20,284 Topics
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Hello all I am on a windows application form where people can log in and add status ... and it's all online via sql database. What i am looking for is a sql query that Insert into the table the current time,so i can print on the application the time … | |
Hi, is there an accepted emthod to print a selected row in a datagridview? I've done some reading and gotten as far as printing a page via the printform but I wondered can you drill down into certain rows or certain datagridviews? thanks, | |
Hello, i'm working on a xml-style format protocol for question-and-answer applications. The concept is simple: there are just a few types answers possible (just like in real life): open answers which are entered as strings, numeric answers as integers, multiple choice answers and ratings (which are just numeric integers, really, … | |
Hi I am working in vs 2005 (vb.net), i am using france culture(fr-FR) in my application, so i need to convert the france currency amount (23,00 €) to decimal (23.00). any one help me. | |
Every time i try to run this codei get the following error: "'System.Data.DataRow.Protected Friend Sub New(builder As System.Data.DataRowBuilder)' is not accessible in this context because it is 'Protected Friend'. " this is my first time to insert using oledb and the With method. [CODE] Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class frmAddd Dim … | |
First of Hi peeps .... I have a small prob that I want to run by anyone who could help me simplify this code, Well I'm trying to change the string value (123A456B789) into a numerical value like this '123' 'A=0' '456' 'B=1' '789', but for the same reason as … | |
hi i am developing an application of which i want to create a DEMO version for 7 days.. i tried to make the demo stop in vb.net by checking for the current date and if its past 7 days then the app. wont start. but the problem is is the … | |
Hello, I have a few items in my listbox how would I convert it into an array? | |
Hello, here is what I'm trying to accomplish. I have a listbox with web site links on them. How do I make a webrequest visit them all at once and make it finish load the page? | |
Checking data for login form with oracle xe database | |
I want to use a progressbar to show that I'm retrieving the records from the database so that the user wont be confuse if the program is still running or not. Here's my code. Please help me.. [CODE]Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load cs … | |
Hey, I was trying to make a program which displays two chars A and B on the screen. Using the WASD keys, it lets you move the A char around and using the arrow keys it lets you move the B char around. I wrote the following: [CODE]Module Module1 Dim … | |
I have this code. I need to loop through it, until button 2 is pressed. I also want to count how many times its looped and show how many times in a label. [code]Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load WebBrowser1.Navigate("www.WEBSITEHERE.COM") End … | |
Hi, Can anybody help me in getting the time differnece between 2 dates in time format HH:MM as example need time differnec between 23Dec 20:35 and 24DEC 3:10. I am able to get the difference for same date but failed to calculate for 2 dates. Thanks | |
If have this code which writes the following into a text file. [CODE]sWriter.WriteLine("a" & " " & A.Text)[/CODE] This is the result [QUOTE]a 45[/QUOTE] - Id like the text in A.text to be in speech marks, so the final result is something like his [QUOTE]a "45"[/QUOTE] But I cant seem … | |
I have a text file like this; Bananas=60 Tomatoes=34 Rasberries=102 Apples=23 If I have a form with textboxes or numericalupdowns is there anyway I could change the number of fruit and veg in the text file? Could it be possible to somehow open the textfile into the form then, edit … | |
Hey need some quick help, some strange error I havent seen before even though ive been using the code for some time. [CODE]Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e … | |
Hey guys! I need to use quotes inside a string variable... but I don't know how. If I simply put double quotes at the start and at the end, the program interprets it as a closed interval, like if every quote is a string. What can I do? I've searched … | |
I am starting a butterfly program and having an issue and really just barely have it started and would like to get some help\feedback on how to do this. The following is the instructions and I will make a second post on what code I have so far... The butterfly … | |
i have a few habbits in vb .. 1) ME before anything local in a form, example: me.label1, me.textbox1 and so on. 2) string.empty or in vb6 vbnullstring instead of = "" 3) put call infront of a function call... call pull_data instead of pull_data 3) instead of using if … | |
Dear Freinds I have a few question Regarding VB.NET 1) I have a datgridview and i want when user input the datagrid 3rd cell the 4 cell of datagrid readonly = false means user not input value in 4th cell 2)i want a autonumber generate in textbox is alphanumeric like … | |
Folks,I'm currently working on a project for my final year exams.I want to use fingerprint recognition technology in my project.The two best free fingerprint recognition sdk providers that I came across were 1]verifinger which unfortunately doesnt support windows fingeprint scanner and 2]grFinger which has 0 days limitation but it's okay … | |
Hello... I want to draw three straight lines on a form. Can you tell me if the following code is correct: [CODE]Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint Dim Line1 As System.Drawing.Graphics Dim PenLine As New System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Black) Line1 = Me.CreateGraphics Line1.DrawLine(PenLine, 0, 129, 529, 129) … | |
Friends... I'm doing INVENTORY project... front-end : vb.net back-end : Access I'm having PURCHASE, SALES tables... In sales form, i need to create CONTROLS during RUN-TIME... i.e, when we gone for shopping to a DEPARTMENT store, we buy LOT things... they will give us only one BILL... when they are … | |
Hi friends... My friend s doing an online project... He wants to know how many users(REGISTERED) are LOGGED-IN CURRENTLY in his site... i.e if i'm ADMINISTRATOR of this DANIWEB, i want to know the USERS CURRENTLY LOGGED-IN... I need the logic for this... Help me... Thanks in advance... | |
I am having a problem with the following piece of code: [CODE] For countInteger As Integer = 0 To 3 seatsSoldInteger = ticketDetail(indexInteger).seatsSoldInteger costDecimal = ticketDetail(indexInteger).costDecimal totalTicketSalesDecimal = seatsSoldInteger * costDecimal Next countInteger [/CODE] I can't get it to break out the totalTicketSalesDecimal for each countInteger | |
hi frnds can i have any vb.net mini projects. if so please mail me to [b]email snipped[/b] plssssssssssssssssssssssss | |
I am only new in vb 2008 .I Want to populate a combo box in vb 2008 with mysql, but when i run the thing that appear is "System.__ComObject"..kindly check the errors...plz.. [code] Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset conn = New ADODB.Connection rs = New ADODB.Recordset With … | |
hi all, i am a newbie to visual basic .net i have a vb.net database that has 3 textboxs that go to a listbox and also store in a database. i was wondering if i can extract the data from the listbox to excel like a csv file or something … | |
Hi, I have an array, and I want to split the contence into textboxes. I have written some code to do so, but it won't work and I can't figure out what's wrong with it. Could someone please help me with this [CODE] Dim bh As String Dim x As … |
The End.