20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for arch_mah

In the employee module i want to pick and add a picture from web camera.. On the "add picture" button i need to open a web camera screen.. Can it be possible..Please help

Member Avatar for arch_mah
Member Avatar for molivia03

Dear All Precious programmer, I have a problem in trying to get a list of a date including days in a table start from first day of the month to the last day of the month. This date should not include the satuday and sunday. and I should be able …

Member Avatar for hirenpatel53
Member Avatar for arch_mah

I have two doubts.. 1..I am trying to make a toolbox(As Like in the Visual studio screen at the left hand side ) in my project .when i put my mouse in the toolbox it should expand and when i put my mouse back then it should compressed. 2..In our …

Member Avatar for arch_mah
Member Avatar for sreyad12

How to display data from an MS Access table by selecting the a corresponding fileld from another table using VB .NET 2005?

Member Avatar for kingbawee
Member Avatar for leahrose87

Hello! It may sound silly but I really need help. I am just a beginner in vb .net. I am now developing a window-based software. This is the problem: 1. After the user log-in, the system must show the parent form and automatically show the main transaction form base on …

Member Avatar for leahrose87
Member Avatar for Huntondoom

hey, I was looking for a method I have a datagridview and a contentmenustrip if a click on a row I want to be able to retrieve information form the row to the contentmenustrip

Member Avatar for svmvishnu

Which is the best Database design book/tutorial for beginner to learn about database design and master on it.

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for p3p3p3

hi im new in vb.net i need to make a form like this [url]http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/8861/randome.png[/url] [url]http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/7952/random2o.png[/url] [color=#FF0000]For Firstname and Lastname[/color]: When you click to random Button it will auto pick random Firstname from [b]Firstname.txt[/b] and random Lastname from [b]Lastname.txt[/b] [color=#FF0000]For Username:[/color] when you click to random Username Button it will auto …

Member Avatar for p3p3p3
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, this question have posted before also, but i ahave some more questions as well. when i try to validate the datagridview cell which evet should i use in the datagrid view. i and using the dgvActions_CellValidating event,but the thing is i want to validate the cell after the …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for VB 2012

Can somoene please help me I want to Know how to Drag and Drop to cut files/folders and it opens a folderdialog for the destination:(

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Member Avatar for leahrose87

I have two form the parent form with the menu list and the child form. I want to show the two form simultaneously or the main menu first and then the child form.Is it possible? Any idea?

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for hassan_wah

We are converting a Visual Basic 6.0 application to vb.net 2008 and are having an issue, while executing the code under “form activated event”. There is a difference in behavior between form.activate in Visual Basic 6.0 and form.activated in vb.net. In Visual Basic 6.0, the Activate event was raised only …

Member Avatar for hassan_wah
Member Avatar for leahrose87
Member Avatar for utong_005

[TEX]hi can someone help me about creating an autonumber in vb.net... can i make an autonumber with out using data base? can someone give a sample code TY[/TEX]

Member Avatar for hirenpatel53
Member Avatar for molivia03

Dear All Precious programmer, I have a problem in trying to get a list of a date including days in a table start from first day of the month to the last day of the month. This date should not include the satuday and sunday. and I should be able …

Member Avatar for molivia03
Member Avatar for fenhopi

Hey! I have a program that searches for a word in a .txt file. When it finds the word I want to print the following 5 lines under that word. So for example: I search for "juice", and my label grabs this out of the textfile: juice apple grape orange …

Member Avatar for fenhopi
Member Avatar for ajaygour
Member Avatar for Mr Programmer

In my form, there is 1 Button and 1 Label. There is no text in Label1 right now. I have coded the button: [CODE]Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Label1.Text = "1" End Sub End Class[/CODE] Now when i run the project, i click …

Member Avatar for Mr Programmer
Member Avatar for Leodumbi

Hi Guys I've been for the last 8 months studying and creating a project and finished - at least as long as I could :) - Now I have a BIG problem,I want to make the Executable "Package". for installation and ultimate test of what I've build Is there someone …

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Member Avatar for thalz
Member Avatar for mindserve

I have the following on an RDLC report: =Sum(Cdec(Fields!ServiceCost.Value) - (Cdec(Fields!ServiceCost.value and Fields!Confirmed.value = False))) The problem is that it takes the false and add's any .00 to the total. So if it's supposed to be 241.00 and a false evaluates with $31.25 I end up with something like 241.25 …

Member Avatar for madlan

I'm writing a small search tool that searches a SQL Server database using Full Text Indexing. I have two text boxes with four radio buttons between (NEAR, OR, AND, AND NOT) Ex. CONTAINSTABLE(jobs, *, ‘computer NEAR California’) This works fine but if I start adding more text boxes\radio buttons (As …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for anuj6928

hello there... acctually i m creating a desktop application in vb.net so on the data insertaton page i had got an error that is "the ConnectionString property not initilized".. so i m posting all my code here... kindly help me.. [code] Public Class Registration Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, …

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Member Avatar for Member 785160

So hopefully I am aloud to post this here. I am doing great in class but this chapter and especially this programming challenge has got me stumped. So I am in need of help. Heres the question: Create an application that when a user enters a positive integer value in …

Member Avatar for wolfrain63
Member Avatar for theemerchant

Can anyone please help me on this? The server is supposed to see which computers are online and which are not. if the workstation are not online the computer should not be seen on the server's list but if it open again the computer name should appear on the list. …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Mr Programmer

Hi... :) I have only [B]1 LABEL[/B] in my form. There is [B]no text in Label1[/B]. I want that when i run the project, the label has any [B]word or number[/B] in it like '[B]1[/B]'. I want that when i run the project [B]AGAIN[/B], the [B]word or number[/B] in the …

Member Avatar for trpsjt2008
Member Avatar for patr1c1a

I'm trying to update an Access database by using an OLE connection, retrieving the information from textboxes where the user enters the new information. All the fields in my Access table are required fields, so I have validated that some info is entered in each one of the textboxes and …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for fenhopi

I have this code that searches for a set of numbers in my textfile. When it finds those numbers I want it to print what's on column 5 to 12 in the same line. Is this possible to do? I've been looking for an answer for ages now, and I …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for pvi

I'm tyring to connect to the sql server on my lcoal machine and have this error. "An error has occured establishing connection to the server. Failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL server does nto allow remote connections.(provider:Named Pipes Provider,error 40 - could not …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for laptop545

hello all, Can any please help me in this : I have a form , in a website which has : year : text box Photo : type ="file" Submit button. Now, if any user enters the year, and uses the browse button to select any photo, and then clicks …

Member Avatar for prashantchalise

The End.