convert the customer's country as a single word for example f a customer belong to united states i want to convert it as 'us' and want to dispaly it in …

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for IsaacMessi10

I'm trying to imitate the Windows 8 Start Menu preview'. Private Sub CornerHoverMouseOn() Handles CornerHover.MouseHover Dim CHL As Integer CHL = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height - 100) CornerHover.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom + AnchorStyles.Left CornerHover.Location = New Point(0, CHL) CornerHover.Height = 100 CornerHover.Width = 50 CornerHover.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch CornerHover.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.CornerHover End Sub Private Sub …

Member Avatar for IsaacMessi10
Member Avatar for shenn.to

I'm having hard time looking for a solution. :( How can i add tabs without duplicating it on the tabpages. I'm using list view to add tabs to the tabcontrol. These are my codes: Public Class frmMain Private Sub treeviewMain_NodeMouseDoubleClick(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) Handles treeviewMain.NodeMouseDoubleClick Dim page As …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE

im doing a program in vb6.0 and im using datagrid as my table for database. i want to print selected rows in datagrid... the system im working on is inventory system printing the selected rows..help me thanxx..

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Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for hueikar

I put this code at App.config for winform. <appSettings> <add key="DocumentVault" value= "\\\C$\SomePath\SomeWhere\Else\"/> </appSettings> but why I still can't access the filepath?

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for oluseye.ademola

I am new to vb.net Pls. Can someone help me on how do to display my data saved into sql server from form1 to datagridview in form2 with vb.net. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for heatherrgoodwyn

I am using vb.net ajax to load a crystal report located on the server - sometimes it works and other times the call to .export just hangs sql server and we have to restart the sql server. I can't find any discussions of this error anywhere and I'm sick of …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Nebil

Hi all, I was going to develop a rate analysis(that does a cost estimate for construction).Previously it was done using Excel.Now i wanted to convert that to vb.net having a database. I need some one to give me a hand on that. Thanks!

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Minko

Hello, I am getting an error on this line: ReceivedData = NetStream.Read(CryptData, 0, Size) This is the information it gives me: A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' occurred in System.dll Additional information: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. If you could help me understand why …

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The End.