20,284 Topics

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Member Avatar for Prashant20

i have developed a student form asking student details such as name, address, class, standard etc... The details are saved to STUDENT table (SQL Database). There is a another form with datagridview control showing data of STUDENT table. The form2 can be shown on student form by VIEW button on …

Member Avatar for arch_mah

I want to insert number for City_Id and City_name , i wrote a query for auto generate number for City_Id,working fine but in the city name i want to avoid inserting duplicate value like if Mumbai is a City ihave already saved then system should not allow that name again. …

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Member Avatar for Member 784510

Hi Friends, I have a strange problem and I need your support to get this resolved. Recently I have created a setup and deployment project for my VB.NET application. In that seup project unknowingly I changed the command section to .exe. Now after Installing the application in my pc, whatever …

Member Avatar for Member 784510
Member Avatar for Member 784811

I need to design a search/filter for a DataGridView. The search contains 2 comboboxes and 1 textbox. combobox1 are the field names, combobox2 is the criteria (=, <>, like), and the textbox is to input values. For example: Users will select the Road Name field from combobox1, "=" from combobox2, …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for Member 784811

Im creating a filter/search for a datagridview in VB. I have a two comboboxes and one textbox. combobox1 selects a field, combobox 2 selects criteria, textbox is for values. After I select my field and criteria and enter in my value, I hit a Go button and run the following …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for VBNick

Hi, I am trying to make a windows forms application that starts using Sub Main instead of the Form1_Load event. I have tried putting this in Public Class Form1 [code="vb"] Public Shared Sub Main() MsgBox("ASdf") End Sub [/code] and also tried putting this at the top of the programs code …

Member Avatar for VBNick
Member Avatar for RHaynes

Hi, I'm hoping some of the wonderful minds here can assist me. I have written a Windows application that takes user supplied locations, and extracts data from an Access db and puts it into Excel for a few manipulations (calc a percentile, get a few totals). It works, but it …

Member Avatar for RHaynes
Member Avatar for b1izzard

Hi all I have Created a software using Vb.net and Ms-Access using VS2008. I am using ADVANCED INSTALLER to create a .exe Package and get its deployed. It works well in my machine but in the Destination machine , I get an error as shown below: [CODE] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not …

Member Avatar for nilesh04dream
Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Member 784648

i have problem in displaying a single line in different line... my code is Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Me.TextBox5.Text = Me.ListView1.Items.Count Dim oFile As System.IO.File Dim oWrite As System.IO.StreamWriter oWrite = IO.File.CreateText(" E:\ " & Me.ComboBox1.Text & ".txt") oWrite.WriteLine(" ") oWrite.WriteLine(" ") …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for maips

people plix help me with ASP code for login. am using MSSQL i want users who have registered using their emailadress and passwords to be able to login.

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Member 784653

Hello, i have created a Office management software in vb.net & access, but i m not able to run it multiple machines.

Member Avatar for raul15791
Member Avatar for detoxx

I'm currently in the process of creating a Windows application much like "Steam". The problem I'm having is that I need to be able to add new games to the list which auto generates a button and the code behind it. I have no idea how to do this. Can …

Member Avatar for detoxx
Member Avatar for Maya Pawar

I have a table which contains InvNo,product,............ Another table 'Product' contains Type,subtype,....,InvNo I have form which has Datagridview and textboxes I want to what, when i go to 1st record (InvNo=101),the datagridview should display how many product which has InvNo=101. How can i bind Datagridview to currencyManager?? Plz help me............. …

Member Avatar for hirenpatel53
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Dear Sir, I need information about store procedure in SQL and how can i access textbox values into store procedure. and connection string for remote server (sql server 2005 installed on server) pardeep

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for bchaney

Is there a problem with my code? i'm trying to refresh a few form checkboxes based on text typed into machinetxt.text with what is currently stored in the database. i put this into the refresh button click event. here is my code: [CODE]Private Sub machinerefreshbutton_click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e …

Member Avatar for bchaney
Member Avatar for dxmedia

Hi, I am developing a VB.NET 2008 application, consisting of a main EXE application and several resource DLLs. I need two functions for the DLL: 1) one function to get a list of all files in the resources of the DLL. 2) one function to return 'by name' a resource …

Member Avatar for like_bilal02

Dear Freinds I face a problem with coding which i put in my datagridview coding is [CODE] Dim dis As Integer For abc = 0 To counter - 1 dis = DataGridView1.Rows(abc).Cells(3).Value * DataGridView1.Rows(abc).Cells(4).Value / 100 Next DataGridView1.Rows(abc).Cells(5).Value = dis [/CODE] its work 1st time when i load the programme …

Member Avatar for Some-Jackass
Member Avatar for bryandan

hi, hmm guys i want to know what are the common kinds functions is visual basic.net .?? any answer please .

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Anticrist

Hi, I'm creating a VB .NET software that launches a batch (*.bat) script. Now i need that the batch script, after it has done it's work, gives a signal to the VB .NET software, that it has done it's work. How to do that?

Member Avatar for iHacker

I've been trying to work on a personal project, in which the user enters in a text string in the first text box, and when the user clicks the "encrypt" button, the SHA1 hash of the text appears in the next text box. I've googled around for some information on …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for tirso

hi to all I have a datagridview created by drag and drop (using details), I was used standard binding navigator, the problem is there is no validation for empty text box or data types. Though there is autogenerated me.validate() by the system. So before the add button press by the …

Member Avatar for wiss.dev

Hi all im trying to get value of a constructed checkbox.checkstate value For i = 1 To 19 Dim scheckBox As String = "checkBox" & i & ".checkstate" dim int as integer = scheckBox ' Next --------------------------------------------------------------- in foxpro: ------------- int=&(scheckBox) any ideas??? thanks

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Kingcoder210

I need to make report there in crystal report there in crystal report. Let me make it clear to you. Listen I have a table called result ok? When user creates result for Tom it saves data in the table like that - ID - Name - Subject - Oral …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for AmberAsthana

when i click the button then an UPDATE query is fired, BUT IT GIVES The following Error: A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in System.Data.dll no value givem for one or more parameters

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for dxmedia

Hi, As there is almost no documentation for this, I would like to know hot to properly use in VB NET 2008 the keep alive socket option. Tried this: [CODE]myTcpClient.Client.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, 1)[/CODE] but then the TCP does not connect any more, and how do I know when the connection brakes …

Member Avatar for dxmedia
Member Avatar for bizzpu

Hy guys, I'm new here and I have one error... I wanna read from one *.ini file but not clasic read. Here is content of file confing.ini that I wanna read: [Config] String0=some text1 String1=some text2 String2=some text3 .... Read that I wanna get is value of String1 for example, …

Member Avatar for dghervas
Member Avatar for dghervas

Hello, I am a newbie with vb 2010 but some experience with vb6 My problem is relatively simple but i cant find the answer to it I have a form with a textbox and a button on it when i press the button i have code that starts a sub …

Member Avatar for dghervas
Member Avatar for mnmw

I have been using the code below to edit SQL database fields from the data stored in a dataset. Problem is I have to repeat this long code for each database field to be edited....I find this very tiring...IS THERE A SHORTER WAY OF EDITING SQL Database FIELDS. (Am using …

Member Avatar for mnmw
Member Avatar for Denxerator

You know when you insert an image into BASIC it makes a new folder called "Resources" and puts the picture in it? Well, I want a file in it so I can access it. [CODE]PictureBox3.ImageLocation = "C:\Users\Kenneth Rhee\Desktop\CIB\Profiles\" + TextBox3.Text + "" + TextBox4.Text + "" + TextBox6.Text + "\" …

Member Avatar for Teme64

The End.