20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for sushilsth

Dim i1 As Integer Dim i2 As Integer For i1 = 0 To Me.DataGridView5.Columns.Count - 1 For i2 = 0 To Me.DataGridView5.Rows.Count - 1 If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.DataGridView5.Item(i1, i2).Value) Then MessageBox.Show("You must fill in all cells before you can save the data.", "Empty Cells", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) DataGridView5.Rows(i1).Cells(i2).Style.BackColor = Color.Bisque 'Index was out …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Jake.20

Greetings fellow developers i just want to ask for help on how to slide the panel from right to left of the screen. I only know the sliding panel from left-to-right but is it possible to slide the panel from right-to-left?

Member Avatar for Jake.20
Member Avatar for sushilsth

For i = 0 To DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1 ' Dim row1 As Integer = DataGridView2.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value.ToString Dim row1 As Integer = Nothing Dim row2 As String = Nothing Dim row3 As String = Nothing Dim row4 As String = Nothing Dim row5 As String = Nothing Dim row6 As String = …

Member Avatar for sushilsth
Member Avatar for Spacecrawler

I created a combobox with certain values in it, I need to read the selection from the combobox into a text box. Any suggestions to help me get started?

Member Avatar for Spacecrawler
Member Avatar for hdaccess

I am currently making a subreport and I found it very tricky to do. I already created a parameter(ID) that would link Report2 to Main Report but still it doesn't work. I have two datasources: LoanerDataSet for the main report and LoansDataSet for report 2. I would like to ask …

Member Avatar for sushilsth

Private Sub one_btninsert_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles one_btninsert.Click For i = 0 To DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1 Dim row1 As Integer = Val(DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value.ToString) Dim row2 As String = DataGridView2.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value.ToString Dim row3 As String = DataGridView2.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value.ToString Dim row4 As String = DataGridView2.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value.ToString Dim row5 As String = DataGridView2.Rows(i).Cells(5).Value.ToString Dim row6 …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek

Hi again DaniWeb, this time I'd like you to help me with the text alignment options available in a standard text editing application. My problem is, even though I got the application to successfully align the text where I want it, that if I click on every single option (Justify …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for intes2010

I want to create two buttons that would pause and resume my backgroundworker but it is giving me an exception error of "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". It seems like the resetevent is not linked with my BackgroundWorker and i don't know how to link …

Member Avatar for intes2010
Member Avatar for sushilsth

Private Sub btnupdate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnupdate.Click Dim myindex As Integer Dim reg As Integer Dim roll As Integer Dim nepaliw As Integer Dim nepalio As Integer Dim mathw1 As Integer Dim matho As Integer Dim mathw2 As Integer Dim engw As Integer Dim engo As Integer …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for fugio

Hi there ! how to select row from datagridview when column have cells is empty I tried this but nothing worked Please help on this private void selectrow() { int i; for( i=0 ;i<dataGridView1 .Rows .Count -1;i++) { string row = dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["Name"].Value.ToString(); if (row =="") { sqlconn.Open(); string sqlquery = …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for lexaeterna

i am working on a project and theres a feature that i seemingly want to include, it is the attachment of a word file in an email and the values that are included in the letter are imported from the database using vb.net is there a way to import values …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for satti

How to popup alert message to a 2nd client end when a new data enter in database done by client1 on network ? for example me and my friend using an application for data entry, when i enter any data through software he get an alert message that new data …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Mireya B.

Hello, I am using checkboxes for the users to choose one of the options given. My problem is, the checkbox does not uncheck after the data has been inserted into the intended spreadsheet. Means, I have to use command button with clearform instruction to clear the checkbox. How do I …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for ComputerFirstAde

Hi Guys, the project im currently creating is a basic form with calculations, which all works great, my task now is to save the form data (labels, textbox data etc) to a word document, now i have achieved it to do this, but i had to specify the name of …

Member Avatar for BigFatMama
Member Avatar for adity

could any one please help me with the code for creating a MS word document from a record that already exists in the database using vb.Net coding.. thank you in advance

Member Avatar for BigFatMama
Member Avatar for sushilsth

Grpnursery.Top = 38 Grpnursery.Left = 20 grpone.Top = 38 grpone.Left = 20 i have 15 groupbox in my form and i want them all to be in same position in form. How to make a function of position and all call to all the controls.. function position() dim grp as …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Fangling

Hi, i have this query: cmd.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT PaperNo,ModuleCode1,ModuleCode2,ModuleCode3, ModuleCode4, ModuleCode5, ModuleCode6, ModuleCode7, ModuleCode8, ModuleCode9 FROM(PapersList)ORDER BY PaperNo ASC" and i have this code to loop: Dim dt3 As New DataTable dt3.Columns.Add("AdminNo", GetType(String)) '/*Add column AdminNo dt3.Columns.Add("PaperNo", GetType(Integer)) Dim curmodule As String = String.Empty For Each dr2 As DataRow …

Member Avatar for Fangling
Member Avatar for Fangling

i have dt1 from a query cmd.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT AdminNo, ModuleCode FROM(SEGDATA)ORDER BY AdminNo ASC, ModuleCode ASC" Dim dt1 As New DataTable dt1.Load(cmd.ExecuteReader) DataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = True DataGridView1.DataSource = dt1 another query dt2 cmd.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT PaperNo,ModuleCode1,ModuleCode2,ModuleCode3, ModuleCode4, ModuleCode5, ModuleCode6, ModuleCode7, ModuleCode8, ModuleCode9 FROM(PapersList)ORDER BY PaperNo ASC" Dim dt2 …

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Member Avatar for dalebryant76

IF I wanted to change the text inside of a RichTextBox on the click of a button. What code do I need? So far I have: Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click RichTextBox1.Text(???? What goes here? because I'm getting Property access must assign to the property …

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Member Avatar for xXdragon15Xx

Hey, I'm very new when working with %userprofile% ect, The code I have now is. When I press the button VB tell me It cannot find the directory. Please note I've tried %Userprofile%, %userprofile% Nothing will work :/ What's wrong? And How do I go about fixing this. Private Sub …

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Member Avatar for JohnKelly

Dear all I have a private MSMQ on a server in workgroup mode (SBS 2011) On a client I can see the queue using System.Messaging.MessageQueue.GetPrivateQueuesByMachine(servername) and am able to read the name of the queue. I am able to write to the queue but am unable to retrieve anything from …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for billwester

Running VB-2012 on Windows8 PC using MS-Access 2010 (.accdb) and ACE12, I am now getting this error on the database connection. When I used Vb-2010 on WSindows8 PC, the error did not occur. Any ideas on what I can do the Access database to clear this problem?

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for UKnod

I have writen a few DB programms in ADO.net now, and I hate it. It is riddle with confusion and problems, and because of the ridiculous idea of using all the data locally, it makes networking neigh on impossible and incredibly slow, so please please someone show me how to …

Member Avatar for UKnod
Member Avatar for shers

Hi, I'm working in VB.Net. I have a textbox in which the user enters a number of strings seperated by comma. I store this value in a string array like this [CODE] Dim Src() As String Src = txtVals.Text.Split(",".ToCharArray)[/CODE] I want to search a dynamic string in this array. How …

Member Avatar for markwelbar
Member Avatar for GeekPlease

Good day guys, I've been developing softwares in different languages. But, I don't fully understand when to use a specific language where I can fully utilize it's ability. For example (C#.NET vs VB.NET), - When to use C#.NET over VB.NET and vice versa? - What are the projects that can …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for major_lost

Hello all; I have a random data file that I created with code. The file contains strings that represent items I want to display in a combobox control. The strings contain multiple fields with headers that describe the data to follow. I have NO problem displaying any single field of …

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Member Avatar for Eruditio

I've written a script to alter images in a number of Excel workbooks. In order to properly access the image information, I need to iterate through all Sheet.Shapes on a particular worksheet. I'm having trouble with grouped worksheets. **How do I ungroup worksheets from VB.NET?** I've tried both activating and …

Member Avatar for Eruditio
Member Avatar for Learner010

there are 10 labels and 1 button in the form and i want to set some properties using code(which will applicable to lable only) , and for this i used the code For Each lbl As Label In Form1.Controls lbl.Font = New Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point) lbl.Top = settop lbl.Left …

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Member Avatar for Eruditio

I've written a script to change all images in many hundreds of Excel documents to a .png format in order to reduce their file size (the largest were coming up on 25MB). **If the images in the Excel document are not in their original orientation** i.e., if they have been …

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Member Avatar for hennel

I Have a excel sheet with dates that I want to use datetimepicker with (only date needed). I just want to click on datetimepicker, choose a date and it must show me the info in my data grid view. this is my button code. I have a txt box that …

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The End.